Meaning of the Name
full name of the organization in the classical sense and within
its traditional principles and values is called: “Sovereign
Hospitallers Order Civil and Military of the Good News”
name of the Order indicates its aims and objectives as
Gives shelter and Provides for those activities related to the
provisions of Health Care, a new model for a medical philosophy
where patients cared primarily for themselves using Dietary,
Hygienic Methods and Spiritual aid drawn from the Living Word of
the Christ.
It is an Organization with a Hierarchy.
and Military:
It works both with the civilian society as well the military in
like manner as other organizations such as other "Non Governmental
Organizations" in times of war or natural disasters.
This indicates the word of the living Christ and the Good News
that he brought to humankind 2,000 years ago.
or Lessons or Truths of the Order
On God: Christ The Lord Is God, and Saviour of Humankind.
2. On Civilizations and Institutions: Unless
those activities among men are the aid for the greater number,
rather than for the class or the few, they must eventually
3. On Service: As an Ecclesiastical group, may
individuals work, but the Order must supply to the needs of every character of individual,
whether they be of this or that faith. For the faith must be in
the good, in the God, that is presented in same.
Spiritual Awareness: To
sought communion with the unseen forces and influences in a
material world, from a spiritual world.
5. On Others: Magnify the
virtues, and minimize the faults in others. For there is none so
bad nor yet so good that any can afford to judge or speak evil of
the other. Ye may speak evil of evil things, but not of man. For
he is in the image of his God and his God is eternal. The man's
soul is eternal. Then speak not evil of thy brother, lest ye
condemn thine own self.
6. "The meek shall inherit the earth."
7. Each soul that manifests itself in human form Is thy
brother, and the spirit and soul of same is in the form of thy
Maker. For the Lord's sake, then, the opportunities are not to be
used to self's own glory but that the Glory of the Father may be
made manifest in the earth.
8. I Am my brother's keeper.
9. "If ye will be my people, I will be thy God," and "Though
ye wander to the far corners of the earth, if ye will call I will
hear - and will answer speedily."
10. He is the guide, "upon Him may I lean." Though at times
the way be heavy, or the storms such as to cause doubts and fears,
He stills the tempest, He brings harmony to those that are weary,
and tired.
11. For the Lord thy God is One: One Lord, one Christ, one
faith, one hope, one baptism - in the Christ; putting on Christ.
These are the Tenets upon which the Foundation of the Order must be
laid. In that Name, and in Him, shall many find blessings and
Purposes of the Order
advance the Christian faith for the public benefit by:
Raising awareness and understanding of Christian religious beliefs
and practices;
- Promoting the study of spiritual teachings
and practices and scriptures;
- Promoting religious
narratives and or doctrines through producing and performing
musical and theatrical liturgy;
- Providing religious
instruction and supervision.”
main purpose of the Order is to give proof by Healing the sic, and
feeding the hungry, that the hope of the world is Jesus Christ and
the hope of the world rests in our ability to Educate others on
the Good News of the Gospels.
- To Maintain Civilization, Law and Order, Christianity and
Health, and to Teach the relationship with others, as ever set
forth by Him, given by Him, when He was Yehoshua "I Am the
Salvation" a Man: "Others may do as they
may, but for me and my house, we will serve the living God." Not
a dead past, but a living God. For as He gave, He is God of the
living, not of the dead.
Affirmations of Purpose
Lord Lead Thou The Way! 2. I Commit My Body, My Mind, To Be One With Thee! 3. That We May Make
Manifest the Love of God and Man!
To Take the Message From Group to Group
To give
of self in the giving of an understanding to the individuals that
need the understanding of their human ills. To be carried
to the individual, the seeker after the knowledge, the
understanding of the spiritual indwelling of man's relation to his
Maker, through the advocate that mankind has with the Maker, this
is necessary to be proclaimed from one individual to another.
With this humanity, will find the understanding of self.
To take the message from group to group until the understanding is
obtained and sufficient of numbers obtain that necessary to apply
in their individual lives. As has been given, and as is being
shown, first to Jew, then to all Mankind is this being offered. Thus may the
Order of the Good News become a shining light unto many. For the
day of the Lord is at hand, and those who may may become the
bearers of truth unto those that seek His ways.
Purposes of the Order
- Charitable and solidarity activities
relating to the cultural, philosophical and spiritual values of
the Christian Faith; - The provision of places of worship; -
Raising awareness and understanding of the Christian religious
beliefs its Gospel and practices; - Carrying out Missionary and
outreach Work and the physical establishment of Missions: To take
the living word of the Christ by the explanation of the gospels in
an understandable manner.
