Sir Oliver Lodge Teaches
The Soul's Pre-Existence:
Famous Physicist
Announces His Belief, Gained Through Scientific Research, in
Immortality, the Gift of Prophecy, and Christ’s Incarnation
"My message Is that there
Is some great truth in the idea of pre-existence, not an obvious
truth, nor one easy to formulate, a truth difficult to express, not
to be identified with the guesses of reincarnation and
transmigration, which may be fanciful. We may not have been
individuals before, but we are chips or fragments of a great mass of
mind, of spirit, of Life-drops as it were, taken out of a germinal
reservoir of life, and incubated until incarnate in a material
body." It is thus that Sir Oliver
Lodge announces his belief in a doctrine that has not been hitherto
among the recognized tenets of Christianity, although, in some form
or another, it is present In most of the great world-religions, and
is older than Socrates, who used It as one of the links In his
argument for the immortality of the soul. The statement just quoted,
and Its development, is made by Sir Oliver In his new book. " Reason
and Belief," which is published this week by Moffat. Yard & Co. For years Sir Oliver Lodge has been recognized as one of the
foremost authorities in physical science, his discovery of the
“coherer," an important adjunct in wireless telegraphy, placing him
among famous practical inventors of the day. Recently however, Sir
Oliver, who is at the head of the Society for Psychical Research as
well as Principal of the University of Birmingham, has been turning
his attention to the great problems of religion, attacking these
from the stand- point of the investigating scientist rather than
that of the confirmed theologian or the skeptic, and the results of
his studies, along certain special lines, have been put forth from
time to time in such books as "Science and Immortality," " The
Survival of Man." In his forthcoming book,
however, he brings together in one view his conclusions on the
leading doctrines of religion, the Immortality of the Soul, the
Bible, the Incarnation of Christ, presenting these, as he explains
in his preface, in an expository and not in an argumentative form,
and declaring that the basis for these views is in “the facts of
experiences", and the "result of a life-time of scientific study."
Moreover, he finds that
there is a “profound substratum of truth underlying ancient,
doctrines, and in so far as the progress of science instead of
undermining actually illustrates and illuminates some of them, he
finds it his duty to indicate to the best of his ability "how
matters stand." Sir Oliver brings forward his Idea of prep-existence in the very
beginning of his book: "There is no real end to anything In the
universe, no end to any real existence; nor is there any beginning." He argues that the soul will live forever In the future as a
consequence of Its pre-existence: "John Smith was born a few years
ago and will die, but he will not go Into nothingness; and though as
an individual he began at birth, it is not likely that he, any more
than anything else, began from nothing. The complexity of his
organism, the far-reaching quality of his mind, combined with what
we know of the leisurely processes of nature, forbid the idea of
construction elaborated in such fantastic haste. The body has been formed
to a given pattern quickly enough; so may a plant grow with great
rapidity; but there must be some entity, even though It be only a
germinal vesicle, which collects and arranges the particles to suit
The specific form of the
structure depends on this entity not on the miscellaneous sources of
the particles. Some, kinds of material
can be used, some cannot: those which have been good for food serve
their turn for a time and then are discarded again; but it is the
arranging entity for which we postulate continuous existence. It is this of which we may
seek to trace the continuous and perennial history. The discarded
body looks dead and dismal enough but that is only because the
energizing sprit which constructed it has gone beyond our ken.
"All analogy, Is against
the idea of disappearance being synonymous with destruction. Death
is change, indeed-a sort of emigration, a wrenching away from old
familiar scenes, a solemn and portentous fact-but it is not
annihilation. No thoughtful person can
really and consistently believe that he is destined. To drop head foremost in
the jaws of vacant, nothing, and to cease." of every kind of
individual existence with a history, with an origin and a termination, we must ask what before? what after?
For some kinds of
existence we can answer these questions; for others, not. But we
know that beyond their manifest history there must always be an
infinite past and an infinite future: and hidden antecedence and
sequence may in time be traced. “The experience and memory of the
past survive in our very organization; we are the product of
evolution through the aged. Conscious memory may fail, does fail, but the effect of experience lasts. And It does not follow that our
conscious memory will always fail; Individuality once begun shall
not again completely cease." Birth, like death and
marriage, he finds. Is one of the three adventures in human Life:
"An adventure is great as any perhaps -the coming to the planet, the
becoming an individual, attaining a personality which, whether it
begins then or not, at any rate is to continue. At birth we began a
separate individual existence, but not from nothing. Children often appear to
retain for a time some intuition some “shadowy recollection, as it
were, of a former state of being. And even adults, in certain moods,
have I gleams of more than mortal things.” and are perplexed, at
times, with a dim reminiscence as of previous experiences."
Taking the pre-existence
of 'the soul for granted, Sir Oliver speculates further: "What
happened before earth-life, we have forgotten, if we ever knew, we
have forgotten. Our individual memory
begins soon after birth. Before that we cannot trace identity.
Perhaps we had none Either we had none, or we have forgotten. The
latter is the more poetic mode, of expression. It is not new. I am
well aware that I am saying nothing new. The doctrine is old; Plato
taught it before the time of Christ. Wordsworth taught it early
last century, the doctrine that when we enter into flesh we leave
behind all memory of previous existence, all, except for occasional
dim and shadowy recollections which, though they may be stronger in
infancy, occasionally surprise the grown man also, from whose mind
they usually appear to have faded."
This occasional flashing
from a supposedly "dislocated memory" he finds "His suggested by the
analogy of hypnotic trance, and by cases of multiple personality:
where In each of the lower states, or strata of personality, all
memory of what happened in the higher has completely lapsed, until
the appropriate state is again entered. It Is true, and rather
specially instructive, that in one of the highest states thus
accessible it some times happens that the gaps of memory are filled
up, and all events are more or less recollected, even those of lower
states also; though as a rule the memory is discontinuous, and the
appropriate thread is taken up again on re-entering any given
state." As to the existence of
angels, and the help which they afford to man in his struggles, Sir
Oliver takes an affirmative' view for which he refers to "facts "
that; are known to him, but which he does not state here."
The idea of angels is
usually treated as fanciful. Imaginative It Is, but: not altogether
fanciful; and though the physical appearance and attributes of such
Imaginary beings may have been overemphasized or misconceived, yet
facts known to me indicate that we are not really lonely in our
struggles, that our destiny is not left to haphazard, that there is
no such thing as laissez faire in a highly organized universe.
Help may be rejected, but
help is available; a ministry of benevolence surrounds us, a cloud
of witnesses, not witnesses only, but helpers, agents, like
ourselves, of the immanent God. Hidden as they are to our
present senses, poets can realize their presence in moments of
insight, can become aware of their assistance in periods of
dejection, dejection which else would be despair." From this belief in the
existence and ministry of angels he proceeds to an affirmative
consideration of the doctrine or the Incarnation of God in Christ:
"And the race has also been helped. A Divine Helper has actually
taken flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. “The second
man is the Lord from heaven.”
And at this advent season
and Christmas time we commemorate that event. We commemorate it
every time we date a letter; for what does 1910 mean except that we
are counting the years since that event? The whole Christian world
dates its history from that momentous epoch, the Incarnation. “We are all incarnations,
all sons of God. In a sense, but at that epoch a Son of God in the supremest sense took pity on the race, laid aside his majesty, made
himself of no reputation, took upon him the form of a servant, a
minister, entered into our flesh, and lived on the planet as a
peasant, a teacher, a reformer, a martyr. This is said to have
literally happened; and as a student of science I am bound to say
that, so far as we can I understand such an assertion, there is
nothing In It contrary to accepted knowledge. I am not testifying to
It because, It is a conventional belief, I am testifying because I
have gradually found that it may be true, because I have gradually
become assurer of the possibility of such an incarnation. The historical testimony
in its favour is entirely credible. The Christian Churches have hold
of a great truth. That Is what I want people
to realize distinctly and forcibly and with-out any convention.
Freed, if possible, from
the blinkers of custom, it can be recognized as a reality. Al that the churches say
about it need not be true... but something is true much better than
they say, something which they and we together are gradually rising
to understand. It is a great subject on
which many scholars have written; and what they have said Is well
deserving of study. We should take their writings seriously, but
first we should be assured of the possibility of the solid fact with
which they are dealing, assured that there is a fundamental truth
underlying the tentative conclusions of reverent and studious men. "Christ did not spring
into existence as the man Jesus of Nazareth. The Christ spirit existed
through all eternity. At birth he became incarnate. Then it was that he
assumed his chosen title, “Son of Man.” Before that he is called the
Companion, the Counsellor, the Word of God, the Word, or the
Thought, or the Logos, the Idea, the Design, the Conception, these
words all help to convey some notion of what is intended.
“Of the
mystery of the Incarnation we need not speculate, and what He was
before the Incarnation we can hardly express.
The best attempt that has
been made to express it conveys the idea in mystical-and very
beautiful language with which were all familiar: modulating the
great creation then in the beginning God created the heaven and the
earth. “And the Spirit of God
moved upon the the face of the waters”, into poetic utterance still
more magnificent: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was
with God, and the Word was God. All things were made by Him; and
without Him was not anything made that was made. And the Word; was made
flesh, and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory, the glory as the
only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” Yes, that is as near as we can get to the extraordinary truth! The
Great! Spirit took pity on the human race, which was blundering
along, afflicted with a terrible burden of sins, with mistaken
notions, of worship, bloody sacrifices, burnt offerings, and all the
machinery a of priest craft, even when it did not fall into
idolatry. A Divine Spirit, “The
Lord from Heaven”, became incarnate, in order to reveal to us the
hidden nature of God, the love, the pity, the long-suffering, the
kindness, all that we had missed or misconceived or that priests had
defaced. He came to tell us what
the kingdom of heaven was really like. In many parables He tried
to make it clear to us. He found it no easy task, but It was His
central message. His constant endeavour, to
convey some sense of the reality and meaning of the Kingdom of
Heaven, and how it might be actually realized on earth. While Incarnate He, too,
had in some real sense, partially forgotten previous existence.
Yet of Him pre-eminently
it may be said that not In entire forgetfulness, but trailing clouds
of glory did He come, from God who was his home.
"We can see that His
divine ancestry must have became intermittently plain to one after
another of those with whom He came into contact as He walked the
Earth in Syria. An extraordinary influence, an effulgence of the
spirit shone through the earthly covering and inspired profound
wonder, enthusiasm, and devotion. The healing Influence of
the hem of His garment is not beyond what we know may occur. And the Transfiguration
itself, when even his peasant garments shared for a moment in the
blaze of glory, was but a special manifestation, to the few who were
susceptible, of what was more of obscurely there all the time."
In regard to the
prophecies as to the coming of Christ contained in the Old
Testament, the inspiration of which, with certain Qualifications, he
does not doubt, the following remarkable statement is made,
remarkable because of the suggestion conveyed that Sir Oliver Lodge
is in possession of certain "facts " from which he is beginning to
believe in the possibility of foretelling future events: "Do you
think that such prophetic anticipation is impossible? Do you think It absurd to
suppose that such an event as the Incarnation was foreseen and
heralded, in some fashion more or less distinct? If you think so it is not
to be wondered at for the possibility of such foresight into
futurity is a strange one. But I believe you are wrong if you think
so nevertheless. Facts are beginning to be
known to me, still obscure and incomplete, which tend to show that
even the birth of a human child, of ordinary parents, a child only
remarkable for the fullness and richness of its nature and for the
destiny soon to overtake It, was predicted, was shadowed forth in
ways obscurer, but subsequently unmistakable, more than a year
before birth. It Is not a subject on
which dogmatism is appropriate; but the conclusion at which I am
gradually arriving is that future events are planned, and are not
haphazard and unforeseen; that arrangement is possible in other
spheres than ours, just as design and foresight are possible among
human beings, anticipations and heraldings of a kind far above our
present power. It is true, but of the same general character. “Nor is the idea of some
kind of, perhaps automatic, perhaps semi-conscious, choice,
concerning our earthly destiny, foreign to the conception of
inspired and informed philosophers and poets; for the parable in the
tenth book of Plato's Republic, is well known and perception of some
real truth underlying it is the basis of the following apostrophe
addressed to an ordinary human being: “Soul, that In some high world
hast made Pre-natal unbewalling choice, Thro' earth's perplexities
of shade Sternly to suffer and rejoice."
"But however it may be with the individual himself in ordinary
cases. It is practically certain,
in my mind, that anticipation in such matters is Possible, and that
inspired writers may express far more than they know. "So I have been led to
perceive that the description given of those other utterance.
Christ's posthumous utterances at the end of Luke's Gospel, may be
essentially true, and that some of the prophecies are genuinely and
properly interpretable in ways of which the writers had barely a
suspicion: “Behooved It not the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into
his glory? And beginning at Moses and
all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the
things concerning him self.” "And while still living, he was imbued with the same idea; for did
he not say to a Jewish audience, at a moment of danger and
“Your father Abraham
rejoiced to see my day, and he saw it and was glad." Through the vista of a
thousand years, the coming of the Messiah had been dimly foreseen by
the great patriarch at inspired moments. “Then it was that in
answer to their easy, self-satisfied sarcastic retort. Thou art not
yet 50
years old and hast thou seen Abraham? He made that portentous
utterance, announcing His pre-existence, His eternity; then it was
that He made the claim which they took for blasphemy: “Verily,
verily, I say unto you. Before Abraham was, I Am.” That statement is clear and unmistakable, it was clear even to them,
so clear that they could only reply with stones. "The present, the past,
and the future all in some strange sense indistinguishable.
Existence one continuous chain, manifested now, hidden then, but
real always. Before them in flesh stood
the earthly representation or incarnation of a Being who henceforth
would be acclaimed by all Christendom as eternal, Omnipresent,
Divine! “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the
Word Was God." - in “The New York Times”, 20
November 1910.

