The Second Coming
The Purpose of the
Order, Is To: Herald the Coming of The Lord
The Son is the
Father, and the Father Is God, and the Son, will return has He
promised. This time not incarnated, but visible to the carnated,
thus He shall be, He will be, presented to the world, this time in
His capacity as the Father. Know that in this world (not the only
world but a world of many), is indeed, a third dimension world, thus
this truth implies; that there is also a first dimension, and a
second dimension, in like manner there is also a fourth and a fifth
dimension (among others). Know then, it is from these other
dimentions, that He shall come, not that these dimensions are away,
or far, but rather they are near, and next to same (nevertheless
separate). But All are One! Know O Israel that the Lord thy God Is
One! And He Is mindful of thee, are you mindful of Him? Does He live
in the book, or is He kept in your heart?
"Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord.
Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth,
and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter
rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of
the Lord draweth nigh. Grudge not one against another, brethren,
lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.
Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have spoken in the name of the
Lord, for an example of suffering affliction, and of patience.
Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the
patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord; that the Lord is
very pitiful, and of tender mercy." - James 5:7-11
"Then if any man shall
say unto you, "Lo, here is Christ", or there; believe it not. For
there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show
great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they
shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I have told you before.
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, "Behold, he is in the desert";
go not forth: "behold, he is in the secret chambers"; believe it
not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even
unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." -
Matthew 24:23-27
Then, and thus, how
hath the angel given? “As ye have seen Him go, so will ye see Him
come.” Were those just as words? No. And when He speaks, “Be not
afraid, it is I.” Know He is near. And in the breaking of bread ye
may know Him!
The Promise
“I leave thee, but I will come again and receive as many as ye have
quickened through the manifesting in thy life the will of the Father
in the earth.” Hence, know that, as thine mind, thine activities,
long more and more for the glorifying of the Son in the earth, for
the coming of the day of the Lord, He draws very nigh unto thee.
Keep, then, to that same hope and faith, that ye expect others to
have in thee, in thy fellow man; looking to Him who is the author
and the finisher of faith. For, know that Jesus, as the Christ, is
the power of God unto salvation to all that believe and trust in
He will walk and
talk to each one of you
He shall come as
ye have seen Him go, in the Body He occupied in Galilee. The body
that He formed, that was crucified on the cross, that rose from the
tomb, that walked by the sea, that appeared to Simon, that appeared
to Philip, that appeared to John. He shall appear even as the Lord
and Master. Not as one born, but as one that returneth to His own,
for He will walk and talk with men of every clime, and those that
are faithful and just in their reckoning shall be caught up with Him
to rule and to do judgment for a thousand years! Then in groups, in
masses, and then they shall reign of the first resurrection for a
thousand years; for this will be when the changes materially come.
We shall see Him as He is. He will walk among men. He will be in thy
midst. Be thou, then, those that will make His paths straight; for
narrow is the way yet straight is the gate that leads to that
knowledge that may be had in Him. Live ye then, each soul, as though
ye expected Him today. Then ye shall see Him as He is, when ye live
such a life. Be prepared each day to meet thy God. He will bless
those, as is the promise, who love His coming. Then, whether it be
in this experience or when ye have returned, let thy prayer ever be:
“Lord, use me in Thy way. Thy will be done, not mine.” Live ye then,
each soul, as though ye expected Him today.
He Will Return
And, as has been given, again the time draws near when there shall
be seen and known among men, in many places, the manifestations of
such forces in the material world; for, “As ye have seen Him go, so
will He return again.” Be thou faithful unto those words He has
given while yet with you. Hence it behooves every individual to take
cognizance of that force that may manifest in their material lives,
even in this material age.
Again we find individuals raised in certain sections for specific
purposes. As the cycle has gone about, time and again has there
arisen in the earth those that Manifested these forces in a more
magnificent, more beneficent, way and manner. And, as has been
given, again the time draws near when there shall be seen and known
among men, in many places, the manifestations of such forces in the
material world; for "As ye have seen him go, so will He return
again." Be thou faithful
unto those words He has given while yet with you. He that shall be
abased and remains true shall wear the Crown of Life? Does it become
unreasonable, then, that ye are being chastised for that which has
been builded within the material forces of the body itself, that
must be tried so as by fire? for the chaff must be burned out! Even
as with the use of those sources of information, the abilities to
become a portion of those elements that were the creative forces Of
the compounds or elements within the universal forces, at that
period brought about those forces that made for destruction of the
land itself, in the attempt to draw that as was in man then back To
the knowledge; and these brought about those destructive forces
(that are known today) in gases, with that called the death ray,
that brought from the bowels of the earth itself, when turned into
the sources of supply, those destructions to portions of the land.
Man has ever (even as then) when in distress, either mental,
spiritual Or physical, sought to know his association, his
connection, with the divine forces that brought the worlds into
being. As these are sought, so does the promise hold true - or that
given man from the beginning, "Will ye be my children, I will be thy
God!" "Ye turn your face from me, my face is turned from thee", and
those things ye have builded in thine own endeavour to make manifest
thine own powers bring those certain destructions in the lives of
individuals in the present, even as in those first experiences with
the use of those powers that are so tabu by the worldly-wise, that
are looked upon as old men's tales and women's fables; yet in the
strength of such forces do Worlds come into being! This is what
psychic force, and so called occult science, Did mean, Has meant,
Does mean in the world today. For when ye walk with Him, in purpose
and in ideal, ye will find that ye are never alone. Think not that
ye or any other individual may be the only one serving a living God.
For since His entry into the world, and His making it possible for
man to find his way back to God, there has been and will continue to
be an increase. For God has not willed that any soul should perish.
Though the lights of hope may oft grow dim, in the violence that is
created by those who become self-conscious of ability and who use
self and others for gratifying of selfish desires, let it ever be
said of thee that ye will make, ye will cause the welkin to ring for
the glory of the coming of the Lord. For He will one day come again,
and thou shalt see Him as He is, even as thou hast seen in thy early
sojourns the glory of the day of the triumphal entry and the day of
the Crucifixion, and as ye also heard the angels proclaim “As ye
have seen Him go, so will ye see Him come again.” Thou wilt be among
those in the earth when He comes again. Glory in that, but let it be
rather the one reason why ye keep the faith, the faith in the coming
of the Lord, to call those who have been faithful; that they, as He
prayed, “may be where I am, and may behold the glory which I had
with thee before the worlds were.” When His forerunner may come into
the earth for preparing the place for the Son of man, that His
Kingdom may be established in the earth, wilt thou be ready? Seek ye
Hasten, O Lord,
the day of thy Kingdom in the earth!
How have the promises read that the Son has given? “I go to prepare
a place that where I am there ye may be also. I will come again and
receive you unto myself.” Then, as the individual heart attunes its
mind and its body-activity into that consciousness of the desire for
the hastening of that day. Yet the merciful kindness of the Father
has, in the eyes of many, delayed the coming, and many have cried
even as the parable He gave: “We know not what has become of this
man. Show us other gods that may lead us in this day.” Yet the cry
in the heart and the soul of those that seek His way is to hasten
that day. Yet, as He has given, in patience, in listening, in being
still, may ye know that the Lord doeth all things well. Be not weary
that He apparently prolongs His time, for, as the Master has given:
“As to the day, no man knoweth, not even the son, but the Father and
they to whom the Father may reveal the Son prepareth the way that
all men may know the love of the Father.” And as ye would be the
channel to hasten that glorious day of the coming of the Lord, then
do with a might that thy hands find to do to make for the greater
manifestations of the love of the Father in the earth. For, into thy
keeping, and to His children and to His sons, has He committed the
keeping of the saving of the world, of the souls of men; for, as He
has given: “Who is my mother? Who is my brother? Who is my sister?”
They that do the will of my Father who is in heaven, the same is my
mother, my brother, my sister.” So, as He gave: “I leave thee, but I
will come again and receive as many as ye have quickened through the
manifesting in thy life the will of the Father in the earth.” Hence
know that, as thine mind, thine activities, long more and more for
the glorifying of the Son in the earth, for the coming of the day of
the Lord, He draws very nigh unto thee. Such we find as that
happening in Bethlehem of Judea ages and years ago, when that
channel had so dedicated itself to the service of her Maker as to
become Mother, wherein the whole world is shown that this must come
to pass in the experience of those who would make themselves
channels through which the Holy Spirit of God may manifest; that the
world may know that He, God the Father, keepeth His promises with
the children of men!
Then, today, we are to answer within our individual consciousness:
“Am I my brother's keeper?” Not “What does the world owe me?” but
“What contribution can I, as an individual soul seeking God, seeking
to know His face, make that may hasten the day of the Lord?” Let thy
daily life be free from criticism, from condemnation, from hate,
from jealousy. And as ye give power to the Spirit of Peace, so may
the Prince of Peace, the love of God, manifest. So long as ye turn
thy thoughts to the manners and means for meeting and overcoming
those destructive forces, ye show forth that which may bring to the
world that day of the Lord. For the promise is that in the latter
days there shall be the purpose in the Hearts of men, everywhere!