Charitable Humanitarian
- Provide assistance and safety to all
Christians who may be fleeing religious persecutions; - The
advancement of Health Sciences by establishing of: Health and
Pharmacology Schools, First Aid Training Centres, Health Centres,
Sanitarium; These centres to be operated under the classical
Monastic Medicine Therapies such: as those of Monsignor Sebastian
Kneipp and Rev. Johann Künzle; - Orphanage; - The
advancement of education: Schools Primary, Secondary, Academic; -
Library containing all universal knowledge available; - The
advancement of the Arts, Culture and Science:
Studies & Education; Scientific research in Health Care
Sciences Farming, Forestry, Agriculture, horticulture,
Apiculture Dairy Cheese & Yoghurt Production Mineral
Sea salt Carpentry Architecture Music Electrical
Sciences History Spiritual Science
- The advancement of
environmental protection and improvement of the management of
nature by humans; - Personal and social services rendered by
others to meet the needs of individuals in the humanitarian field,
namely social assistance in the field of housing; - Social
assistance for the sound management of natural resources in the
field of agriculture; - Social assistance for the improvement
of agricultural techniques; - Personal and social services
rendered by others to meet the needs of individuals, in particular
relating to the fight against hunger; - Social and material
assistance and psychological support for victims of natural
catastrophes or wars; - Charitable and social services; -
Protection of Human life (civil protection); - Protection of
Animal life; - Protection of Plant life
Hunger Mission
Mission is helping families, friends, and communities to feed one
International Humanitarian services; - Legal services;
Security services for the protection of property and individuals;
- Personal and social services rendered by others to meet the
needs of individuals, in particular in the Humanitarian field
Defence Force
“Every kingdom divided
against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house
divided against itself shall not stand.” - Matthew 12:25
First, find self. Know thy ideal, spiritual, mental, material. Just
as thy body, mind and soul are one, so should thy purposes be, thy
hopes, thy desires. For, as has been said, a house divided against
itself will not stand. So, as the entity analyses self, study to
show thyself approved unto God, a workman not ashamed, rightly
dividing the words of truth, keeping self unspotted from
condemnation of others. But hold fast to that which is the Law of
One, that ye may know in truth, as has been given, that house, that
temple, that soul that finds itself divided against itself becomes
one of turmoil. And what gaineth a man though he gain the whole
world in fame or fortune and hath lost his own rest, his own peace,
his own soul? Learn well that lesson, that, "In union there is
strength," and that "A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Because a house divided against itself, either mentally, physically,
spiritually or any other, must be disrupted. A double minded
individual fails to impress anyone, or to make for peace or harmony
within self's expression. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. "Ye are
either for or Against Me", saith the Lord, for "This day, as of old,
there is set before thee good and evil. Choose Thou whom ye will
"You know very
well, Lord
Christ, that for Your love I took upon me this war against Your
adversaries. In Your hand, you give me, and those with me my strength
to overcome these blasphemers of Your Name." - Don Afonso Henriques
I, Founding King of Portugal, 1152 Anno Domini.
The Order as the result of its
policy through diplomatic negotiations seeks actively to implement
its ideal aimed and foreseeable status that of extraterritoriality. The
Order is a De Jure State, establishing and becoming in a timely
an orderly manner a De Facto State, possessing State Territory.
A territory without security is not viable, thus
the ideal structure of the Order Defence
Force is to be based on the model Swiss militia system. Compulsory military service applies to all male Citizens of the
Order, with women serving voluntarily, may join at any age from 21.
Receiving the same duties, rank and responsabilities, in equal
manner to males. Males receive initial orders
at the age of 18 for defence military conscription eligibility
The Main Purposes of the Order
1. The determined purpose to have
whole hearted cooperation, in a one-minded purpose, and that purpose
to make manifest the love of God and man; man's relation to man;
man's relation to God. In This there must come, as has ever been
given, success in such terms as the service is meted; and there may
be expected that wholehearted cooperation from the divine.
the Covenant of the Lord.
3. That We May Make Manifest The Love
Of God And Man.
4. To be a channel of blessings to others.
"To make ready a people prepared for the Lord.” - Luke 1:17
6. That the banner of the Cross be again lifted to the world, that
hope may come to the sons of men.
7. To Herald the Coming of The Lord.
8. To Make the Way Clear, Passable, for Him to Come.
9. To prepare better food for a better people, for their bodies as
well as their minds and their spiritual development.