The First Grand Master of the Order, at "Sir Oliver Lodge
Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
The Resurrection of
in the Light of Modern Science and Psychical Research
A Great Question: For myself, I am convinced of the fact of the
How did Christ rise from the dead?
“The Resurrection may be a miracle in the sense in which I define
miracle. My definition is as follows: "A miracle is a law abiding
event by which God accomplishes His purposes through the release of
energies which are normal on a plane of being higher than any with
which we are familiar." If only beings on some higher plane can know
about and release these energies; if man, because he is man, has
normally no entry yet into that plane, it may be that he cannot find
yet the answer to the question: "How did Christ rise from the dead?"
This idea of miracle demands a word or two of explanation. Some
think of miracles only in terms of wonder. For them the marvellous
is the miraculous. This seems unsound to me, for many marvellous
things of a hundred years ago are now understood. With such a
definition they cease to be miraculous. I well remember an Arab
sheik who would have bet me a large sum that no message could reach
Baghdad from Basra faster than his best horse could run. He had not
heard of the electric telegraph, let alone the wireless. It was an
apparent "miracle" to him, but not to me, and after a period of time
not to him either. All may be law, but some laws may belong to
a higher plane of being. We can never assert that miracle is a
breach of law unless we know all the laws there are in every part of
the universe material, psychical and spiritual. To this could be
added a wise word of St. Augustine: "We say that all miracles are
contrary to Nature, but this is not so. For how is that contrary to
Nature which happens by the will of God, since the will of so mighty
a Creator is certainly the nature of each created thing?"
The Resurrection within the Realm of Law
It may be that the Resurrection of Christ exhibits energies which
are law-abiding, but as far beyond our understanding and use as
penicillin injections are to a savage in a jungle village. Maybe we
shall arrive on this plane one day. Maybe on that plane the
phenomena of the Resurrection are normal.
The Narrative
Let us now recall the narrative because certain things written
there, at first sight trivial, do, to my mind, carry most important
weight as evidence.
The question is, how did it happen?
It may be that this was a miracle in the sense earlier defined, an
impingement into our plane of being of energies belonging to a
higher plane and beyond our present understanding. It may be that we
shall one day understand as we make progress in scientific
understanding of the laws of the universe, including those in the
field of psychic research. After all, there have been happenings on
this earth which give the impression of being "once for all"
miracles. The appearance of life on the planet could be instanced.
Once this earth was red-hot. All its "scenery" must have appeared
like that in the heart of a red fire. No one, imagined as watching
the earth from outside, could have predicted that from the red-hot
earth, a natural and anticipated development would be life in plant
and animal. Yet it happened. The Resurrection of Christ from the
dead was a never to be repeated crossing by One person of the
immense gulf between life in a physical body as we know it and life
in a form which, while it can still make the same impression as a
physical body on the human senses, has entirely transmuted matter by
changing its form, speeding up physical changes which turn solid and
liquid into gas, and then slowing those changes down again where and
when its directing psyche desires. After all, Christ in the days of
His flesh clearly had immense and unusual powers over the bodies of
others. The nature of matter is now regarded as being a form of
energy, and whether matter is solid, liquid, or gas depends on the
speed of the molecules which make it up. Could the spirit of Christ
act upon His body in such a way as to alter the molecular speed and
make the body take gaseous form in an unusually short time? I don't
know, but it is conceivable. Imagine, what is not unknown to the
physicist-fluctuations in energy so that one or more molecules
acquire greater energy than the rest. If molecules at the surface of
the body acquired extra energy, they could escape from the body
The Avoidance of Decay
Part of the problem· is solved if you agree that He was to such a
degree the master of the processes by which molecular energy can be
changed that He could alter the form of the matter of His body
through the influences of His mind and spirit. Since I began to
ponder these things, I read Sir Oliver Lodge great book "My
Philosophy", 1933.
Speaking of Christ's Resurrection, Sir Oliver Lodge says:
"Was His spirit so high that it not only animated the body, but
changed it, altered the perceptible material form, so that in a
literal sense He became the first fruits of them that slept? It
seems to me quite possible that His case was an anticipation of what
in time may happen to many, that after a long course of evolution
our bodies too may become dematerialised, and that all the repulsive
paraphernalia of burial or burning, to get rid of the unwholesome
residue of de-organising or disintegrating matter that we leave
behind, shall no longer be necessary. Not that our bodies will
rejoin the spirit, the spirit will not need them, it will have a
spiritual or etheric body of its own. Our present material bodies
are formed of earthly particles, and to the earth they will always
return; but perhaps they need not always go through the processes of
decomposition which to many are so repulsive. The atoms themselves
may separate and so spontaneously disappear from our ken; and the
body, having served its purpose, may be not only discarded, but may
cease to be. I do not know if this will ever be the fate of the
higher portions of humanity. It is a long time ahead yet anyhow, but
we need not shut our eyes to the possibility. And if we find the
evidence good, we may adhere to our faith that our Elder Brother had
already attained this high eminence, and that the tomb could not
hold the body which had been animated by so lofty a Spirit”.
I have repeated more than once the idea that a spiritual being may
have the power to produce on the human sense-centres the same result
as physical matter would produce. This needs illustration, and while
the records of the Society for Psychical Research can provide many
illustrations, I would prefer an incident which happened to a person
whom I personally knew. A minister was sitting alone in his study
one stormy night, when he heard the bell-ring. Going to the door, he
found standing there a young woman whom he knew fairly well. She was
from a village some 5 miles away. This village was in an adjoining
circuit from which the minister in question had moved some sixteen
months before. "Good evening," she cried. "I expect you have
forgotten me, but I have come on a very urgent errand. My father is
dying. He never attended church much, but once or twice when you
were in the circuit we persuaded him to hear you preach. I do wish
you would come and pray with him before he passes away." "I will
come at once," replied the minister. Putting on his coat and hat,
and taking an umbrella from the stand, he set off in the pouring
rain on a 5 mile walk, accompanied by the young woman. On his
arrival at the house, the wife welcomed him warmly. "Oh, how good of
you to come I" she said. "But how did you know that my husband was
passing away?" "Your daughter came for me," he replied, with some
surprise at the question. It was the woman's turn to be surprised
now. "Come upstairs at once," she said, ''and we will talk
afterwards." The minister went to the bedside of the dying man,
spoke to him, and prayed with him, and shortly afterwards the end
came. Turning to the woman, who was now a widow, he asked where the
daughter was, for he had not seen her again since they entered the
house. The woman replied, "I was surprised when you came to the door
this evening, and I asked you who told you that my husband was
dying. You said my daughter called and that you came out together.
You have not heard then, that my daughter died a year ago?" Now the
minister was astounded indeed. "Dead!" he exclaimed. "She came to my
door, rang the bell, and walked out here with me. But there," he
said, "I think I can prove that. As we came along together, the road
was up in one place and a watchman and another man were sitting in a
hut in front of a fire. They saw us go by. I'll speak to t em on my
way home. He set off on his return journey, and found the two men
still sitting in front of the fire. "You saw me go by an hour or so
ago, didn't you?" he said to the men. "Was I alone?" "Yes, sir," one
of them replied, "and you were talking away to yourself as hard as
you could!"
Importance of Psychic Research
Psychic research is a field which, I am sure we must explore it with
the same exactness and integrity as we have, in the name of science,
explored other fields of phenomena. Spiritualism is supposed by some
to be not quite respectable, but, for myself, I feel that to deny
the claim that in certain cases the living have made authentic
contact with the dead is to demand more of credulity than the
situation warrants. In those cases I find the Spiritualist
hypothesis more probable than any of its highly praised
alternatives. And in the field of serious psychic research I believe
careful scientific investigation will find the most rewarding
treasure. Indeed, there is evidence, which I welcome, that man is
getting rather tired of a barren materialism and its claim to
explain all phenomena. It is almost amusing to watch the
neo-physicists, whom one supposed were engrossed with matter
plunging into the non-physical for their ultimate explanations,
while the neopsychologists, whom one fondly imagined were concerned
with the psyche or non-material part of man, are trying to explain
his complicated behaviour in terms of purely physical mechanisms.
How strange it is that man, essentially a spiritual being, should
have come, as so many have, to dismiss as myths the existence of the
spirits of the so-called dead, the existence of angels and devils,
and, for all the difference it makes to life and thought, the
existence of God Himself. How strange that man should have supposed
for so long that the universe ended at the point at which his five
meagre senses were capable of registering it! One wonders why the
mind of man has developed so amazingly if, outside matter, there are
no worlds for it to conquer.” - Dr Leslie D. Weatherhead, in “The
Resurrection of Christ”, 1959.