The Second
For He will come again and receive His own, who have prepared
themselves through that belief in Him and acting in that manner; for
the Spirit is abroad, and the time draws near, and there will be the
reckoning of those even as in the first so in the last, and the last
shall be first; for there is that Spirit abroad, He standeth near.
He that hath eyes to see, let him see. He that hath ears to hear,
let him hear that music of the coming of the Lord of this vineyard,
and art Thou ready to give account of that Thou hast done with thine
opportunity in the earth as the Sons of God, as the heirs and joint
heirs of glory With the Son? Then make thine paths straight, for
there must come an answering for that Thou hast done with thine
Lord! He will not tarry, for having overcome He shall appear even As
the Lord And Master. Not as one born, but as one that returneth to
His own, for He will walk and talk with men of every clime, and
those that are faithful and just in their reckoning shall be caught
up with Him to rule and to do Judgement for a thousand years!
The Dawn of a New
The needs of the world for the new message, which is in keeping with
the needs in the present, as then. There was the looking forward to
the coming of the Messiah.
Today there is the looking forward to the coming of the Prince of
Peace, the New Era. That entrance again of god-man into the earth
that man might know the way.
When Christ comes the second time, will He set up His Kingdom on earth
and will it be an everlasting kingdom?
"Read His promises in that ye have written of His words, even as I
(John) gave.
He shall rule for a thousand years.
Then shall Satan be loosed again for a season."
The Preparation
First, study to show thyself approved unto thy consciousness of the
indwelling of God in Christ in thee; rightly divining (and dividing)
the words of truth, putting proper evaluation upon the experiences
in the activities of individuals and groups; keeping self unspotted
from that which ye would question in another.
Minister to those in many places; gentleness, kindness, patience.
For in patience ye become aware of thy relationship to Patience as
shown by thy Saviour, with a world that might have been eradicated
by only a word, yet He wept, rather than found fault.
Do thou likewise. Weep with those that weep; rejoice with those that
do rejoice; for in humbleness, in patience, ye may find thy true
relationship to thy fellow man; and in thy ministry to thy brethren,
to thy neighbours, yea to thy enemies, ye show forth thy concept, ye
show forth the love ye have of thy Lord till He comes again! In the Lord's house
are many mansions. In thy mind and heart are many possibilities,
many opportunities. Lose not a single one to make known the love
that the Master has for the children of men. For He, too, was one of
them. So in thy ways of grace and mercy, show forth the Lord's
death, the Lord's life, the Lord's love, until He comes again.
Pray ye that the Lord of the harvest find ye not idle but up and
doing, with a might, that thy mind, thy heart, thy hands find to do.
For the Lord will not always tarry. For He will come as a thief in
the night. Are ye ready for His coming? Hath ye fulfilled that as
has been purposed in self to do? Why tarry ye in the waiting's,
tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow?
Let thy heart, thy mind, be comforted. For the Lord is in His holy
temple, and is merciful to those that show mercy; patient with those
that show patience.
It is never too late to mend thy ways
For life is eternal and ye are today what ye are because of what ye
have been.
For ye are the co-creator with thy Maker, that ye may one day be
present with all of those who love His coming.
The Resurrection
of Christ
Why did Jesus say: "Touch me not", when He first appeared to Mary
after the resurrection?
For the vibrations to which the glorified body was raised would have
been the same as a physical body touching a high power current. Why
do you say not touch the wire?
If ye are in accord, or not in touch with the earth, it doesn't
harm; otherwise, it's too bad!
white horse and rider in Revelation 19
This is
the Christ in that it, as the horse, in the experiences of the
awakening is the symbol of the messenger; and this is Christ, Jesus,
the messenger.
The first and second resurrections
The first is of those who have not tasted death in the sense of the
dread of same. The second is of those who have Gained the understanding that in Him there Is no death.
The meaning of one thousand years that Satan is bound
Is banished. That, as there are the activities of
the forty and four thousand, in the same manner that the prayer of ten just should save a city, the deeds, the prayers of the faithful will allow that period when the incarnation of
those only that are in the Lord shall rule the earth, and the period is as a thousand years.
Thus is Satan bound, thus is Satan banished from the earth. The desire to do evil is only of him. And when there are, as the symbols, those only whose desire and purpose of their heart is to glorify the Father, these will be those periods when this shall come to pass.
Be Ye All Determined within thy minds, thy hearts, thy purposes, to be of that number!
Purifying of the Body
the purifying of the body in thought, in act, in certainty, it may
make for a peoples, a state, a nation, that may indeed herald the
coming of the Lord.
"The just shall live by his faith." - Habakkuk 2:4
The Time, Times, and an Half
“I saw in the night visions, and,
behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and
came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all
people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an
everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom
that which shall not be destroyed”. - Daniel 7:12-13
“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even
to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge
shall be increased. Then I Daniel looked, and, behold, there stood
other two, the one on this side of the bank of the river, and the
other on that side of the bank of the river. And one said to the man
clothed in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, How long
shall it be to the end of these wonders? And I heard the man clothed
in linen, which was upon the waters of the river, when he held up
his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by him that
liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and
when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy
people, all these things shall be finished. And I heard, but I
understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of
these things? And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the words are
closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be
purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do
wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise
shall understand.” - Daniel 12:4-10
"In the great test. Human beings, gold
falls, collapses, nothing will be in tomorrow. An edible vegetable
will have more value than a dollar. Open your eyes and learn to
look. Gold rolls, is disfigured, and will be voided. It will be
chaos, more will be good." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1968
"The voice of the East arrives. The West comes in speech, the
hecatomb comes with the death of gold and the rise of hunger. The
end is coming!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1968
The Second Coming in the New Testament
Matthew 24
"And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples
came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I
say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another,
that shall not be thrown down.
3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto
him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what
shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man
deceive you.
5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall
deceive many.
6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not
troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in
divers places.
8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill
you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another,
and shall hate one another.
11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax
13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken
of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth,
let him understand:)
16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
17 Let him which is on the housetop not come down to take any thing
out of his house:
18 Neither let him which is in the field return back to take his
19 And woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck
in those days!
20 But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the
sabbath day:
21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the
beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh
be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.
23 Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there;
believe it not.
24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and
shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were
possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
25 Behold, I have told you before.
26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the
desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe
it not.
27 For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even
unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered
29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be
darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall
fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:
and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see
the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great
31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and
they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one
end of heaven to the other.
32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet
tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it
is near, even at the doors.
34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all
these things be fulfilled.
35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of
heaven, but my Father only.
37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the
Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating
and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that
Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so
shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and
the other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be
taken, and the other left.
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what
watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not
have suffered his house to be broken up.
44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not
the Son of man cometh.
45 Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made
ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?
46 Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find
so doing.
47 Verily I say unto you, That he shall make him ruler over all his
48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart, My lord
delayeth his coming;
49 And shall begin to smite his fellowservants, and to eat and drink
with the drunken;
50 The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not
for him, and in an hour that he is not aware of,
51 And shall cut him asunder, and appoint him his portion with the
hypocrites: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." -
Matthew 24