10. To bring to man a better understanding of the close relationship
between the Creative Forces and that created, between man and man,
and man and his Maker.
11. To assist in bringing that Understanding, that Peace, that
Harmony, that can only come with all having the one Ideal; not the
one idea, but “Thou shalt love the Lord Thy God with all thine
heart, thy neighbour as thyself!” This is the whole law, this is the
whole answer to the world, to each and every soul.
12. "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the
Inhabitants thereof." - Leviticus 25:10
13. To guarantee, and allow for the exercise by each soul of its
birthrights, given to each soul by its Creator. For, it is not the
desire of that Creative Force, of which each soul is a part, that
any be without that peace, that harmony which enables the soul to be
a manifestation of that love eternal; that is the birthright of each
and every soul.
Living in Community
Each individual can work together to take care of each other!
Thus the members of the Order are part of the Order as Citizens of the
Order. Life in the Order is based in the tenets of Christ, the
Equality of, and Between Man and Women, and the Freedom which is the
Birth Right
of every soul on earth, given by the Lord Christ who Is God, to each and every
individual. In its living form the Order is a Living Intentional Fellowship Community.
The practical manner of application
of the Order is done by various groups
These include: Farmers, dairymen, engineers, railroads, ships and
shipyards every form of activity; lawyers, schoolteachers, Health
Care Professionals, all of these would work together in their varied
fields of service, but as a Brotherhood. With a single ideal and
purpose. The ideal is indicated in the chart itself, as to how the
varied groups are formed and correlated with other groups in their
relationship to the one central theme or the one central ideal.
The Government of the Order and all departments of the Order are
constituted in their administrative level by: 3, 6, 9, 12 or 15
Citizens of the Order. The Order though this is not as a church it
is a Spiritual Movement. This should never be lost sight of, that
the Order is a United Brotherhood of every group and never a
political factor at all; rather as a spiritual means of attaining
united effort by prayer, by living, by Being.
Theonomy Legal System of the
is the bases of the Legal System of the Order (the Order is in
both its idea and its ideals, a Nation, Israel), its
interpretation is made under Common Law. The law of the Order
should be that which helps the society as a hole, not a few in
determent of others, nor to oppress and complicate the life of
its citizens. Or bring needless bureaucracy. Any movement that
is other than that of the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood
of God is dangerous! To make the effort of Individuals to all
live as brothers one with another! Raise not democracy nor any
other name above the brotherhood of man, the Fatherhood of God!
And as such relationships are administered to the fellow man, so
does the glory of the Father, as manifested in the Son, become
apparent in the lives and the affairs of men. For these are His
ways. He has not willed that any soul should perish, but that
all should come to know the love, the harmony, the peace, the
brotherhood of man, in the fatherhood of God. Teach the people
about God, and how to search and find Him, and apply His
principles in dealing with their fellow man.
Common Law
is based on the premise that everything is legal unless it is
deemed illegal. Common Law should be always that which is both
practical, logical and of that which is born of experience and
common sense.
and Napoleonic Law is based on the premise that everything is
illegal unless it is deemed legal. Roman and Napoleonic Law
represent everything which is opposite to common sense and
common law. Roman law is that which hinders, retards, brings
needles and endless bureaucracy, and wastes time and resources
of the individual and the society.
State Territory and Extraterritoriality
The Order as the result of its
policy through diplomatic negotiations seeks actively to implement
its ideal aimed and foreseeable status of extraterritoriality. The
Order is a De Jure State, establishing and becoming in a timely
an orderly manner a De Facto State. The Establishment of
Sovereign Territory is done by purchase where prior occupation
exists, in regards to newly, recently elevated or formed land
masses, and open sea areas the Order needs not to purchase
these, these new masses of land are claimed in the name of the
Living God the Christ, for the Temporal Administration of the
Order. The Order has no colonies, nor makes colonies nor engages
in empire building, nor there are taxations upon those which the
Order gives protection to.