The Cross Bordered
The Cross has a full
Circle, a full Circle with a Cross is the Symbol of Christ,
God and the Heart; Love.

One night, Fray José de Aragón, the
Guardian Angel of Benjamín Solari Parravicini, dictated the
"Son, tonight I come to you, to tell you: write and draw: it is time
to spread the word in love, love in Faith, and Faith in Holy Peace. A
Byzantine era is lived" and as in that yesterday that shone with
Justinian I - in that yesterday entered the fall of one civilization
and the birth of another, and in which after falling and taking
everything out, the cross returned and again it was learned of
something of how much had been lost ... I don't want to elaborate on
history, but yes, I want to beg you: draw some premonitory lines
about what I will give you. I have thought that it is time to spread
the word in love, love in faith, and faith with Holy Peace. It is
time to say it: because the Tremor of anger comes to Earth, and
anger will be blind and bloody. Therefore, if she is blind, before
she is unleashed, it is necessary to show that the cross can once
again be a symbol of salvation and rescue for many who, without
seeing, will be able to see, and without knowing, will be able to
know. I have taken the "Cross Bordered". Will you say why? Very
simple, dear child: because God is the universe, and since the
universe is circular, we have that God is a Circle, therefore:
Universal God. This cross placed inside the Circle, which can be
smooth or trimmed with flames, sun symbol, also of God, will mean
God Christ, will be Love, Faith, Light, if it carries the heart in
the union of the arms, that is to say in the crossing the logs. Take
it then, son, talk about it, hand it over, it's time. Send it to our
very beloved brother Sigurd, who will be able to run it through his
pen, in newspapers and magazines in the country and abroad. He
always collaborated in them for our cause, and I am grateful to him.
Tell him, it is the hour of the "Cross Bordered".... tell him that my
blessing reaches him, and I renew my gratitude for the loving hand
placed in our book. The argument goes in the drawings." -
Fray José, Server

without knowing they may know. I have taken the "Cross
You will say why? Very simple, dear son: because God is universe,
and since the universe is circular, we have that God is Circle,
therefore: Universal God. This cross placed inside the Circle, which can be smooth or bordered
with flames, symbol sun, also of God, it will say God, Christ,
will be Love, Faith, Light, if it takes the heart in the union of
the arms, that is to say in the crossing of the logs, have it then
son, speak of it, give it, it is the hour."
- Fray José de Aragón
Drawings of Benjamín Solari Parravicini (1898-1974)

"Arrives! A new communication system
in the world by artificial planets." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"Falls the lion of the seas. The
English Power shall be touch in it's most inner rope. The communist
arrives to them." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1938

"Orient - Christ in return - Occident"
"Catholic dilemma: Orient comes to West.
The West marches to the East, both in search of the
respective religions. Every Occidental
young adopts the "Hippi" in Oriental custom.
Every young Oriental adopts the "Hippi" in
Occidental manners. Why?
the world wonders? Why?
They ask themselves;
both do it for extravagance apparently, but it is
not so, they do it
and they will do it because it is the beginning of the conjunction."
- Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"The freedom of North America shall
lose its light.
Its torch won't illuminate like yesterday, and the
monument will be attacked two times." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,
911 Report

"Stock markets on the ground" "Crisis
Crisis". "The great Yankee millionaire will cease to be" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"CIVILITY. 5 months. Civilization will
be seized" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"Walker! It
will be at 12 o'clock! Science, faced with its incapacity, faced
with the mystery that has it and it does not see, it does not
reflect, that if it sees nothing, it should not deny as it does,
everything inexplicable, illogical, that which according to it
cannot be, because it has the Truth in its hands. Smug science
says: "this is," or "this is not." It is unchallengeable. And at
every question it smiles in blunders, becoming a permanent
inquisitor, while the world advances in events that it brands as
unusual madness typical of ignorant or alcoholic people. Science
will know one day that everything is natural and true on the
path of reality and unreality, tangible to many, who know that
we are all part of something that, although it cannot be felt,
exists. Science will know one day and it will be at 12 o'clock."
- Benjamin Solari Parravicini

"Science kills the science. And
technology to the humanity." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,
Royal Bank of Scotland
“The Royal Bank of Scotland two great
banks brought to collapse, in a few short years of grave errors of
management and motives.
Occurring after 300 years of respected property and caution. Many
other financial instruments and grand edifices will also collapse
brought upon by the excesses of greed and also of corruption”. - in “Nostradamus' Prophecies: The Comparative Translations” 2011,
translated from the original 1568 French Edition (Lyon) of 10
Centuries of 942 Quatrains, of "Les Propheties De M. Michel
"Ten years after the crisis that led
to the bailout of the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), the Government
still owns 62% of the bank. It could be another seven years before
the last publicly-owned share is sold." - in
"Royal Bank of Scotland bailout: 10 years and counting", UK
Parliament, 12 October, 2018.
"The RBS collapse did not come
suddenly. It can be traced back to the deregulation of banking
through the Banking Act of 1979." - in The Fall of The Royal Bank of
Scotland & Fred Goodwin", Ceannas, 9 February 2024.
"Since 2015, almost 635 branches have
closed in Scotland, yet only nine hubs have opened and only 15 sites
have been recommended as suitable in Scotland since the trials ended
in 2021." - in "Royal Bank of Scotland Branch Closures", Westminster
Hall, 14 May 2024.

"What? Divergences! The new pope will be after rough intern battles.
Two different lights, two truths, two problems.
Confusionism will advance, and from it, the unexpected will arise." -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972
"The world will become denatured by
the power of the home screen.
Every bad influence will be rudely scattered on every home and will
be imposed by the warning commerce, that looks for the mass.
The mass will brutalize, dominated by the orders disguised as easy
and superior paradises, will contemplate stupidity and immorality
with relish.
The day will come when the popular bulk will be handled like
sheepfold." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1938

"Cybernetization will be a deadly
human plague without cure - Its destruction in man will be a
disruption in the desperate and blind world of the eleventh hour." -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.