"The church will be divided into two groups that wait for
Christ and those that do not."
- Benjamin Solari Parravicini

"Understanding of
the Sacred Scriptures will be imposed at the end of time will be
north and salvation, will be Peace and unification of Churches"
- Benjamin Solari Parravicini

Maran atha, "Our Lord has come".
Christ, Gospel
Revelation 14:6... "And I saw another angel fly in the midst of
heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell
on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and
people" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini

Maran atha, "Our Lord has come" Egypt
will Talk. - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1940.

"Christ Is Arriving. Egypt will Talk.
Morire Est. Rome." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"Friend and brother: it is a necessity
at this present time to talk of Christ and his return. It is
necessary to show that God is the Movement of every Vital Movement,
of all facts, of all present and everything to happen. Let us know
that if the upheaval of the world is enlarged and ready to be an
"explosion". He allows him to judge humanity in its just value and
save the righteous who prays. He will allow disaster to punish the
one who denied and reproached him. Arrival is the maximum time of
the beginning of the punishment. Fire comes, water comes, darkness
comes. It will be chaos! A time remains ... pray. - Benjamin Solari
Parravicini, 1972
The New Order
"It is understood, comprehended by some, that a new order of
conditions is to arise; that there must be many a purging in high
places as well as low; that there must be the greater consideration
of each individual, each soul being his brother's keeper.
There will then come about those circumstances in the political, the
economic and the whole relationships where there will be a leveling, or a greater comprehension of this need.
For as the time or the period draws near for these changes that come
with the new order, it behooves all of those who have an ideal, as
individuals, as well as groups or societies or organizations, to be
practising, applying same in their experience - and their
relationships as one to another.
For unless these are up and doing, then there must indeed be a new
order in Their relationships and their activities.
For His ways will carry through. For as He gave: "Though the heavens
and the earth may pass away, my word will not pass away."
All too often has this message been forgotten in the pulpits and in
the organizations, not only in the national relationships but in the
international relationships.
And as the dealings are as one to another, unless these are in
keeping with those tenets they must fail; for all power in heaven
and in earth hath been given into His hands.
Then as we approach all phases of human relationships, these must be
taken into consideration.
And there cannot be one measuring stick for the labourer in the field
and the man behind the counter, and another for the man behind the
money changers. All are equal, not only under the material law but
under the Spiritual.
And His laws, His will, will not come to naught!
Though there may come those periods when there will be great stress,
as brother rises against brother, as group or sect or race rises
against race, yet the leveling must come.
And Only those who have set their ideal in Him and practised it in
their dealings with their fellow man may expect to survive the wrath
of the Lord.
In thy dealings, then, whether at home, in thy dealings with state
or the national situations, or the international affairs, there must
come All under that purpose, that desire.
And then there should be, there Will be those rising to power that
are able to meet the needs. For none are in power but that have been
given the opportunity by the will of the Father, from which all
power emanates.
Hence those will be leveled with the purpose, "My word shall Not
Things to come
As to the material changes that are to be as an omen, as a sign to
those that this is shortly to come to pass, as has been given of
old, the sun will be darkened and the earth shall be broken up in
divers places, and Then shall be Proclaimed, through the spiritual
interception in the hearts and minds and souls of those that have
sought His way, that His star has appeared, and will point the way
for those that enter into the holy of holies in themselves. For, God
the Father, God the Teacher, God the director, in the minds and
hearts of men, must ever be In those that come to know Him as first
and foremost in the seeking of those souls; for He is first the God to the individual and as He is exemplified, as He is
manifested in the heart and in the acts of the body, of the
individual, He becomes manifested before men.
And those that seek in the latter portion of the year of our Lord
(as ye have counted in and among men) 36, He The Christ Spirit will
appear. For He, as ye have been
told, is not the God of the dead, not the God of those that have
forsaken Him, but those that love His coming, that love His
associations among men, the God of the Living, the God of Life!
For, He Is Life. "Love the Lord thy God
with all thine heart," and the second is like unto it, "Love thy
neighbour as thyself."
Who is thine neighbour? Him that ye may aid in whatsoever way that
he, thy neighbour, thy brother, has been troubled.
Help him to stand on his own feet.
For such may only know the acceptable way.
The weakling, the unsteady, must enter into the crucible and become
as naught, even as He, that they may know the way. For each and every one,
each and every nation, is led, even as in heaven.
For that ye see in earth is a Pattern of that in the Mind, as ye
well know, and is as a shadow of spiritual truth, life and light. For, as ye show mercy, so
may the Father show mercy to thee.
As ye show the wisdom, as ye show the love of thy fellow man, so may
the love be shown, so may the wisdom, so may the guiding steps day
by day be shown thee.
Be ye joyous in the Lord, knowing that He is ever present with those
that seek His face.
He is not in heaven, but makes heaven in thine own heart, if ye
accept Him.
He, God, the Father, is present and manifest in that ye mete to your
fellow man in thine own experience.
Would ye know the Father, be the father to thy brother. Would ye
know the love of the Father, Show thy love to thy
faltering, to thy erring brother, but to those that seek, not those
that condemn.
Salvation of One Soul
If Christ made sacrifices
to save souls, the Christian must, in this regard, be Christ-like.
Did Christ sacrifice his
throne, his garments of life unapproachable, his home in the bosom
of his Father, and the riches of unnumbered worlds, and for your
sake become poor. What are you now doing
specifically by way of rescuing souls. Is there not now a soul
unsaved in your mind’s eye, for whose salvation you ought just now
to make an effort. But perhaps sacrifices in
time, labour, money, or feeling, may be required in order to reach
that soul. Will you now make the
effort, or will you delay it till a more convenient season."
The Announced Day Arrives
The hour is given.
Live your spirit in Christ.
Contemplate and serve him.
Learn from him his infinite goodness, his holy charity, his intimate modesty
and his patience.
Go by the roads tolerating the uncomfortable brother, the incomprehensible,
the attacker.
Forgive the insult, apologize to anyone who hurt your sensibility as a healthy
The Lord did it
with you. Do not forget.
The bad days are near: the man will look for protests.
You must teach with the song in the heart full of gratitude?
Make him understand that he was not born for a self-giving or selfish
He must know that he came into the world to fulfil the punishment of
The cradle, from the first moment of his days gave him his cross.
Blessed is he who knew how to raise it on his shoulder wounded in blood.
Blessed will it be because it will reach the Father.
Watch, understand, observe, understand.
The times of confusion come.
The stamps will speak.
The 24 elders will observe and say: Hour is of thunder, of lightning, of
voices in the voices of men who will say of the Holy Spirit and say
of tomorrow.
They will predict and they will know the habit of the Soldier of Christ and
they will be.
Those who are in redemption will see God, for they will cross the tribulation
and the dark night.
Jesus will give you light and dwell in the truth.
It does not take time anymore and there will not be.
The Beast climbs and will move nation against nation.
The mist of the fog comes.
The accuser will march in anger against Christ and his church, and
the church will suffer death wounds, but will survive to deliver
peace to the saved man after the great trial." -
Message received 1 January 1967, by Benjamin Solari Parravicini, from the
Spiritual Mentors, for all those of good will and sincere heart,
facing the events whose imminence he has announced.
The Kingdom on Earth, and His
How long has been the cry of those that have manifested in the earth
the glory of the Father through the Son: "Hasten, O Lord, the day of
thy kingdom in the earth!" How have the promises read that the Son
has given? "I go to prepare a place that where I am there ye may be
I will come again and receive you unto myself." Then, as the
individual heart attunes its mind and its body-activity into that
consciousness of the desire for the hastening of that day. Yet the
merciful kindness of the Father has, in the
eyes of many, delayed the coming, and many have cried even as the
parable He gave: "We know not what has become of this man. Show us
other gods that may lead us in this day."
Yet the cry in the heart and the soul of those that seek His way is
to hasten that day. Yet, as He has given, in patience, in listening,
in being still, may ye know that the Lord doeth all things well.
Be not weary that He apparently prolongs His time, for, as the
Master has given: "As to the day, no man knoweth, not even the son,
but the Father, and they to whom the Father may reveal the Son,
prepareth the way, that all men may know the love of the Father."
And as ye would be the channel to hasten that glorious day of the
coming of the Lord, then do with a might that thy hands find to do
to make for the greater manifestations of the love of the Father in
the earth. For, into thy keeping, and to His children and to His
sons, has He committed the keeping of
the saving of the world, of the souls of men; for, as He has given:
"Who is my mother? Who is my brother? Who is my sister?"
They that do the will of my Father who is in heaven, the same is my
mother, my brother, my sister." So, as He gave: "I leave thee, but I
will come again and receive as many as ye have quickened through the
manifesting in thy life the will of the Father in the earth." Hence
know that, as thine mind, thine activities, long more and more for
the glorifying of the Son in the earth, for the coming of the day of
the Lord, He draws very nigh unto thee.
Second Coming
For, it is not in numbers, but in the power of His Might, that Peace
and harmony comes to a sin-sick world; that finds lodgement in the
hearts and minds of individuals who, though separated in name,
separated in groups, can and do with one purpose, one mind, Proclaim, and Live: "the acceptable day of the Lord is at hand!"
The Re-Establishment of
the School of the Prophets
Like unto Carmel, The Essene Community
“Now do understand
this, children, during this period as the changes are upon you, men
all over this earth will seek His face as never before. There stands
not a single one who has not heard, for all men alive in this day
have been touched by His message, and that they know of Christ is
written on the tablets of their hearts.
The time of labour in the womb has begun. The process of birth has
begun. Blessed are ye who live through these times of the groaning
of this Earth in bringing forth her seed. And you shall see that
you've looked for, that men have talked about: His light in the sky,
His coming. The hardships, the travail, the shortage of food, the
concern for money, all these things as they enter upon you, will
come little by little, a bit at a time, so that men may scoff and
scorn. And as you begin to
build your community, saying: "We are building for a time of
collapse", you will feel like the man described as Noah, who stood
building his ark as men laughed and jeered and pointed the finger.
And will you have the faith of Noah? Will it not be easier for you
to build the temple, the tabernacle in the wilderness, after the
troubles have started? But then, how much will you accomplish? Enter
this period, this Divine Plan, in this manner: saying that, without
regard to shortage of food or money, without regard to the changes
in the surface of the earth, with regard only to the choice for attunement to the Divine, "We will remove ourselves from these
places of false value and the expression of false value. And we will
turn our time and attention to the things that are of great value.
And we will love one another. Rather than accumulating that we can
draw to ourselves, and own, and spend, and be possessed by, we will
rather give, give, give to one another."
It is a part of the Plan that His people, called by His name, should
set themselves apart, turn from all other things, and focus the
consciousness upon knowing Him so personally that He would come with
the touch even to the raising of the dead. Know that as you set
yourselves apart to study and understand these things, establishing
a community of people, establishing a retreat, a place where these
might come for healing and attunement, and establishing the School
of the Mysteries, the School of the Prophets, so you will cause to
happen in this day all those things you've called miracles that
happened in that. Men shall call you Therapeutae. Be used then in
His name.
You have at hand all that is needed for building a community,
prepare, then, a community of those who have set aside all other
things and look to learning of living from the land, but the land as
impregnated by the Presence of God. Meeting the challenge of
becoming masters over it, they will cause the land and nature to
respond to their presence, their wish, their touch. Prepare then, a
place that is as a hospital, but more than just that, a place where
those might come for attunement of all levels of self, for treatment
in manners that will lift the soul as well as the body.
And let there be a school, hidden, apart, untouched by those
uninitiated, a cloistered place of those who set themselves apart
for all hours of every day to be attuned solely to the message of
the Master, until such message be established to the point of
channeling, teaching, becoming the prophets, the School of the
Prophets itself, like unto Carmel.
Know that when that school is set apart on sacred ground by those
who will give their lives as surely as to spill their blood, all
their lives, to His teachings, when that school is established, and
those words are spoken of the dedication of that place, that
hallowed ground, surely know that that one who established that
school, Elijah himself, will return and will touch that place and
walk among those who give their lives without reservation as a
living sacrifice. And John will come to Elijah, just as surely as he
did in that day. John will be drawn to that blessed place. And
blessing it, he will invoke in that place the Divine Presence of the
Master of Masters. And so, that place of the mysteries will be alive
with the Presence of the One whom John saw and touched in that day. Peter will be drawn
there and will walk among you. Matthew will stand in that place and
teach. Nathaniel will grow to touch those ones with his presence.
Philip will be drawn from across the water. Thomas will bless the
work and the Order. Holy women, as they were called in that time,
will be drawn to you. And the place will be known for its reputation
of healers, prophets, Therapeutae.
Yet this place will not be touched, will not be desecrated by those
not dedicated in sacrifice. For it will be set apart, not avoiding
the Earth or the masses, but as the Heart of Hearts, the Holy of
Holies. Such a relationship will it bear to the remainder of the
community there. And it will continue until a man walks forth from
that place doing all things that ever the Master did, and greater.
And it shall dawn then, a new day, a kingdom of peace, living first
in the hearts of the believers. Then, let us speak of the beauty of
this day, for those from that Sacred Mountain will go walking forth
into the world, a world that will then have felt the pains, the
sorrow and hunger, fear, darkness. These will go out and will heal
the land. And the Light will be the Light of Beauty. The Sons and
Daughters of God will rejoice. The morning stars will sing together,
and, as if a new creation, the earth will be born again. His Light
will be seen in the sky. His message will be carried to all men of
all nations. There will be established, then, a new heaven and a new
earth. Then be about it.” - Paul Solomon, 23 July, 1976.
Brazil, New Jerusalem, Land of Vera