"A wise man's heart is at his
right hand; but a fool's heart at his left. Yea also, when he
that is a fool walketh by the way, his wisdom faileth him, and
he saith to every one that he is a fool." - Ecclesiastes 10:2
Political Parties
The Address of General Washington to the People of America
on His Declining the Presidency of the United States
“Friends and Fellow Citizens,
I have already intimated to you the danger of parties in the
State, with particular reference to the founding of them on
geographical discriminations. Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the
most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of
party generally. This spirit, unfortunately, is inseparable from
our nature, having its root in the strongest passions of the
human mind. It exists under different shapes in all governments,
more or less stifled, controlled, or repressed; but in those of
the popular form it is seen in its greatest rankness and is
truly their worst enemy. The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened
by the spirit of revenge natural to party dissension, which in
different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid
enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at
length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders
and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to
seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual,
and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more
able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this
disposition to the purposes of his own elevation on the ruins of
public liberty. Without looking forward to an extremity of this kind (which
nevertheless ought not to be entirely out of sight), the common
and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to
make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and
restrain it. It serves always to distract the public councils
and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the
community with ill-rounded jealousies and false alarms; kindles
the animosity of one part against another; foments occasionally
riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence
and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the
government itself through the channels of party passion. Thus
the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the
policy and will of another. There is an opinion that parties in free countries are useful
checks upon the administration of the government, and serve to
keep alive the spirit of liberty. This within certain limits is
probably true; and in governments of a monarchical cast
patriotism may look with indulgence, if not with favour, upon
the spirit of party. But in those of the popular character, in
governments purely elective, it is a spirit not to be
encouraged. From their natural tendency it is certain there will
always be enough of that spirit for every salutary purpose; and
there being constant danger of excess, the effort ought to be by
force of public opinion to mitigate and assuage it. A fire not
to be quenched, it demands a uniform vigilance to prevent its
bursting into a flame, lest, instead of warming, it should
consume.” - General George Washington, Founding Father and 1st
President of the United States, in "Farewell Address Letter,
after 20 years of public service to the United States", 19
September 1796.
Concerning Groups, Parties or Factions
When there becomes class or mass distinction between this or
that group, this or that party, this or that faction, then it
becomes a class rather than: "thy neighbour as thyself." For all
stand as One before Him. For the Lord is Not a respecter of
persons, and these things Cannot long exist. For to Whom does
the wealth belong? to Whom do the possibilities of the land
belong? Does it belong to those who have inherited it, to those
who have been given the positions by power? or to those who have
by their labour, by the sweat of their brow Produced same? Not
that all would be had in common as in the
communistic idea, save as to keep that balance, to keep that
oneness, to keep that association of ideas, of activity, of the
influences throughout the experiences of all. These are to be
kept in those attunements in which there may be the land itself
defining what freedom is; in that each soul is by his Own
activity to be given the opportunity of expression, of labour,
of producing. But all of these, also, are not to say where or
what, but are to seek through their Own ability, their Own
activity, to give that of themselves that is in keeping with
those who labour in the vineyard of the Lord. Hence these may
apply in the national and international relationships. All,
though, must learn that those who Are to be the greater, those
who would make the greater contributions to activity in every
sphere and phase of influence, are to be the servants of all;
not those who would be lords over others. For the Lord so loved
the world as to give His only begotten Son, that whosoever would
might Know that life in its manifestations, in its expressions
and relationships and dealings as one to another is not a
gouging, not a "gimmie", not a hate, not those things that
belittle, but those that create hope, faith and understanding in
the minds and the hearts of men Everywhere!
The Theocracy form of Government
The form of Government of the Order is called Theocracy, it is
the same form of Government which was implemented by Moses the Law
Giver, and kept by Yehoshua
"I Am the Salvation", in the
commonwealth of Israel from the time of Moses until the election of
Saul as King.
“Our aim as communities of individuals
should be, as with the communities of cells composing our bodies, to
associate to mutual advantage. But, individually or collectively, we
can govern ourselves successfully only to the degree of response to
divine spirit and law. Governments must be servants, not masters-
representatives elected to carry into effect the spiritually aligned
will of the people. Theocracy, via democracy, is the only way; not,
as in all countries today, dictatorships - either overt as in the
totalitarian states, or covert as in the misnamed democracies “where
the choice lies between being hung drawn and quartered or boiled in
oil.” - Dr Ulric Williams, MD, in “Hints on Healthy Living”, 1939.
The Government of the Order
A government of the people, for the people and by the people, a
realization of the need for a trust to man's seeking to be helpful
to his fellow man. As is set forth in the preamble, as is
interpreted in the Declaration of freedom, these are principles
which are eternal, those same set forth by those, through which the
hope of the world must come; which all men must recognize if they
are to live together as brethren. Not that all need be of one mind, but
on one purpose and one hope, each loving his neighbour as himself.
The banner of the Cross be again lifted to the world, that hope may
come to the sons of men.
Yes, zealots have used and do use such for their own gratification,
but ye who would be the servant of all may indeed by the greatest
among his brethren.