"Total paralysis in world 80". -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1938
29 September 2019, start of the
Rosh Hashana Hebrew year 5780, also by adding all numbers 5+7+8+0=
In the photo "A migrant in Castel Volturno,
Italy ties himself to a lamppost.", during the so-called
"Covid-19 Pandemic" -10 April 2020.

"When the red flag is raised on the
Eiffel Tower in Paris, Europe will be communist. France blinds the
world with a strange stance that will not be." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini

"Argentina will suffer the storm in
small, which will later hit the world. It will be an example!" -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972

"Hunger! World Poverty" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"Over the materialistic humanity,
death, plagues and cataclysms will rise. Year 65." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1938.

"Head and Throat Cold will be the
beginning of the Great Plague." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1930.

"Fire, hunger, plagues, death repeats
the justifying bell that approaches the world, even more so the
world does not hear or see. Dragon comes the darkness seemed asleep.
Comes the terror of the bear that pretended love and brotherhood.
The humble democrat who never was comes, and poverty comes with him,
the homeless and with them
all the explosions of disintegration. The darkness comes and then
the light of the South! And the cross!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.

"The crowned heads fall next to the
ones that they wanted to crown.
They fall in the mud. And muddy will damage until the change of
change." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.
"In the great test. Human beings, gold
falls, collapses, nothing will be in tomorrow. An edible vegetable
will have more value than a dollar. Open your eyes and learn to
Gold rolls, is disfigured, and will be voided. It will be chaos, but
will be well." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini 1968.
"The voice of the East arrives. The
West comes in speech, the hecatomb comes with the death of gold and
the rise of hunger. The end is coming!" - Benjamin Solari
Parravicini 1968.
"Political and religious confusion
arrives. Preachers of false religions will appear; they will speak
of God, but not of God.
They will be in self-divinity and will exploit the naive deviant who
does not see what he saw as a child.
The ministers of Christ and his soldiers will be the only ones who
will preach the truth.
And they will be!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini 1967.

"The atom will dominate the world. The
world will be atomized and blind. Storms will be caused by man's
incursions into the atmosphere.
New diseases. Disruption of the sexes. Collective madness. Total
nonsense. The world will darken." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1934.

"The final bomb is approaching.
The penultimate final is approaching. The Great King is coming, The
King of Kings." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1939.

"In the peaceful peace man will speak
of God in the streets as at the end of time,
because the fish will be returned in them and because the dove of
the holy word will be in them.
They will be in the dimension of the divine being!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"Upon a materialistic humanity death,
plagues and cataclysms will rise". - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"France the liberal will be
slaughtered and delivered." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1938.

"66 - Gulped. Total pending in France
66." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1938.

"The skating France shall see red." - 1938.

"When on the Eiffel Tower in Paris,
the red flag is raised - Europe will be communist.
Hunger will look for you - France blinds the world with a rare
posture that won't be". - Benjamin Solari Parravicini

"Europe in politics and religion will
fight until they get rid. The monster is coming." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"The AntiChrist arrives - 1971 in a
sea of fights and will reign. Procreation will decrease by the
implantation of the "woman-man" and the "man-woman" These will be
the strand of the final world.
Guerrilla wars, murders, deaths from mass suicide and terror to what
will come will relieve the world of procreation in excess. Religions
will be frightened and cry persecuted."
- Benjamin Solari Parravicini
 "The young hermit of the
North, who travels south, will arrive and say: "I am because I am,
because I was, and because I will be. I am because I am love, and I
bring you." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1971

"The man of the Gospel, will say: "I am,
because I am, because I was, and because I will be, in my truth" For
centuries!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.
This is rather the teachings of a Great
Truth, the Truth of Reincarnation. Along with other mysteries of Life and Civilization.

"The man of the Gospel in his discovered faith will say: I come to the
man deceived by the petulant who threw God. I come because I bring
Jesus". - Benjamin Solari Parravicini 1972.

"The man of the Gospel will say: The
water will come in cleaning, then?... The Kingdom!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,
Reference to the inundations of many
of the parts of the world. Soon after, such events of natural
cataclysm the Kingdom of Christ, a New Golden Era will emerge, that
will last for 1,000 Years. The Christians will be divided in two,
those who will Expect the Second Coming of the Christ, and those who
wont. The
Sovereign Hospitallers Order Civil and Military of
the Good News, expects the second coming of Christ,
The Lord He Is God.

"The New Faith", Bordered Cross in Love. - Benjamin Solari
Parravicini, 1972.
"The new Faith will say: A
cross has been born and she is the Byzantium, but it will
not be because she will have the Circle God and the heart:
There comes the unification of ideas, procedures,
races: unification of the worldly Babel in The Bordered
Cross" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.

"Blessed will be the man who
learned to endure with intimate joy, the cross he received at
birth. Blessed will it be because it will reach the Father". -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"The Crusaders of the Bordered Cross
arrive". - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.

"The Knights Crusaders of
yesterday will return to earth in Crusade of Pax. The hermit from
the distant valley, began to walk and approaches the Land of Creeds.
He will speak of the new new, and of the finished loneliness of
many, and of the purified solitude of the just. O.M. arrives!
- Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.
New Root Race,
The New Child, The New Man
A better Humanity: in body,
as well in mind, and in their spiritual development.

"A new education. It will arrive for the "New Child", she will be
superior, because the
"New Child" will know of it from the time of birth." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.
The Order of the Good News brings a New Science, a New Education. Specially for the new
Children. Who shall know the truths since the time of Birth.

"The "New Child", will teach the adult, and the adult will listen,
because the fire will come, and the hour of superior procreation and
the instant O.M." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,

The preparation for the Birth of the
New Child, this needs to be done before the Act of conception.
This work is done prior to the physical, and it starts in the
spiritual, the mental and in the physical preparations or the body
even before the Conception.
The guidance is given to the members of the Order who wish to give
Birth to the New Child. These will come.

"Communist China
marches to the world!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1938.

"China and Russia
will start the evil of evils in the 70s. Cataclysm and end of
finals." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1939.

"The Mandarin song
will be heard with pleasure and will be sung by the Latin countries.
Chaos!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1938.

"The yellow
communist are coming" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini
"The Yellows are
studying new combat theories for 95. They will keep secret weapons.
Until the time of the shout: Invasion!". - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,
"The pyramids will be in danger. Egypt will be engulfed in an
unprecedented tornado.
The yellow man knows something that he will make known in the
instant of great chaos and will perish. Chaos!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,
"The surprise enclosed in the yellows will stun. Get ready!" -
Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1969.
"The fight of the continents will find new weapons... without
noises!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.

Beginning of evil in 66" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1939.

"World that you observe astonished
the incomprehensible facts without being moved! World that you stay
in the mud and you live comfortably! What do you think about
You will say: "Tomorrow, whoever comes will fix it in
their own way, we will go with what is ours" World though you think
what you say.
I ask: And then what will you do when you have moved
away in death? But you will not be in death!" - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1972.

"The world arrives after the chaos:
the water of purification - the water that will cleanse and grant
the truth of light, the water that will deliver the accuracy of the
Faith, the water that will give away the certainty of hope. The
water that will make love in charity. The water arrives with Jesus.
The water that arrives with the cross. Drink it World!"
- Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1972.
The Order of the Good News: Teaches Hydropathy, and the Eternal Teaching of the Living
God The Christ.

"The love of the
millennium will show the new cross of the renewed Faith - And the
new Cross will be in the field of Brotherhood!" -
Benjamín Solari Parravicini,
The Order of the Good News was established in 2016 in
the New Millennium, to renew the Faith of Christ in the field of

"The anonymous being that comes
close, ringing the Bell of voices, I will bring to the world the
lantern of redemption, because the voices speak to the four winds
the truth of the water and the truth of the cross - but I bring two
envelopes that they see, but they do not say yet, they will say on
the day of the scream!"
- Benjamín Solari Parravicini,
The Order of the Good News work is to teach: The Truth in the
way, method and manner on the usage of Water in the treatment of
disease, and the Truth of the Gospel of Christ in all
corners of the world.

"The New Cross will
defeat atheism" - Benjamín Solari
With the Teachings of the Order,
no one can conscientiously revert to atheism.

"Border, Sun, Love,
Light. The New Cross and the Renewed Church!"
- Benjamín Solari Parravicini,
The Golden Bordered Cross the Symbol of Christ which is the symbol
of the Order.

"Crossed pilgrims will
run the fields proclaiming the truth of the "Cross Bordered". The world will be in Love". - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1972.

"The Man of the Gospel has Arrived! Search for Him!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1972.

"The Crusaders Arrive And Will Be
Legion - Bordered Cross". - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1972.

This is the main Subject of the
Teachings of the Order
"Christ will come. The Truth of what
is real, and of the unreal will be known, then it will be known that both truths
where always One.
And that will be the revelation of the beginning." - Benjamín Solari
"Science and Religion are One, when their Purposes are
One." - in "The
Book of Emmanuel or God among men"
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it
will make more progress in one decade, than in all the
previous centuries of its existence.” - Nikola Tesla

"The madness
raised in leaders will be the cause of the great Chaos." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,

"The youth of the
seventh decade will imitate the Christ. He will let his beards and
hair grow, will wear white robes, will talk about Jesus return, and
will sore their plants in wanderings fatigue. They will not be
heard, but they will be after the fall of rough materialism, after
the great smoke." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1960.
These 3 great smokes are the result of 3 well known large
volcanoes, which exist in different parts of the world, and which
will come into eruption at the same time, days, and weeks and within
3 months many places shall no longer be. These, then, will be that
which will happen just before that which is natural and periodic,
the shifting of the poles.