"Brazil, will see what he did not
see, he will understand, he will be strong, he will open his hand to
the one who suffered! ... to the one who wept!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,
The first name
given to Brazil by the navigators was "Vera Cruz", which
means the "Land of the
True Cross."
The Fifth Empire is
a messianic-millennialist belief reformed by Father António Vieira
in the 17th century, who, following the earlier thought of the myth
of the Three Ages of the monk Joaquim de Flora, after connecting it
to the civilizing action of the Navigators, advocates that this new
civilization would be considered the fifth and last empire in the
world. This Empire, through a temporal and spiritual reign, would
take the Christian faith throughout the world and promote peace and
happiness for a period of a thousand years of plenty, the so-called
Golden Age, which would result in the end of times.
"Welcome, Brazilian
brother—thy ample place is ready; A loving hand—a smile from the
north—a sunny instant hail! (Let the future care for itself, where
it reveals its troubles, impedimentas, Ours, ours the present throe,
the democratic aim, the acceptance and the faith;) To thee to-day
our reaching arm, our turning neck— to thee from us the expectant
eye, Thou cluster free! thou brilliant lustrous one! thou, learning
well, The true lesson of a nation's light in the sky, (More shining
than the Cross, more than the Crown,) The height to be superb
humanity." - Walt Whitman (1819-1892)
"And Thirty-two the
Nations: to dwell in Jerusalems Gates O Come ye Nations Come ye
People Come up to Jerusalem Return Jerusalem & dwell together as of
old! Return Return! O Albion let Jerusalem overspread all Nations As
in the times of old! O Albion awake! Reuben wanders The Nations wait
for Jerusalem. they look up for the Bride France Spain Italy Germany
Poland Russia Sweden Turkey Arabia Palestine Persia Hindostan China
Tartary Siberia Egypt Lybia Ethiopia Guinea Caffraria Negroland
Morocco Congo Zaara Canada Greenland Carolina Mexico Peru
Patagonia Amazonia Brazil." - William Blake, in "Jerusalem. The
Emanation of the Giant Albion/Chapter III/Plate 72"
"Only a country at
the end of the world, surrounded by great oceans, as big as Europe,
will live in peace and without problems. On this one, no cannon bomb
will explode!" - Mitar Tarabich, Serbia, 1829-1899.
"If ancient Greece
and Rome had their time, as primordial elements of the origins of
all Western civilization; If the Portuguese and Spanish empires
spread almost all over the planet; If France and England have had
their prominent hour in the times that mark the evolutionary stages
of the world, Brazil will also have its great moment, in the clock
that marks the days of humanity's evolution. If other peoples
attested to progress, through materialized and transitory
expressions, Brazil will have its immortal expression in the life of
the spirit, representing the source of a new thought, without the
ideologies of separativeness, and flooding all fields of human
activities with a new light." - Francisco Xavier, in "Brazil - Heart
of the World, Homeland of the Gospel", (Brasil - Coração do Mundo,
Pátria do Evangelho), 1938.
"Brazil is not only destined to supply the material needs of the
poorest people on the planet, but also to provide the whole world
with a consoling expression of belief and reasoned faith and to be
the greatest granary of spiritual clarity in the entire world". -
Francisco Xavier, 1938.
“In the desert seas
of the African, European and Asian continents, the silhouettes of
American vessels can be seen. They are ships loaded with food that
go to these shores (regions; countries) to take supplies to the
hungry populations, in a touching gesture of human solidarity.
Captained by Brazil, these vessels dump food, clothing and warm
clothing on the coasts of these devastated continents. And so,
little by little, the sufferings of those who, by a providential
miracle, escaped the hecatomb are being alleviated. Europe is a
cemetery. Asia and Africa, deserts. Part of the Americas is horribly
mutilated. Only Brazil and the South American republics, its
sisters, will remain unscathed. Profound transformations took place
on the face of the planet. Along with the destruction wrought by the
man's blindness, physical convulsions changed the orb's appearance.
The poles exposed the fertility of an unexplored soil, the waters
moved into some continents, the configuration of the globe is
different. Brazil leads in this opportunity, a gigantic movement in
favour of the victims of the war. And, little by little, the
potential of the immense Brazilian homeland is supplying the needs
of the hungry peoples. We thus see the predominant role of the South
American continent in the coming events. By providential destiny, he
will be immune to the effects of the terrible scourge and will lead
- by glorious destiny - the greatest peace movement in history.
Continents are submerged and others appear to provide conditions for
more perfect habitability. It is a renewing movement that is born
from the need for evolutionary progress, when it comes to boosting
spirits towards ever higher goals. Brazil, for the kindness of its
people, for the vastness of its territory, for its agricultural and
industrial development is, at the moment of this narrative, a power
of the world." - Alcor Fayard, in "The Third Millennium", (O
Terceiro Milênio), 1999.
"They showed me
something of the future, and it is because of this vision that I
have dedicated so much time to Brazil. Now, God has a plan for South
America. Having brought you here, He is slowly creating a new race.
He is combining, for example, in Brazil, the white, black and red
races, to produce a new type. The new variant of the Aryan Race,
which we call the seventh sub-race, will appear in the course of
centuries over the whole of South America; but, it is already
starting to appear in Brazil. But more important than physical type
are the mentality and emotional attributes of the new race. And it
is at this point that Brazil can take the lead over all of South
America. All this aesthetic element, innate in your temperament, is
predisposing you to take the lead in the new era to come to South
America. The Age of Intuition. The great achievements in science and
in the material development of the future will be due much more to
the processes of intuition than to those of the mind. The New Man
will be distinguished by his intuition. Now, intuition unites: it is
full of tenderness and fraternity. Make the Brazilian nation
intuitive, and then your Brazil will guide all of South America
towards an Era of Peace and Fraternity.” - Curuppumullage
Jinarajadasa, in April 1938.
"But at the end of
it all, a frank, sincere and loyal man will appear who, mounted on
his white horse and with his sword, will give a new dimension and
personality to the destiny of Brazil (a future President of Brazil),
correcting injustices and returning confidence and hope in the
future of Brazil. He will be fought and criticized for his
temperament and attitudes, but he will have the protection of the
Supreme Forces that inhabit the Cosmos, and Brazil will truly be the
heart of the world and, despite crises and threats, internal and
external, that will appear, he will always be the balancer for his
faith and hope in the destiny of Brazil entrusted to him". -
Francisco Xavier, in "Profecia de André Luis sobre a Política do
Brasil", 1952.
“I had before my
eyes the incomparable riches of these countries, which will be
discovered one day. I saw numerous mines of precious metals,
inexhaustible deposits of fossil coal, deposits of petroleum as
abundant as had never been found elsewhere. between degrees 15 and
20 (in the Central Plateau of Brazil) there was a very wide and very
long valley that started from a point where a lake formed (Lake
Paranoá). Then a voice said repeatedly: - "When the mines hidden in
the midst of these mountains are dug, the promised land will appear
here from which milk and honey flow. It will be an inconceivable
wealth." - Don Bosco, 1883.
"Obey my voice, and
do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be my
people, and I will be your God: That I may perform the oath which I
have sworn unto your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk
and honey, as it is this day." - Jeremiah 11:4-5
"Brazil is
undoubtedly destined to be one of the most important factors in the
future development of the world. A country whose importance for
future generations we cannot calculate; even making the most daring
estimates. And (when I arrived in Rio) I realized that I had cast a
glance at the future of the world. How can human beings be able to
live peacefully side by side in the world, despite all differences
of race, classes, pigments, beliefs and opinions? No country has
solved (this problem) in a happier and more exemplary way than that
one (Brazil), because this one (Brazil) did so: it is to gratefully
testify to what I have written in this book. Brazil solved it in a
way that, in my opinion, requires not only the attention, but also
the admiration of the world. As soon as someone arrives in this land
(Brazil), the first surprise that, afterwards, is happily renewed
every day, is to see the friendly, and not fanatical, way in which
human beings live in this gigantic territory. Without wanting to,
you breathe again, you feel good for having left the mephitic air of
hatred between enemy races and classes, and for finding yourself in
this more human atmosphere. We, who have experienced in our own luck
the terrible consequences of these psychic exaltations, of this
greed and greed for power, feel that this smoother and more serene
way of life is a benefit and a happiness. Therefore, we are no
longer willing to recognize a classification according to the
industrial, financial and military value of a people, but rather to
assess the degree of superiority of a nation for its peaceful and
humanitarian spirit". - Stefan Zweig, 1942.
"Brazil will be
transformed into a prodigious force of kindness, cradle of wisdom
and love for humanity; it will be the spiritual capital of the
world. It is in Brazil that the New Work of the Superior Man will
appear, in the form of books, natural gifts of all evolved men in
Brazil. There will be pilgrimages from the East and elsewhere, in
search of the True Unique Center of the World, Brazil, the Granary
of Universal Culture, in the present Cycle of the Superior Man.
There will be the end of the decadent cycle, with the advent of the
age of Aquarius; the man of good will, born in Brazil, will take the
message of a new culture to the whole world, in favor of a new age,
of peace, light and progress for all beings on Earth - Brazil will
be the granary of the Universal Culture of Superior Man". -
Rabindranath Tagore, 1931.
"In Brazil the New
Civilization will be generated, and spread." - Sri Aurobindo
“Brazil will be the
crowning of the evolution of humanity. The Imperishable Island
(Brazil) will be the cradle and crowning of humanity.” - Sri
Jinarajadasa (1875-1953).
"Brazil differs
from all countries on the globe, because it emits such strong beams
of light, that even with my eyes closed and asleep, I noticed when
the spacecraft passed over your country". - Yury Viktorovich
Romanenko, Russian Cosmonaut, MIR Space Station, 1987.
"Their leader of
the Japanese Mahikari Spiritual Group said they would quickly need
to come to Brazil, because from here spiritual guidance for the 3rd
millennium would come out". - in 1975.
"A large part of
northern Brazil covered in water - the Amazon River turning into a
great ocean. Forests destroyed and flooded. Major cities in Brazil
destroyed - earthquakes in many places". - Samuel Doctorian in ‘The
Five Angels of the Continents’, Island of Patmos, Greece, 16 August
The New Jerusalem
When the foundations of the earth are
broken up by those very disturbances. Can the mind of man comprehend
no desire to sin, no purpose but that the glory of the Son may be
manifested in his life? Is this not a new heaven, a new earth? For
the former things would have passed away. For as the desires, the
purposes, the aims are to bring about the whole change physically,
so does it create in the experience of each soul a new vision, a new
comprehension. For as has been given, it hath not entered the heart
of man to know the glories that have been prepared, that are a part
of the experiences of those that love Only the Lord and His ways.
Those then that are come into the new life, the new understanding,
the new regeneration, there Is then the new Jerusalem. For as has
been given, the place is not as a place alone but as a condition, as
an experience of the soul. Jerusalem has figuratively, symbolically,
meant the holy place, the holy city, for there the ark of the
covenant, the ark of the covenant in the minds, the hearts, the
understandings, the comprehensions of those who have put away
earthly desires and become as the New purposes in their experience,
become the new Jerusalem, the new undertakings, the new desires.
What is the golden reed to measure the city, and what is the
significance of the stones of the new Jerusalem and their colours?
The new understanding, the reed to measure the city, the abilities
of each. Not unto all is it given to be ministers, not unto all to
be interpreters, not unto all to be this or that; but measured
according to that whereunto they have purposed in their hearts.
Though all are as one, remember it has been given that the purpose
of the heart is to know Yourself to Be yourself and yet one with God
even as Jesus, even as is represented in God the Father, Christ the
Son, and the Holy Spirit; each knowing themselves to be themselves
yet One! So the measurements for those that make the vibrations
within themselves that become attuned to the new purpose, the new
desire, the new hopes, the New Revelation, the new understandings to
do the will of the Father with the will of that made perfect in the