A nation, too, may have a soul if those who formulate its policies
give it the spirit of truth, in the application of self. It is wise,
to concentrate on improving society by spreading religious
understanding, and know that science and religion are one, when
their purposes are one.
A Government established under that promise, which have been made as
of old:
"If ye will be my people, I will be thy God."
"In the application of the knowledge gained, the understanding as is
being sought. Be not dictatorial, nor lording in thine own activity.
Rather humble in spirit, that the Micah of old may say oft in thine
hearing, this day This is fulfilled in thine hearing, that:
"I will
my name in the place appointed, and I will feed mine peoples and
they shall not be scattered abroad; for even as the knowledge comes
let It be disseminated among those who seek to know the lamb that taketh away the sins of mine people, and their transgressions shall
be remembered no more, and sickness and sorrow and tears shall be
wiped away: "For He who came in the flesh will establish His name
there. Through thine efforts then, my son, be faithful." - Jeremiah,
the servant to the King.
The Government of the Nation
The Sovereign is The Lord, He Is God.
The Nation is Governed by 3 Heads of State, called Regents.
These 3 Grand Masters of the Order are aided, and advised by the
Members of the Governing Council of State of the Order.
"That there would
come three that would make of the perfect way of life. And as there
is found those that have made, in their experience from their
sojourn in the earth, a balance in their spiritual, their mental,
their material experiences or existences, so may they become those
channels through which there may be proclaimed to a seeking, a
waiting, a desirous body, those things that proclaim how there has
been preserved in the earth (that as is a shadow of the mental and
the spiritual reservation of God to His children), those truths that
have been so long proclaimed. Those, then, that make
themselves that channel. For, as He has given, who is to proclaim is
not mine to give, but they that have made of themselves such a
measure of their experiences as to be worthy of proclaiming."
Members of the Governing Council of State are those who work as channels to the Throne of Universal
The Governing Council of State is formed of 12 Consuls of the Order.
The Order must never allow
Imperialism, has imperialism has caused many a great nations to
Teachings to other Nations
Teach God to other Nations, and first:
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God as thyself, and thy neighbour as
thyself, with thy heart, with thy mind, with thy purpose." But so
long as there is the gospel sent with the jug and a bullet, you will
not teach them God.
“1. Democracy passes into despotism!
2. And does not tyranny spring
from democracy, in the same manner as democracy from oligarchy? The ruin of oligarchy is the ruin of democracy; the same disease
magnified and intensified by liberty overmasters democracy. The
truth being that the excessive increase of anything often causes
a reaction in the opposite direction; and this is the case not
only in the seasons, and in vegetable, and animal life, but above
all in forms of government.
3. Democracy comes into being after the
poor have conquered their opponents, slaughtering some, and
banishing some, while to the remainder they give an equal share
of freedom and power; and this is the form of government in
which the magistrates are commonly elected by lot.
4. Yes, it is the nature of democracy, whether the revolution has been
effected by arms, or whether fear has caused the opposite party
to withdraw. And now what is their manner of life, and what sort
of a government have they? for as the government is, such will
be the man.
5. Imagine then: A ship, or a fleet, in which there is a
captain who is taller and stronger than any of the crew, but who
is a little deaf and has a similar infirmity in sight, and whose
knowledge of navigation is not much better. The sailors are quarreling with one another about the steering, every one is of
the opinion that he has a right to steer, though he has never
learned the art of navigation.” - Plato in "Republic".
“I do not say that democracy has been more pernicious on the
whole, and in the long run, than monarchy or aristocracy.
Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as
aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody
than either. Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon
wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a
democracy yet that did not commit suicide. It is in vain to say
that democracy is less vain, less proud, less selfish, less
ambitious, or less avaricious than aristocracy or monarchy. It
is not true, in fact, and nowhere appears in history. Those
passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple
government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of
fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened
before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy
gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers
and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation.
Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies
of men, never.” - John Adams, Founding Father and 2nd President
of the United States in "The Letters of John and Abigail Adams".
Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the
people may take away the rights of the other 49%.” - Thomas
Jefferson, Founding Father and 3rd President of the United
States in Speech written for Lafayette, 1824.
"Democracy is the most vile form of government. Democracies have
ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention incompatible
with personal security or the rights of property." - James
Madison, Father of the American Constitution and 4th President
of the United States, in Federalist Paper No.10, 1788.
The Illusion of Democracy
2010, there was a simultaneous raid on 2 different locations in
Heavily armed agents stormed into private properties arresting
several US citizens for dealing in a restricted substance.
