the records which are preserved and kept, in
the Archives of the Order, of the true Faith, of the true God
The Lord, thy Christ, thy God.
Know, O Israel, the Lord
thy God is One!
"He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.
If ye believe not in me, believe in the work for the work's sake."
For He,
as ye have been told, is not the God of the dead, not the God of
those that have forsaken Him,
but those that love His coming, that love His associations among
men, the God of the Living, the God of Life! For, He Is Life!
To be served with the purpose;
that as may be given, as that Counsel, that Advice, as will enable
the body in its present experience to meet all of those conditions.
Know in whom you believe. Know in what you believe. Know the author
of thy belief. How few stop to know that! We say we believe, but
what? Who is the author of thy salvation? Who is the author of thy
faith, of thy hope, of thy aspirations? Man? What man? Only He, who
has made the test in giving himself in the service of his fellow
man. Lord Lead Thou The Way. I Commit My Body, My Mind, To Be One With
Thee, That We May Make Manifest
the Love of God and Man. Only those who know God, or have sought Him,
may interpret even His walks among men! Thus
these Teachings are given
with the desire and purpose, that this information may be a helpful
in the life of each individual that studies same; enabling then,
each individual to better fulfil those purposes for which they came
into this experience. For, as has been indicated throughout the
history of mankind, there have been the periods requiring an
individual to be raised up for special service. Many individuals
might have filled those positions, yet apparently those individuals
and no other. But God is not a respecter of persons as persons. For:
"Who is my father, my mother, my brother, my sister? He that doeth
the will of the Father the same is my mother, my brother, my
sister.” Thus the possibilities for each soul are to know the truth
that shall set men free, not only from the burdens of the spiritual
and the mental but also the material. For “The Lord thy God is One.”
And the Body, the Mind and the Soul are One. Yet they each must in
their own sphere and phase of activity meet the various problems
that have been and are the part of an entity's experience throughout
its sojourns in a material consciousness.