"Peace is love! Love is Peace! - 2002
The Kingdom is arriving! Blaring loud will run the sidereal scope.
The perennial Angel will well descend from the zenith on the land of
the new florescence and will order: Descend the seas, cease the
winds, end the fires, end the death and with the shining of the "Sun
in suns", the sea will descend. The wind will cease, the fire will
extinguish, and death will be silent. The fields will then sprout.
The bird will return to the branch. The happy man will return to
singing, and death, in death it will be his holy duty. It is the
Kingdom in you!, The Angel will add ...
and in the land of the Holy Land, a pure lip will exclaim. Love!" -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1960

"Love will be in love, without
distinction. The new Cross will be Cross in Love!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"The love of the millennium will show the New Cross of the renewed
faith. And the New Cross will be in the scope of brotherhood!" -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972

"Israel Saw, will
See, will not See, but will See in the new light, of her reality,
will Sing!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.
Prophecies on the future of the United Kingdom

- Mario Reading in "The Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus",
Benjamin Solari Parravicini Prophecies for North America

"The freedom of North America will lose its light. His torch will
not shine like yesterday and the monument will be attacked twice.” -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1939.
"North America will take wrong directions by changing its face. It
will be in terrible test. Go without seeing." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,
"North America will turn his vision and his ways towards danger.
Your test will be hard!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1948.
Chico Xavier
Prophecies for South America and Brazil
The newspaper Folha
Espírita of May 2011, brings a revelation made in 1986 by the medium
Francisco Cândido Xavier about the future reserved for planet Earth,
and all its inhabitants in the coming years. The revelation was made
to Geraldo Lemos Neto, founder of the house of Chico Xavier, in Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais, and Vinha de Luz Editora, but only now did he decide
to speak.
The "funny" thing is that at the beginning of the reading, I didn't put
much faith in this "prophecy", but as I read, I got very serious.
That's because the parts I've marked in bold match EXACTLY what
Oracle had told us in recent decades. Much of what was predicted I
shared in posts and comments on the old blog (comments are gone
forever, but some people still remember me talking about the coming
of refugees to Brazil, isn't it?). The posts are still around, or
yet to be published (one of them, from 2004, has just been
published, which talks about future equipment to communicate with
the world of the dead). And a lot of what was prophesied was
supposed to have happened, around the end of the millennium and
beginning of the decade, but it didn't happen for reasons that even
he didn't know.
This is a summary of the interesting points of the text. The full
text can be read in issue nº 439, year XXXV, of May 2011 of the
Folha Espírita newspaper:
"I have carried this burden with me for a long time and I have
always been concerned that Chico Xavier would not tell me everything,
I tell in this edition of Folha Espírita for nothing, but with a
specific purpose, that my mind was receiving a different mnemonic
treatment, so that it would not forget those prophetic words, and
that, at an opportune moment in the future, I would be called to
witness them.
I was fortunate enough to live intimately with Chico Xavier, talking
to him over and over, into the early hours of the morning, on
various subjects of our common interests, notably on palpitating
clarifications about the Doctrine of the Spirits, and the Gospel of
Jesus. One of these themes was in relation to the Apocalypse of the
New Testament. Since then, in our colloquiums, Chico Xavier always
had one or another enlightening word on the subject, punctuating
this or that verse and making me understand, little by little, the
moment of transition through which our planetary orb passes, on the
way to regeneration."
In one of these conversations, recalling the book Brasil, Coração do
Mundo, Pátria do Envangelio, written by the spirit Humberto de Campos,
Lemos Neto expressed to Chico his doubt about the title of the book,
since even on that occasion, in the mid-1980s, Brazil lived with
hyperinflation, poverty, hunger, great social disparities, political
and economic lack of control, not to mention corruption scandals and
cultural backwardness.
"I remember, like today, Chico's surprised expression replying to
me: "Now, Geraldinho, you are seeking privileges for the
Homeland of the Gospel, when the founder of the Gospel, who is Our
Christ, lived in poverty, surrounded by sick and needy of all kinds,
experienced all sorts of vicissitudes and persecutions to be
tortured, almost abandoned by his closest friends and to die
crucified between 2 thieves? Let us not forget that the founder of
the Gospel went through all kinds of trials, suffered the martyrdom
of the cross, but then he dropped the cross and rose to the Immortal
Life! This should serve as a roadmap for the Homeland of the Gospel.
One day we shall rise from the ashes of our own sacrifice to
demonstrate glorious immortality to the whole world!"
Following our conversation, I asked Chico what he exactly wanted to
say about Brazil's sacrifice. Was he predicting the future of our
nation and the world? Chico thought for a while, as if he were
glimpsing distant scenes and, after some time, he returned to tell
us: "Do you remember, Geraldinho, the book by Emmanuel O Caminho da
Luz? In the final pages of the narrative, in chapter XXIV , whose
title is Spiritism and the Great Transitions, in it Emmanuel stated
that the selfless and enlightened spirits spoke of a new meeting of
the community of the angelic powers of the Solar System, of which
Christ is one of the divine members, and that the celestial society
would gather for the third time in the earth's atmosphere, since
Christ received the sacred mission of redeeming our humanity, in
order, finally, to decide once again on the destiny of our world".
Well then, Emmanuel wrote this back in 1938 and I am informed that
this meeting has indeed taken place. It took place when man finally
entered the planetary community, leaving the ground of the
terrestrial world to set foot on the lunar ground for the first
time. Man, by his own effort, won the right and the possibility to
travel to the Moon, a fact that materialized on 20 July 1969.
On that occasion, the Spiritual Governor of the Earth, who is Our
Lord Christ, listening to the appeal of other angelic beings
in our Solar System, had convened a meeting aimed at deliberating on
the future of our planet. What I can tell you, Geraldinho, is that
after many dialogues and debates between them, several suggestions
were given and, at the end of the celestial conclave, the goodness
of Jesus decided to grant a last chance to the earthly community, a
last moratorium for the current civilization on planet Earth. All
karmic injunctions planned to take place at the end of the 20th
century were then suspended, by the Mercy of Heaven, so that our
world would have one last chance for moral progress.
The curious thing is that we will recognize in the Gospels, and in
the Apocalypse exactly this current period, in which we are living,
as the eleventh hour or the last hour, or even the so-called last
I asked him what Jesus' deliberations were then, and he replied:
"Our Lord has decided to grant a moratorium of 50 years to earthly
society, beginning on 20 July 1969, and therefore ending in July
2019. Jesus then ordered his heavenly emissaries to engage more
directly in the maintenance of peace between earthly peoples and
nations, in order to collaborate so that we could more quickly enter
the planetary community of the Solar System, as a regenerated world,
at the end of that period. Some angelic powers from other orbs of
our Solar System feared the extension of the extra term, and it was
then that Jesus, in his wisdom, decided to establish a condition for
the men and nations of the terrestrial vanguard. According to the
imposition of Christ, the most developed and responsible nations on
Earth should learn to support each other, respecting the differences
between them, refraining from launching a war of exile. nuclear
termination. The face of the Earth should at all costs avoid the
so-called World War III. According to the deliberation of Christ, if
and only if the earthly nations, during this period of 50 years,
learned the art of good coexistence and fraternity, avoiding a war
of nuclear destruction, the terrestrial world would finally be
admitted to the planetary community of the Solar System, like a
regenerating world. None of us can predict, Geraldinho, the advances
that will take place from that date of July 2019, if we only know