"Walker, You who
listen listen: arriving is the Earth the overflow of cataclysm. The
wrathful seas will climb countries. The rivers will flood regions.
Craters will thunder superb. Rains of giant waters will fall. Snow
will cover the unexpected. Heats of fire will burn areas. They will
crack the floors in terrible snores, the smoke will rise in burning
columns. The flesh of the weary men will come off, their living
bones will seek death that will not be, because the hour of terror
will have ordered it and will be: The hour ten!" - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,

"The time marks the
end of times." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,

"The waters will
climb mountains, I said yesterday. The waters will catch the minds,
I say today, well for the eye of the high power, observes and
remains silent - the eye of the one that sees in Him its bitterness,
will try to help the one who sinks. The waters will arrive wild day
by day, in more and more, the waters have already hindered human
bodies and clouded their minds, those that seem clear, they are
already confused, and from the confusion the light will appear! The
one that will comfort the High. OM is coming!" - Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1978.

"Unification of ideas and
religions. It arrives the unification of ideas, of procedures, of races
Unification of the mundane Babel in the "Bordered Cross" ".
- Benjamín Solari Parravicini, 1972.
The Order of the Good News
teaches: "The Unification of
Ideas. And the Oneness of Creation."

new Faith will say: a cross has been born and it is that of
Byzantium, but it will not be so, because she will have the Circle,
God and the Heart; Love. There comes the
unification of ideas, of procedures, of races; unification of the mundane Babel on the "Cross
Bordered" -
Benjamín Solari Parravicini,
The Cross of the Order
of the Good News is a Golden Bordered Cross, with its 4 arms of the
cross in equal lengths meaning balance and equality, the gold colour
meaning the light of the sun symbolic of the Light of the Teaching
of Christ.

"The new crusade
will begin with the fumes. Three will be, and three will be its
Love in Love! and Christ!" - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,
The Order of the Good News was established by three
individuals, and its ruled by three members of the Governing
Council. Its admission process consists in 3 stages.
Probation Period 1 Year. Joining Period 7 Years. The Last stage is
the Teaching of the Initiation in the mysteries of Humankind, its
Creation and Divinity.

"The new Faith will transform the
discarded civilization. The
will give Faith". - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,
The Order has the knowledge to
establish a new civilization based in the Teachings, and the Light of
Christ, The God Humankind.

"Light Love
Peace - The
atheist marches, shouts, destroys, kills, addicts the young, hinders
the woman, the motherhood is refused, and virility is thrown. Chaos
is, in this empire of accepted and applauded evils, the all of all;
and everyone in the whole is mud, pestilence, disgust! But all in
the intimate will hear their inner voice, that says to them: depart,
you will cry, embrace the cross. She is coming! And the world will
be in light." - Benjamín Solari Parravicini,

“The stellar fire strike falls on the
ground on day 5 of the 5 fives. It will fall in the regions of
Gibraltar and the Balearic Islands.
Three days there, two in North America, finally a five-hour day in
the West Indies. The fire will purify” - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1938.

The transformation of the world ordered by God is coming!
The shouting of rebels and the protesting of beardless
youths, the ambulatory saying of liberated women and of the
religious with their unfinished theories will be in vain.
The hour of Thunder in Thunder is coming, the hour of the
great order in the New Order. A shattered civilization must
not continue! said the High One. A decadent civilization
must end... The Change is coming! is the triumphant cry of
the world in Babel. The transformation of the world is
coming, it is the commanding voice of God, it is the
convincing voice of those who saw, it is the voice of time
that speaks of time in the time to come, it is the voice
that will prevail over the explosion. It is the voice that
will overthrow Babel! O.M. arrives - (Magna Order)" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1972.
The Fall
of the United Kingdom

"London. The island is sinking" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1940.

"Will fall with the cursed gold" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1940.
When the UK sold 60% of its Gold
Between 1999 and 2002
‘Brown’s Bottom’, the sale of half of the UK’s gold reserves between
1999 and 2002 by then-Chancellor Gordon Brown. In 1999, Chancellor
Gordon Brown sought to sell off 401 tonnes (56%) of the UK’s gold
reserves. The total sale of the gold bullion sold was $3.5 Billion.
The UK gold reserves still total between 310 and 314 tonnes of gold
bullion – the remnants following Brown’s sale. Britain has not
bought or sold gold since.” - in “Worst deal in UK history? 20 years
since Brown sold Britain’s gold”, Bullion By Post, 7 May 2019.
Between 2020 and 2022
2020/21, government Borrowing was, £303 Billion, or 14.5% of GDP – a
peacetime record." - in "Government borrowing: Peacetime record
confirmed", House of Commons, 23 April 2021.
"Soaring inflation pushed interest
payments on UK debt to a record high in June, putting the
government’s budget deficit on course to reach more than £100
Billion this year, almost double its pre-pandemic level.
Highlighting the scale of the economic challenge that will face the
next prime minister, debt interest payments hit £19.4 Billion last
month alone, the highest since monthly records began in April 1997,
according to the Office for National Statistics." - in "Soaring
inflation pushes interest payments on UK debt to record high in
June", 21 July 2022.
Look at the amount of debt that the Disgovernment of Boris Pfeffel
Johnson, playing the Pandemic Game, (please be aware that "viruses"
only exist in the mind of the uneducated, only the ignorant believe
that "viruses" can possibly exist, which is a physical
impossibility, please read the 4 volume Books series: "Covid-19 the
UN-Told Story"). Boris Pfeffel Johnson brought further down the UK
economy in just 3 years in government. The gold in reserve in
today's price (9 April 2020), is $21.2Billion (£17.1 Billion). The
Labour, Lib Dems, and Conservative Parties take turns to see who can
inflict further damage to both the economy and the society of the
UK. This is turn will lead to the rise of a political personality
which will take the UK into a new era, the Communist Era.

“The English Miss will leave her ways
and will be freed and taken over by worldly madness that will lead
her country to Communism.” - Benjamin Solari Parravicini, 1938.

"When the
Cordillera of South America
trembles, Buenos Aires will tremble and then Communism in America
will begin." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1940

"The war of"
the three "will launch rages in disagreements. They will see
without seeing.
They will act without acting well. They will be in
destruction ... of the end!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1972

"Cataclysm, end of end. A planet will
be hurt by a dull planet that rolls the spaces, that planet will be
the Earth. The wound in the crash will be the southern part of the
northern hemisphere and will tear off much of its climax. Then the
world Earth in its shaking, will give a volcano equal to the one it
gave when the piece of South America called today in the high Moon
was torn off. Again the flood, again the darkness, again the axis in
its place, again rolling and a new sea in the pit left, and again
another moon that will shine brighter, the Amnis”. - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1938

"The voice
of the wave" will reach the beaches and drown. The explosion
will raise the new deluge!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1939.
“But pray
ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the
sabbath day:
For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since
the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall
And except those days should be shortened, there should no
flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be
shortened.” - Matthew 24:20-22

"2nd Flood. Night of the night comes
before the waters and the fire." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1938.

"The world
comes after chaos: the water of purification, the water that
will cleanse and bestow the truth of light, the water that will
deliver the accuracy of Faith, the water that will give the
certainty of hope. The water that love will make in charity. The
water that arrives with Jesus. The water that comes with the
cross. Drink it World!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1972
"The day will come when the false word
is believed. It will come when the waters arrive in force of anger.
When the physical health of the being blind and stunned is
precarious. When the earth shakes under your feet. When the thief
runs through the streets without being apprehended. When women shout
for their rights and defend political causes that do not concern
them. He will arrive with six in six. It will arrive in May." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1938
"New microbes will come to the fore
together with new insects. Antediluvian animals will emerge, who
slept on the ice that fell into thaw. The year 2000 will be theirs
again. Man will be then of huge brains but without brains. Reality
will scare because they will be the intellects. The man will
escape." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1934

“The atom will come to dominate the
world, the world will be atomized and will become blind. Storms will
fall caused by man's incursions into the atmosphere, new diseases,
change of sexes, collective madness, total nonsense. The world will
darken.” - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1934

"Science: You carry the bacteria to
the detriment of humans. What does your knowledge do? Understand and
understand: the bacteria will be thrown at you in terrible war. But
remember, she will end up with you in advance. Pests arrive, for
your knowledge. Unknown!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1961

"Parents: I, the angel of the child,
ask for the child of tomorrow. Parents learn to be parents, stop the
vice, stop the robbery, profit, the game, the alien woman, the
friendly infancy, leave the emptiness of the world, of the cold and
venal city. Leave your physique and go to your children. They need
you. Set an example He will be the factor of tomorrow's man." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1937.
"Traditional families will roll and
sink into criminal cases. The new rich will fall into spectacular
crimes, but they will not be sunk. The gold saves. The humble will
be dislodged, despised, forgotten. They will be grounds for
blasters." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1937.
"Humanity will be scorched by
violence. Two brothers will not live a room. Not two friends. Men
will kill their partners. Women will kill their husbands and
children, and the children their parents." - Benjamín Solari

"The lamp of the finished light is
already falling, the darkness is approaching, and the simple beings,
the poor in spirit who said nothing, will tell truths that will
terrify those who mocked them, and they will say with reason,
because, "blessed will be the simple ones" said Christ and they will
be!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1972

"Goodness will disappear from the
world. Theft and crime will take over the environment. The purity of
the creatures will be corrupted by the bad example of denatured
homes. Marriages will be in minority. Lovers will be equally
admired. Man will always be seduced. They will be the seducers." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1934.
"Meditate you that pass. ROBBERY will
become a natural custom in the World and the SCAM will be a natural
custom. The ASSAULT on the neighbour will be means of LIVELIHOOD and
POLITICAL SUPPORT. And politics, ASSAULT and even DEATH!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1937.