how to defend peace between our most developed and cultured
I asked Chico what advances he was referring to and he replied: "We
will reach the solution to all social problems, such as the solution
to poverty and hunger, which will be extinct; we will have the
discovery of a cure for all diseases of the physical body;
terrestrial man will have ample and total access to information and
culture, which will become more generalized; our brothers from other
more evolved planets will also have the express permission of Christ
to if they present themselves to us openly, collaborating with us
and offering us new technologies, hitherto unimaginable at our
current stage of scientific development; we will have to manufacture
devices that will facilitate contact with the discarnate spheres,
enabling our longing conversation with the loved ones who have
already left for the beyond; at last we would be facing a new world,
a new Earth, a glorious phase of spiritualization and beauty for the
destinies of our planet."
It was then that I asked him: Chico, so far you have only told me
about the best hypothesis, which is that terrestrial humanity would
remain in peace until the end of that period of 50 years. But, what
if the case of terrestrial nations launch themselves into a nuclear
war? "Ah! Geraldinho, if incarnate humanity decides to follow the
unfortunate path of World War III, a nuclear war with unpredictable
and disastrous consequences, then Mother Earth herself, under the
auspices of Greater Life, will react with violence unforeseen by our
men. If man would start the III World War, who would end it, it would
then be the telluric forces of nature, the Earth itself tired of
human excesses, and we would then be faced with gigantic
earthquakes, tidal waves and consequent waves (tsunamis); we would
see the explosion of volcanoes long extinct; we would face
devastating thaws that would devastate the poles of the globe with
tragic results for coastal areas, due to the rise of the seas; and,
in this case, the volcanic ash associated with harmful nuclear
radiation would end up making the entire Northern Hemisphere
completely uninhabitable in
our terrestrial globe."
But what would happen specifically with Brazil?
According to the medium, "in both situations, Brazil will
fulfil its role in the great process of planetary spiritualization.
In the best hypotheses, Brazil will grow in socio-cultural, political
and economic importance before the community of nations, food and
raw materials for the world, as well as a great source of energy,
with the discovery of huge oil reserves that will make Petrobras one
of the largest companies in the world. Will have as a consequence
the elevation of Brazilian culture to the international scene and,
in its wake, the books of Christian Spiritism, which had fertile
soil in their development here, will reach the interest of other
nations as well. The North of the planet becoming uninhabitable, great
migratory flows would then form to the Southern Hemisphere, which would then be called more directly to
play its role as the Fatherland of the Gospel, exemplifying love and
renunciation, forgiveness and spiritual understanding towards
migrant peoples.
The New Earth Era, in this case, would take longer to arrive with
all its splendour of scientific and moral achievements, because it
would take another long period of reconstruction of our nations and
societies, forced to reorganize themselves on their most basic
According to Chico, what remained of the United Nations would end up deciding to
invade the nations of the Southern Hemisphere, including Brazil and
the rest of South America, Australia and Southern Africa, so that
our nations were militarily occupied and divided among holocaust
survivors from the Northern Hemisphere. This is where we Brazilians
would be called to exemplify true Christian fraternity,
understanding that our brothers from the North, although "mano
militare" invaders, would not cease to be burdened and afflicted
with the disastrous consequences of the war and the telluric
hecatombs, and therefore, even so, they must be considered our
brothers on the way, in need of support and support, understanding
and love.
Our Brazil as we know it today will then be disfigured and divided
into 4 distinct nations. Only a quarter of our territory
will remain with us and Brazilians will only be left with the
Southeast States, added to Goiás and the Federal District. The North
Americans, Canadians and Mexicans will occupy the States of the
North Region of the Country, in tune with Colombia and Venezuela.
The Europeans will come to occupy the States of the South Region of
Brazil, joining them to Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. Asians,
notably Chinese, Japanese and Koreans, will come to occupy our
Midwest, in connection with Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru. And,
finally, the States of the Brazilian Northeast will be occupied by
the Russians and Slavic peoples. We cannot forget that this whole
intricate process has its spiritual ancestry and we are forced to
recognize that we have much to learn from the invading peoples.
Americans can teach us respect for the law, love of law, science and
work. Europeans, in general, will be able to bring us love for
philosophy, classical music, education, history and culture. Asians
will be able to incorporate into our people their highest notions of
respect for duty, discipline, honour, elders and millenary
traditions. And then, finally, we Brazilians will offer them, our
brothers in the flesh, the highest values of spirituality that, by
God's mercy, we treasure in the fraternal and friendly heart of our
simple and humble people, these good people who were reincarnated in
this great Brazilian nation to fulfil God's plans and demonstrate to all
the peoples of the planet the faith in the Higher Life, witnessing
the continuity of life beyond the grave and the serene and noble
exercise of mediumship with Christ".
According to Chico Xavier, Brazil will not have privileges and will
also suffer the effects of earthquakes and tsunamis, especially in
coastal areas. It turns out that, according to the medium, the
impact here will be much smaller compared to what will happen in the
Northern Hemisphere of the planet.
Another decision of the spiritual benefactors of the Greater Life
was the one that determined that, after the dawn of the year 2000 of
the Christian Era, spirits hardened in evil and ignorance would no
longer receive permission to reincarnate on the face of the Earth.
Reincarnating here, from that date on, would be equivalent to a
valuable fair prize, destined only to the strongest and most
prepared spirits, who knew how to amass, in the course of multiple
reincarnations, relevant spiritual achievements such as meekness,
mildness, love of peace and fraternal concord between peoples and
nations. The reincarnation of Chico Xavier's spiritual mentor, the
spirit Emmanuel, is part of this higher order programming, which, in
fact, was reborn, according to Chico who informed several closest
friends, exactly in the year 2000. All other spirits, recalcitrant
in evil, would then, from the year 2000 onwards, be forcibly forwarded to
reincarnation in more backward worlds, of expiations and harsh
trials, or even in primitive worlds, still experiencing the caveman
stage, in order to purge their excesses, and its insubmission to
superior designs. Chico Xavier was aware of these worlds to where
reluctant spirits were being exiled. According to him, the largest
of these planets would be called Kírom or Chirom.
Emmanuel himself, through Chico Xavier, responding to an interview
already published in a book, tells us that prophecies are revealed
to men not to be fulfilled. They are, in fact, a great spiritual
warning for us to improve ourselves and move away from us the
hypothesis of the worst path.
South America Prophesies
of Benjamín Solari
"The earthly
civilization possesses a lost civilization." - Benjamín Solari
"The plateau
contains truths that will come to light at the end of time, when the
meridians return. There the giant race is hidden." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1968.
"South America will be the cradle of love, after the great flare" -
Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1968.
"After the flame. The fall civilization completed will be elevated
and succoured by the American block, which will be solidified and
taught for good. Brother's love will be!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1968.
"South America and the union of Latin America will be the future
beacon of the world. New civilization at the end of the flame!" -
Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1968.
"Message in the test; Lands that will be tomorrow's promise:
Argentina, barn of the world; Brazil arm of charity and love of neighbor; Chile, culture in elevation; Uruguay, new policy. South
America, crucible of peace!" - Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1968.
"The New South America will see what the world will not see and it
will be in love after the three fumes." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,

"America. Hunger
will strike the world! Men will die in their dreadful exhaustion,
but Americas will be promise." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1939.

"New Vision in Latin America!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1972

"Latin America will
see in love, and will know about its hidden values. It will build!"
- Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1972

"Latin America will be quickly invaded by the truth in its truth and
will know... recovering God." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,

"Latin America" worldwide home!" - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,

"The Americas will bleed. Europe will
bleed later. Every idea will see a sun of light, America will see
the truth. Argentina will be light." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1940

"Light. The children of the north high
plateau will see the light of tomorrow, after the great cataclysms
that will separate South America from Central and North.
Then the light will be from the South." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1938
“The high plateau contains truths that will come to light at the end
of time, when the meridians return. There is hidden the giant race.” - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,
“South America will be the cradle of love, after the great flare.” - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,
“After the flame The finished civilization fall will be high and
helped by the American bloc, which will be solidified and taught for
good. Brother love will be!” - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1968
“South America and the union of Latin America will be the future
beacon of the world. New civilization at the end of the flame!” - Benjamín
Solari Parravicini, 1968
“Message in the test; Lands that will be the promise of tomorrow:
Argentina, granary of the world; Brazil arm of charity and love of
neighbour; Chile, culture in elevation; Uruguay, new policy. South
America, melting pot of peace!” - Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1968
“The New South America will see what the world will not see, and
will be in love after the three fumes.” - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,
"North America will speak loudly. Latin America will listen. South
America will act consistently and silently towards a renewal of
evidence that will gradually be able to impose, compose, decompose
and finally recompose in triumph; Argentina will be the tomorrow of
Humanity." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1940