"Man always played with fire. And he
was always a victim of his game. Today he does it with "mushroom"
bombs, with gases, with computers, with "robots". Tomorrow?...
Destruction!" - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1972.
The Changes to Come given in the New
"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the
Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they
were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the
day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood
came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of
man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and
the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one
shall be taken, and the other left." - Matthew 24:37-41
"And he said,
Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name,
saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore
after them. But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not
terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end is
not by and by. Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against
nation, and kingdom against kingdom: And great earthquakes shall be
in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights
and great signs shall there be from heaven. But before all these,
they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, delivering you
up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings
and rulers for my name's sake. And it shall turn to you for a
testimony. Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate
before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom,
which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist.
And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and
kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put
to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. But
there shall not an hair of your head perish. In your patience
possess ye your souls. And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed
with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let
them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which
are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the
countries enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that
all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe unto them
that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for
there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this
people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be
led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden
down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the
stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the
sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and
for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for
the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall they see the
Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. And when
these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your
heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. And he spake to them a
parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees; When they now shoot
forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at
hand. So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye
that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand." - Luke 21:8-31
The Forerunners
1850 to 1950
Since the mid 1800's and the early part of the 1900's several
individuals where born to fulfil a purpose, that purpose of being
Forerunners of that influence in the earth known as the Christ
Consciousness, the coming of that force or power into the earth that
has been spoken of through the ages.
The Second Coming and
the Years of Tribulations will happen in the same time frame.
That as has been
promised through the prophets and the sages of old, the time-and
half time-has been and is being fulfilled in this day and
generation, and that soon there will again appear in the earth that
one through whom many will be called to meet those that are
preparing the way for His day in the earth. The Lord, then, will
come, “even as ye have seen Him go.” He shall come as
ye have seen Him go, in the Body He occupied in Galilee. The body
that He formed, that was crucified on the cross, that rose from the
tomb, that walked by the sea, that appeared to Simon, that appeared
to Philip, that appeared to John. He shall appear even as the Lord
and Master. Not as one born, but as one that returneth to His own,
for He will walk and talk with men of every clime, and those that
are faithful and just in their reckoning shall be caught up with Him
to rule and to do judgment for a thousand years! Then in groups, in
masses, and then they shall reign of the first resurrection for a
thousand years; for this will be when the changes materially come.
As to the material changes that are to be as an omen, as a sign to
those that this is shortly to come to pass, as has been given of
old, the sun will be darkened and the earth shall be broken up in
divers places. The earth will be broken up in the western portion of
America. The greater portion of Japan must go into the sea. The
upper portion of Europe will be changed as in the twinkling of an
eye. Land will appear off the east coast of America. There will be
the upheavals in the Arctic and in the Antarctic that will make for
the eruption of volcanoes in the Torrid areas, and there will be
shifting then of the poles, so that where there has been those of a
frigid or the semi-tropical will become the more tropical, and moss
and fern will grow.
He will walk and
talk with men of every clime
For a thousand years, He will walk and talk with men of every clime.
Then in groups, in masses, and then they shall reign of the first
resurrection for a thousand years; for this will be when the changes
materially come.
The Beginning of the Age of Aquarius
A great deal of the
activities as have been wrought by the gradual changes that are
coming about. These are at the periods when the cycle of the solar
activity, or the years as related to the sun's passage through the
various spheres of activity become paramount or tantamount to the
change between the Piscean and the Aquarian age. This is a gradual,
not a cataclysmic activity in the experience of the earth in this
The entering of the period that laps over from one to another, as is
the natural sources. The transition period or the ending of the
Pisces Age and that which is to follow, the Age of Aquarius.
24 December 2012
The start of the 6th Major Ice Age.

How the Ice Sheet Grew 533,000
Square Miles (857,780 Square kilometres) in One Year
This Nasa satellite image shows the ice at the smallest extent on
record, with much of the Artic Ocean uncovered.
Recovery: Contrary to predictions that the ice would have
vanished by this summer (2013), it actually inceased by 29% from
last year (2012).
"A chilly Arctic summer has left
533,000 more square miles of ocean covered with ice than at the same
time last year – an increase of 29%. The rebound from 2012’s record
low comes 6 years after the BBC reported that global warming would
leave the Arctic ice-free in summer by 2013.
"Scientists in the US have presented one of the most dramatic
forecasts yet for the disappearance of Arctic sea ice. Their latest
modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free
in summers within just 5-6 years. Former US Vice President Al Gore
cited Professor Maslowski's analysis on Monday in his acceptance
speech at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo." - in "Arctic
summers ice-free 'by 2013'", BBC, 12 December 2007.
Instead, days before
the annual autumn re-freeze is due to begin, an unbroken ice sheet
more than half the size of Europe already stretches from the
Canadian islands to Russia’s northern shores. The Northwest Passage
from the Atlantic to the Pacific has remained blocked by pack-ice
all year. More than 20 yachts that had planned to sail it have been
left ice-bound and a cruise ship attempting the route was forced to
turn back. Some eminent scientists now believe the world is
heading for a period of cooling that will not end until the
middle of this century – a process that would expose computer
forecasts of imminent catastrophic warming as dangerously
misleading." - in "And now it's global COOLING! Return of Arctic
ice cap as it grows by 29% in a year", Daily Mail, 8 September

2012-2024 NOAA
Sea Ice Extent data
"3 December 1972
Dear Mr. President (USA)
Aware of your deep concern with the future of the world, we feel
obliged to inform you on the results of the scientific conference
held here recently.
The conference dealt with the past and future changes of climate and
was attended by 42 top American and European investigators.
We enclose the summary report published in Science and further
publications are forthcoming in Quaternary Research.
The main conclusion of the meeting was that a global
deterioration of climate, by order of magnitude larger than any
hitherto experience by civilized mankind, is a very real
possibility, and indeed may be due very soon.
The cooling has natural cause and falls within the rank of processes
which produced the last ice age. This is a surprising result based
largely on recent studies of deep sea sediments.
Existing data still do not allow forecast of the precise timing of
the predicted development, nor the assessment of the man’s
interference with the natural trends.
It could not be excluded however that the cooling now under way
in the Northern Hemisphere is the start of the expected shift.
The present rate of the cooling seems fast enough to bring glacial
temperatures in about a century, if continuing at the present pace.
The practical consequences which might be brought by such
developments to existing social institution are among others:
1. Substantially lowered food production due to the shorter growing
seasons and changed rain distribution in the main grain producing
belts of the world, with Eastern Europe and Central Asia to be first
2. Increased frequency and amplitude of extreme weather anomalies
such as those bringing floods, snowstorms, killing frosts, etc.
With best regards,
George J. Kukla, Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory
R. K. Matthews, Chairman, Dept of Geological Sciences, Brown
University, Rhode Island, USA"
"Telltale signs are
everywhere - from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack
ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a
warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest. Since the
1940s the mean global temperature has dropped about 2.7° F. Although
that figure is at best an estimate, it is supported by other
convincing data. When Climatologist George J. Kukla of Columbia
University's Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory and his wife
Helena analyzed satellite weather data for the Northern Hemisphere,
they found that the area of the ice and snow cover had suddenly
increased by 12% in 1971 and the increase has persisted ever since.
Areas of Baffin Island in the Canadian Arctic, for example, were
once totally free of any snow in summer; now they are covered year
round. Scientists have found other indications of global cooling.
For one thing there has been a noticeable expansion of the great
belt of dry, high-altitude polar winds — the so-called circumpolar
vortex—that sweep from west to east around the top and bottom of the
world. Indeed it is the widening of this cap of cold air that is the
immediate cause of Africa's drought. By blocking moisture-bearing
equatorial winds and preventing them from bringing rainfall to the
parched sub-Sahara region, as well as other drought-ridden areas
stretching all the way from Central America to the Middle East and
India, the polar winds have in effect caused the Sahara and other
deserts to reach farther to the south. Paradoxically, the same
vortex has created quite different weather quirks in the U.S. and
other temperate zones. As the winds swirl around the globe, their
southerly portions undulate like the bottom of a skirt. Cold air is
pulled down across the Western U.S. and warm air is swept up to the
Northeast. The collision of air masses of widely differing
temperatures and humidity can create violent storms—the Midwest's
recent rash of disastrous tornadoes, for example. University of
Toronto Climatologist Kenneth Hare, a former president of the Royal
Meteorological Society, warns Hare: "I don't believe that the
world's present population is sustainable if there are more than 3 years like 1972 in a row." - in "Another Ice Age?", Time",
June 1974.
“In terms of the ebb and flow of the Earth’s climate over the
course of its history, the next Ice Age is starting to look
overdue. Periods between recent Ice Ages, or ‘interglacials’,
average out to be around 11 thousand years, and it’s currently been
11, 600 since the last multi-millennial winter.” - in “Ice Age,
interrupted”, University of Cambridge, 9 January 2012.
“Professor James
Renwick from the School of Geography, Environment, and Earth
Sciences at the University of Wellington has said the planet should
be going through a cooler period in due time:
“The timing is
right for the next ice age to come around soon. We are currently in
one of the warm periods (interglacials), between ice ages and the
present interglacial should be ending about now.” For the past two and a
half million years, the Earth has experienced regular ice ages,
related to slow changes to earth’s orbit around the sun and changes
in the earth’s axis of rotation (Milankovitch cycles).” - in “Ice
age shock: Timing is right for the next ice age to come around
soon”, Express, UK, 7 February 2020.
"The average global
temperature on Neptune unexpectedly fluctuated during a recent
17-year period, according to a new study published by the American
Astronomical Society in The Planetary Science Journal.
"All - what is happening with Neptune? A new study reports an
unexpected, globally averaged drop of about 8°C between 2003 and
2018." - Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen."
- in "New Study Finds Unexpected Temperature Changes on Neptune",
NASA, 15 April 2022.
"Researchers have
predicted the collapse of The Atlantic Meridional Overturning
Circulation (AMOC) could happen any time between 2025 and 2095 —
far sooner than previous predictions. The AMOC may be veering
toward total breakdown between 2025 and 2095, causing temperatures
to plummet" - in "Gulf Stream current could collapse in 2025,
plunging Earth into climate chaos: 'We were actually bewildered'",
Live Science, 25 July 2023.
5 Million Animals
Dead in Mongolia Harshest Winter in Half a Century: "The country has
been experiencing an extreme weather event known as a dzud, which
involves temperatures dropping to -30 C, strong winds, heavy snow,
and ice. “Mongolia has been locked in a battle against the harshest
winter it has seen in nearly half a century”, Olga Dzhumaeva,
head of the International Federation of the Red Cross's East Asia
delegation, told As It Happens host Nil Köksal. The Red Cross says
that weather is responsible for the deaths of 4.7 Million animals so
far, and that number is rising.” - in “Extreme cold is killing
millions of livestock animals in Mongolia, says Red Cross”, CBC
Radio, Canada, 20 March 2024.
"Of all the possible climate futures, there's a scenario where
the United Kingdom and north-west Europe buck the trend of global
warming and instead face plunging temperatures and freezing winters.
A number of scientists fear that the chance of it happening is
growing, and that the consequences would be so great that it
deserves proper consideration." - in "Could the UK actually get
Colder with global warming?", BBC News, 1 February 2025.
From 2015 to 2044
The Third World War
started on 2015, and will end after 29 years in 2044.
From January 2020 onwards
This was already known and being expected since the end of 2016, it
shall come, it must come into the following years, 2
Sea Earthquakes shall come, the coast of the city of New York, both
the areas north and south of same of the neighbouring states, shall
be affected, being the Island of Manhattan the one most affected by
same. The 3 airports, access to, will become difficult, and
rebuilding of these areas shall be needed.
January 2020 to
February 2022
The Fake Pandemic, only the uneducated believes in the Medical Trade
Theory of "viruses", the biggest fraud of the Medical Trade and the
Pharmaceutical Industry.
Please read the following Books:
1. Medicine The Lies, The Greed & The Death Includes - COVID-19 THE
2. The Nescience of Medicine Includes - COVID-19 THE UN-TOLD STORY
Part 2, 2021.
3. COVID-19 ON TRIAL Critical Analyses of a “Pandemic”, 2021.
4. Medicine From Bad Pharma To Bad Science, 2022.
5. Medical Trade Exposed: It's
Lies, Atrocities and Deceit: Includes Covid-19 The UN-told Story
Part 5, 2023.

"Cold head and throat
will be the beginning of the great plague." - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1930's.

"Humanity will be
confined for dread in the final." - Benjamín Solari
20 March 2020
The beginning of the Age of Aquarius
The Years of Tribulations
Earth Changes
2022 -2029
- 2036
"Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors
about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the
indignation be overpast. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his
place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the
earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her
slain." - Isaiah 26:20-21
As to the material
changes that are to be as an omen, as a sign to those that this is
shortly to come to pass, as has been given of old, the sun will be
darkened and the earth shall be broken up in divers places.
2022 - 2029
Maximus Solaris: Solar flare, a large explosion in the Sun's
atmosphere, Coronal mass ejection, a massive burst of solar wind,
associated with solar flares. Geomagnetic storm, the interaction of
the Sun's outburst with Earth's magnetic field, which is prophesied
by the prophet of the watery plains to occur in the vicinity, on or
after the year 2022. A strong geomagnetic storm can produce
electrical equipment disruption, which may also lead to plane
crashes, and malfunction of any machinery that is electric or
electromagnetic such as computers. Having surge protector
appliances will assist at a certain level in protecting electrical
Volcanic Activity:
Near the equator line, and also in those areas of the
Mediterranean sea, and the Caribbean sea.
When will the changes to the planet happen?
When Vega will be the North Star at midnight above the North Pole,
the northernmost star.
"Our North Star,
Polaris, is a beacon in the night sky, an unchanging anchor in the
cosmos. But the North Star actually does change! The Earth wobbles,
causing its axis to shift and point towards a different “north”
every 26,000 years. Our new north will be Vega." - Sarafina Nance, @starstrickenSF,
5 Jul 2019.
Earth Pole Shift:
The Earth Pole Shift is
predicted to happen by many ("I have seen the vision 100 times, at
around midday in a summer day." - Gordon Michael Scallion, 2008), the exact time,
date and place Only the Lord Knows, the date given by Nostradamus
is thought to be the 24 of October 2029.
The Asteroid Apophis may
impact with planet Earth on the 13 of April 2036, the collision is
expected to be in the pacific Ocean in the vicinity of the Hawaiian
Major areas affected will be Japan, Korea, United States of America,
Mexico. The following day there will be much up evil in regards to
Planet Earth activity, these are days, the following days should be
days to stay indoors, ads much volcanic activity around the world
will ensue as a reflex act.
Apophis is the Greek name of
Apep, an enemy of the Ancient Egyptian sun-god Ra. He is the
Uncreator, an evil serpent that dwells in the eternal darkness of
the Duat and tries to swallow Ra during his nightly passage. This
asteroid can be destroyed, but would require willingness and
preparation before hand.
The World in
At least one son of
Donald Trump shall become President of the USA.
The USA will have a Latino President, the level of corruption of
this first Latino president will be the same as that of the
unelected Joe Biden Regime.
The USA shall be under a
Communist Regime.
A Second Civil War shall take place in the USA.
After the third world war, the majority of the USA population, will
together, along side with the Mexican population, will be resettling to the north
of South America.
Five financial crisis in the USA will herald the end of the economy,
until it completely collapses.
The first was in 2008, there are 4 more to go, the last one will
coincide with the scarcity of oil.
In the USA, and else where also, in equal manner, the stock markets,
the financial institutions, have created 6 more times that which is
the real value, the representation of 1. For 1 cannot be 6!
For 6 shall be those coming to claim their bull, but only 1 bull
exists for 6 shareholders, but each shareholder shall have the value
of 1 bull. Blessed are those who don't have money in the stock
Many will go to bed at night rich, and paupers shall rise
unknowingly, what a disappointment.
Google, Amazon, Apple, Paypal, Facebook, it shall come to pass, that
these companies will, one day collapse, and each shall cease to
Puerto Rico shall be independent, poverty will follow.
Beware of the forces of evil forces those who are in cohort with the
shadows, such as: JP Morgan, BlackRock, Vanguard Group, Rockefeller,
Bill Gates, George Soros, and the like! Who are the like? Use your
There will be 3 year of failed crops in the USA (Alaska and Hawaii,
wont be affected by the failed crops, nor will Canada).
The USA shall be Communist, Freedom shall be lost. The American
Millionaire shall no longer be.
The UK
The level of
wokeness, shall bring a downfall of all that which the Victorians
did, worked for, a light to world, these new tenants of the British
Isles shall bring, not light, rather shadows.
Shall be under a Communist Regime, a woman with a peculiar hair
style shall be the one to bring communist rule to the British Isles.
The sad and desolate Scotland, will have what it desires and shall
be independent.
Communism shall came to all 4 Nations.
“The EU should be
doing its best to encourage mass migration to undermine the
homogeneity of European countries.” - Peter Dennis William
Sutherland KCMG, Head GFMD, UN Special Representative for Migration,
Chairman of Goldman Sachs International; Vice-Chairman of The
European Round Table of Industrialists; Steering Committee Member of
The Bilderberg Group; Chairman of the LSE; International Board
Member of US/Middle East Project Inc. (Council on Foreign
Relations): Chairman the Trilateral Commission (Europe), in “EU
should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief”,
BBC, 21 June 2012.
“Peter Jonathan
Hitchens - I was myself a Revolutionary Marxist in the late
1960's and 1970s.
Journalist - What makes you suspect of Keir Starmer, UK Prime
Peter Jonathan Hitchens - Keir Starmer is a man of very
interesting background. He is by inclination, and politics for a
long time a person of the very, very, Far Left. He was mixed up with
a tendency called Pabloism in his 20's, which is an outward branch
for Trotskyism named after a man whose name de guerre was Pablo,
who's really Greek Revolutionary, called Pablo Michel Raptis. Who
decided that the old form of Revolutionary Socialism was clapped
out. In which he was absolutely right, the seizure of the post
office, and the barracks by the working class, that wasn't going to
happen. But the Revolution should concentrate on two things: the red
and the green. The red; being the cultural, moral and Revolution
sort of grand takeover of society in every corner, and the green bit
of course the fanatical, and zealous pursuit of Net Zero, and
similar targets. And the red bit is of course sexual politics,
amongst other things. And Starmer, I think recognizes, and has had
difficulty over this, because he really believes this stuff. He's
extremely dogmatic person, the other very interesting thing was when
he was finally asked a political question interview a week or so
ago, and Nick Ferrari asked him when he kept on referring to working
people, and they wouldn't face any more taxes. Who did he mean by
working people? And he said in effect, I will try and quote exactly
but what the effect of what he said was, that people he does not
regard as working people, were people with savings. Now there are
many, many people in this country are not particularly well off, who
do have savings, and who have managed to accumulate assets. They
will all I think face very strong egalitarian taxation, in one form
or another under this government. There are other things about
Starmer which are fascinating. The Daily Mail, the other day
revealed that he'd been on a Work Camp trip to Czechoslovakia, in
the deep frozen years of Communism in 1986, this is in the period
when people at about being thrown into jail, when they were trying
very hard to draw attention to the complete lack freedom of speech.
When anybody who opposed the the Communist Regime in Czechoslovakia
was either put into prison, or driven from his profession. And made
to work in menial tasks, it was a miserable Cold War time, and yet
he went on this Work Camp Trip. Also when he was a young lawyer in
1980's, secretary of a body he called the Haldane Society of
Socialist Lawyers. The Haldane Society was a result of a split among
left-wing lawyers in London in the 1940's, split largely between
sympathizers of the Soviet Union and non-sympathizers of the Soviet
Union, in which the Haldane Society was the Society of choice for
those who were more inclined towards sympathy for the Soviet Union,
and the Society of Labour Lawyers was the the Society of Labour
Lawyers of normal Labour Party members, who were also lawyers. No
one, who was a left-wing lawyer in London, in the 1980's could not
have known about this distinction. I have particular reasons for
knowing about it, but Sir Keir Starmer could not have been unaware
that there was this distinction, yet he was Secretary of the Haldane
Society, rather than a member of the Society for Labour Lawyers. You