"66 - Dumb deaf the
world will be in 66, and then in Latin America the chaos will rise
and then spread to the world that did not listen. Humanity will
succumb in struggles." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1938.
The Mission of
South America
"The Christ then
locates his fertile hopes in America. The workers of Jesus organized
the evolutionary lines of the nationalities that would have to
flourish in the new lands, they defined the role of each region in
the continent, locating the brain of the new civilization at the
point where today the United States of North America is aligned and
its heart in the extensions of the abundant and welcoming land where
Brazil flourishes in South America. The former keep the material
powers; the second holds the first fruits of the spiritual powers,
destined for the planetary civilization of the future." - Chico
Xavier in" The Way of Light ", 1939.
"Full of hope, the
Master's heart is thrilled, contemplating the beauty of the sublime
spectacle. "Hillel the Elder" asks, "where are these new lands the
planetary corner from which the symbol of human redemption is seen
in the infinite? "This place of sweet charms, Master, from which the
tributes of the heavens to your earth on earth are seen in the
world, lies farther south. And when, in the midst of the landscape
full of aromas and melodies, they contemplated the sanctified souls
of happy orbs, in the presence of the Lamb, the wonders of that new
land, which would later be Brazil, was drawn in the firmament, in
the garden of the constellations of God, the most imposing of all
symbols. Hands raised upwards, as if invoking the blessing of his
Father for all the elements of that extraordinary and opulent soil,
Jesus then exclaims: "For this wonderful and blessed land will be
transplanted the Tree of my Gospel of pity and love. In their giving
and most fertile soil, all peoples of the earth will learn the law
of universal brotherhood. Under these heavens will be sung the most
tender Hosanna to the mercy of Heavenly Father. You, Hillel, will be
embodied on Earth, among the poorest and hardest working people in
the West, you will set up a script of courage, to transpose the
immensities of these dangerous and solitary oceans that separate the
old from the new world. We will set up here a work tent for the
humblest nation of Europe, glorifying their efforts in the workshop
of God. We will take advantage of the simple element of goodness,
the brotherly heart of the inhabitants of these new lands, and later
I will order the reincarnation of many Spirits already purified in
the sense of humility and meekness among the oppressed and suffering
races of the African regions, to form the a pedestal of solidarity
of the fraternal people who will flourish here in the future in
order to exalt my Gospel in the glorious ages of the future. Here,
Hillel, under the merciful light of the stars of the cross, will be
located the Heart of the World! The region of Cruzeiro, where the
epic of my Gospel will be realized, will first of all be eternally
linked to my heart". - Chico Xavier in" Brazil, Heart of the World,
Homeland of the Gospel ", 1938.
A Missão da América
do Sul
“O Cristo localiza,
então, na América as suas fecundas esperanças. Os operários de Jesus
organizam as linhas evolutivas das nacionalidades que teriam de
florescer, nas novas terras definiram o papel de cada região no
continente, localizando o cérebro da nova civilização no ponto onde
hoje se alinham os Estados Unidos da América do Norte e o seu
coração nas extensões da terra farta e acolhedora onde floresce o
Brasil, na América do Sul. Os primeiros guardam os poderes materiais;
o segundo detém as primícias dos poderes espirituais, destinadas à
civilização planetária do futuro.” - Chico Xavier in “A Caminho da
Luz”, 1939.
“Cheio de
esperanças, emociona-se o coração do Mestre, contemplando a beleza
do sublimado espetáculo. — Hillel — pergunta - onde fica, nestas
terras novas, o recanto planetário do qual se enxerga, no infinito,
o símbolo da redenção humana? — Esse lugar de doces encantos, Mestre,
de onde se veem, no mundo, as homenagens dos céus aos vossos
martírios na Terra, fica mais para o sul. E, quando no seio da
paisagem repleta de aromas e de melodias, contemplavam as almas
santificadas dos orbes felizes, na presença do Cordeiro, as
maravilhas daquela terra nova, que seria mais tarde o Brasil,
desenhou-se no firmamento, formado de estrelas rutilantes, no jardim
das constelações de Deus, o mais imponente de todos os símbolos.
Exclama então Jesus: — Para esta terra maravilhosa e bendita será
transplantada a árvore do meu Evangelho de piedade e de amor. No seu
solo dadivoso e fertilíssimo, todos os povos da Terra aprenderão a
lei da fraternidade universal. Sob estes céus serão entoados os
hosanas mais ternos à misericórdia do Pai Celestial. Tu, Hillel, te
corporificarás na Terra, no seio do povo mais pobre e mais
trabalhador do Ocidente; instituirás um roteiro de coragem, para que
sejam transpostas as imensidades desses oceanos perigosos e
solitários, que separam o velho do novo mundo. Instalaremos aqui uma
tenda de trabalho para a nação mais humilde da Europa, glorificando
os seus esforços na oficina de Deus. Aproveitaremos o elemento
simples de bondade, o coração fraternal dos habitantes destas terras
novas, e, mais tarde, ordenarei a reencarnação de muitos Espíritos
já purificados no sentimento da humildade e da mansidão, entre as
raças oprimidas e sofredoras das regiões africanas, para formarmos o
pedestal de solidariedade do povo fraterno que aqui florescerá, no
futuro, a fim de exaltar o meu Evangelho, nos séculos gloriosos do
porvir. Aqui, Hillel, sob a luz misericordiosa das estrelas da cruz,
ficará localizado o coração do mundo! A região do Cruzeiro, onde se
realizará a epopeia do meu Evangelho, estará, antes de tudo, ligada
eternamente ao meu coração” - Chico Xavier in “Brasil, Coração do
Mundo, Pátria do Evangelho”, 1938.

"Cristo en el Amor
de Paz Rey triunfante será en el 2002. Entonces todo habrá regresado
al mundo en reconocido bien. La mujer será mujer. El hombre -
hombre. El planeta Tierra será en verdores y la fatigada humanidad
del pasado siglo, reaccionará y observará feliz porque la
confirmación de Israel en Canáan habrá sido. ¡El Sol será en el
Sol!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,
"Christ in the Love
of Peace Triumphant King will be in 2002. Then everything will have
returned to the world in well recognized. The woman will be a woman.
The man - man. The planet Earth will be in greenery and the weary
humanity of the last century will react and observe happily because
the confirmation of Israel in Canaan will have been. The sun will be
in the sun!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

The divided world has the command of both halves. But both halves do
not rule. Only the Lord did it, and left them free will to judge and
judge them. Each half today sports its weapon. Christo wait!" -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.

"The "short vision"
of world powers will be clouded without remedy, and the powers will
roll in atomic madness. Chaos!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1971.
To be sure, man and
woman alike; for, as given from the beginning, they are one. Not as
man counts oneness from the material viewpoint. Rather from that as
He gave: "Where are those thy persecutors?", "No man, Lord",
"Neither do I condemn thee. Sin no more." In the searching out of
those who, where and when He speaks, or has spoken among or with, or
through men:
"By their fruits ye shall know them." - Matthew 7:20
They that bring more righteousness are the children of faith, hope,
charity. These three; and they do so in Material world, the Father,
the Son, the Holy Spirit. Be thou, then, a channel that may oft walk
with Him that gave not of else than:
"Let not your hearts be troubled; neither let it be afraid. Let not
thine right hand know what thy left hand doeth." - John 14:27
In all those periods that the basic principle was the Oneness of the
Father, He has walked with men. Rather giving self to seeking, day
by day, to Know the will of the Father as was manifest in Him, and
may be manifest in thee, for He will not leave thee desolate, but
will come to thee. But not unless invited, for, as in the periods,
as when He walked with men, as the Master among men, or when as
Joseph in the kingdoms that were raised as the saving of his peoples
that Sold him into bondage, or as the priest of Salem, in the days
when the call came that a peculiar peoples would proclaim his name,
He has walked and talked with men. Or, as in those days as Asapha
(Joseph), or Affa in those periods when those of that same Egyptian
land were giving those counsels to the many nations, when there
would be those saving of the physical from that of their own making
in the physical; or in the garden when those temptations came, or as
the first begotten of the Father that came as Amilius in the
Atlantean land and allowed himself to be led in ways of selfishness.
Hence, as we see, all the various stages of developments that have
come to man through the ages have been those periods when He walked
and talked with man. In this, then, when, as we find, that those
periods began in a like period from that of Joseph to Joseph, or
Jesus, then again we see the cycle when perfected in body,
overcoming the world in the body of man, will He appear in those
Varied experiences; for He tarries not, and the time draws near.
"Glory to God in
the Highest! Peace on earth, good will to those who love His