have to ask why? I think that he's a man of the pretty strong hard
left, probably wealthy left of Jeremy Corbin, in a modern and I said
partly German way which is incomprehensible to most people who write
about politics in this country, because most people who write about
politics in this country are politically illiterate, particularly by
the left. And don't understand its language, I understand this
because I was so very nearly in it of course. I was myself a
revolutionary Marxist in the in the late 1960's, and 1970's and I
broke quite bitterly with my former comrades. If you don't have any
understanding of Marxism, then you're completely a lost from
understanding modern European politics. So, for instance someone
like Daniel Cohn-Bendit who ended up as Euro MP, the currents which
began in 1968 in Paris, and the May events of people throwing
cobblestones at the Gendarmerie ended up in many cases deep in the
institutions of the European Union. One of the main Founders of the
European project was an Italian Communist Altiero Spinelli. You
never know this, but if you are an ex-Trotskyist, you do know,
because youcan read the science, and you understand the code it's
all there.” - Peter Jonathan Hitchens, 2024.
Western Europe
There will be 3 year of failed crops in Western Europe. This 3 years
of failed crops, will be simultaneous in the same year as in the
states of the USA.
All crown heads shall loose their crowns. The heads in line
expecting a crown shall receive none.
France first and foremost, then, Denmark, Greenland, Germany, Italy, Spain,
Netherlands, Belgium,
these among others will be under Muslim rule.
France shall become the first nuclear country to have a moderate
arab political party at first which shall be overtaken from within
by a radical arab wing.
Spain shall be divided, first Catalonia by political agreement, then
the Basque will be next but only after bloody war, then all other
Autonomous regions will gain their independence.
Not to long after one of such newly independent regions shall see a
arab political party win the elections.
Portugal will remain a Christian Stronghold. Monaco will be one of
the first states to be invaded. Spain or what remains of it, shall
see incursions by Iran.
The 26 July 2024,
is the "de facto" the end of the French Republic, and it marks the
beginning to the transitional state of Socialist Marxism, which will
allow to be set up the foundations for a future Islamic Republic of
France. The Gold and the Military Arsenal of the French Republic
will be under the control of the new political entity, in the years
to come. France, and the French Nation as such will cease to exist,
they themselves, a nation of refugees.
France shall be Communist first, then it will pave the way to become
an Islamic Republic.
The Germans will lose their country, Angela Merkel will be known as
the one who destroyed Germany, but was she?, she was only one of
many. For the Lord has loved the German Nation, so much so but this
God child is lost, leave and seek new pastures, learn, and commit
not the same mistakes. For instead of making manifestations, or
thinking of winning an election, plan and leave! Where to? Use your
head! When you leave be more like the Austrians, and embrace the new
nation you go to, be not like the Amish, rather integrate and help
to develop the new nations, not interfere, but help them develop
their civilization, costumes and manners to a more civilized level.
Germany shall be Communist.
"We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we [are]
about to replace them with Mongolian savages. Now the horrors of
peace, pacifism and unions will have unlimited sway.
I wish I were
young enough to fight in the next one. It would be real fun killing
Mongols. It is hell to be old and passé and know it." - General
George Patton, 21 July 1945.
Eastern Europe
During the second
half of the third world war, and also after the war, many of the
state nations of Eastern Europe along with their Armies will
negotiate a co-neighbourhood agreement under a new Alliance of
Nations, will be relocated to South America.
United Nations
The UN a truly Marxist organization, corrupt & useless will no longer exist,
A new organization, Union of Free Nations, will supersede same, but, this time around, only
Free Countries will be a part of it, or better said, countries of a
certain tendency.
Those who shall not be admitted will be under a sort of Empire of
European Union
Hungary, Poland and others will leave the European Union.
Good Riddance; the German and French Marriage will no longer exist.
Difficult to imagine, but it shall come to pass. The present Vatican
within the City of Rome shall cease to exist.
A fragmented "Vatican" will be relocated to Canada.
Another, "Vatican" will be established in Poland.
China will invade Taiwan, all other countries will do nothing. But
by doing so the Chinese Communist Regime will unaware, this will
lead to the downfall of Communism in China.
Communist China will forge a military war with Russia, in the end
will come to nought.
Communist China will have bought corrupt politicians in South
America much power and influence.
Communist China will use Electronic Technology as a weapon, and will develop
and use Electronic Waves, Radio Waves, and Radiation as a weapons.
Communist Rule Chile shall end.
Christianity shall rule the New Free China.
Will never be ruled by arabs.
Economic and Electronic Warfare: Both Economic and Electronic
Warfare is and will remain a main priority of the Illegitimate
Communist Regime in China.
Among others will be make belief Fake Pandemics claimed to be from
non existent viruses, remember that biological viruses don't exist,
biological viruses exist only in fantasy.
Having said that: Software Viruses, do exist, these are real, and
the Illegitimate Communist Regime in China, through popular Computer
Programs and Phone Applications.
Software Code is being placed in both Hardware and Software of
Products, manufactured and produced by companies under linked with
the Illegitimate Communist Regime in China.
The operation brain is in an area in the coastal south part of
12 Days of Darkness of total Black Out of the World Wide Web
Internet Service. The first 6 days will bring chaos, day 7 to 11
will bring anarchy.
Day 12 will see the first signs of the reestablishment of the
Internet Service, this will be made possible with the Satellite
Service of Star Link.
The wise leader, the wise ones will have, will maintain an
alternative analogue system along side the digital systems, for the
digital system will be 12 Days of line.
Shall not be. A fragment shall remain.
Brotherly Christianity shall rule Russia.
Russia will eventually conquer both Ukraine (half of its territory),
and Another Country as
Will never be ruled by arabs.
Confederation of Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania.
It will have a "Vatican".
Will never be ruled by arabs.
Will never be ruled by arabs.
Will never be ruled by arabs.
Venezuela will be annexed by the USA.
Shall receive North Americans, and Mexicans, who will flee the
devastation of the 3 world war.
Shall feed the world.
Shall feed the world.
Shall receive the white race.
Will become the new
The empty land shall be filled.
First it will loose a large portion of land mass.
But then it will more than double its land mass, elsewhere.
Shall receive the white race.
It will more than double its land mass.
State of Israel
Don't confuse "Israel" with the "State of Israel", for these are two
different things!
The fate of the "State of Israel" is explained both in the
Old and in the New Testament.
Surprise mysteries shall be revealed in the altiplano.
Will become free from Communism, in a bloody manner, in which they
gained power, so they shall be removed in like manner.
Starvation shall come to Cuba, the USA will bring Food Aid, the
Communist Regime will fall, Cuba will eventually be annexed to the
Like a puzzle or a it shall be broken into smaller nation states.
A day and night it shall by the shores be day, from Athens at night
say the bright light be seen. For the waterway shall become larger,
and Constantine shall no longer be, for the sea shall be her new
Shall rise, and rise. Shall conquer, and shall terrorise. For
Umayyad Wilayah of Al-Andalus shall once again be. Then it shall
fall and disappear. For it all it conquers shall recede. They will
start, then the Barbarians in Anatolia will terminate. Both shall
vanish in the end. For the war shall come to an end, not militarily,
but Nature will bring the end.
Will be taken by the arab forces, and then repelled by the Europeans, several times, but in the end it
will be abandoned by all sides, for both sides will have a surprise,
and both sides wont no longer be what they once were.
Southern Africa
The largest countries will be divided in smaller nations, around
the year 2190, many of these nations will be the standard of first world
nations, in terms of civilization.
The white race will return to Africa, in large numbers.
Physical Currency The Future of Money
Not all countries, will implement digital currency only, many will,
but many others wont.
Never the less in future, money, the world currency shall be, will
be that of gold and based upon metal gold. For a Island Nation shall
be in charge of its administration, and responsible for same.