Now drug raids happen quite frequently in the US, it's just one
of the ways the authorities keep us free from malicious and
harmful substances.
Only this wasn't a drug raid.
The substance being sold wasn't crack or crystal meth, or even
bootleg. It was milk.
The reason why pasteurized milk doesn't come under this
scrutiny, and the reason why raw milk, as opposed to cheese,
eggs, raw oysters, sushi, why they don't come under the same FDA
scrutiny, is that the major milk manufacturers, are a principle
lobby within the FDA.
They have very small profit margins per unit, and so if in Whole
Foods and other places there are significant numbers of
consumers who come in to buy raw milk products.
It is a significant economic effect on the large milk
The California milk raids were not an isolated event.
Over the past few years, there have been raids all across the US
to crack down on the sale of many organic products, but despite
any claims of safety concerns or risk, one thing is clear, the
actions of the Regulatory Agencies, and by extension, the
politicians that manage them, are not motivated by any notion of
public good.
They're motivated by the desire to stay in power, that takes
The problem with the US political system is that it revolves
around money.
And so, immediately, that sets off this dichotomy of those who
can afford to play in the system and those who can't.
To run for office, you need 1 and a half million dollars, you
need about 11 million dollars to run for the Senate.
So if you don't have money, where do you go?
You go to the people who have a hand stretched out with money,
ready to fund your campaign, but they're gonna want something in
return, because, of course, they're not giving this money for
charitable reasons.
Political influence has become just another arsenal in the
marketing tool box of large companies.
Only instead of promoting themselves, they use this influence to
suppress the competition, and the key to it all are lobbyists.
People think that we live in a free market society, and we
Big government and big business are way too closely aligned
today, and this, you know, is because of lobbying basically.
We have Cronyism, we don't have Capitalism in the United States,
especially when it comes to the Military, and then Big Medicine,
Big Food, like Monsanto, with all the GMOs and stuff.
Most people don't want it, but yet it's being forced on us
because Monsanto has such leverage in Congress through all the
lobbying of the food industry.
So, what is lobbying?
Well, simply, lobbying is the act of influencing decisions made
by legislators, and Regulatory Agencies, you know, the guys who
make the rules, and the people who exert this influence are
called Lobbyists.
Well connected professionals with slick suits and slicker
Lobbyists tend to be experts in the fields they lobby for, they
advise law makers on how to make sure Americans are getting the
most benefit from the laws they pass, while also reducing
potential harm.
It's a good idea, why wouldn't you want an expert's advice?
Here's where things get screwy.
Sometimes the law makers decide the cash is greener on the other
side, so they become lobbyists themselves.
They leave government and join a private company, taking their
connections and influence with them.
This phenomenon is called the revolving door, people going from
regulating an industry to working in that same industry, and
sometimes back and forth multiple times.
Corporations love having such powerful people on their payroll,
so they do everything they can to lure them over, and for their
part, the regulators help out by making a few choice laws to
benefit their future employers.
And with the spin of the door comes a host of new laws that
benefit some companies, hinder others, but business keeps
rolling and in the end, no one really gets hurt, except, of
course, the people.
You'll see members of Congress who will take on issues defending
one particular special interest, and then go out to work for
that special interest after they leave, and the same is true of
all Government Agencies.
In fact, that's considered the normal way to do business in
Big government and big business essentially are the same, are
they not?
What's the difference between a corporation and a government
agency, when the corporation buys the politicians with campaign
donations and the politicians do as they're told in passing laws
that the corporation would have passed had the corporation been
the government.
Sadly, this phenomenon is all too common today and it's not
specific to just one industry, rather, it seems that many of the
agencies which have the power to influence our daily lives are
corrupted by the revolving door.
When you have delegated power to Committees and Government
Officials and Agencies to regulate the economy, it always leads
to corruption.
It's too tempting for people not to use that power for their own
personal agendas, and the revolving door is merely proof of the
fact that when you give government and it's agencies the power
to regulate commerce, it always, always, will lead to
Nine tenths of all Federal law is not the product of those we
elect, but rather the product of the unelected heads of these
Bureaucratic Agencies.
So we do not have a limited Federal Republic in the United
States, what we have instead is an unlimited Bureaucratic
Oligarchy in which these Bureaucratic Agencies operate largely
without any accountability.
This isn't a representative form of government, they only
represent the most powerful and the people that give them the
most amount of money.
The corporations, the multi nationals have taken over, whether
it's agriculture, whether it's broadcasting, whether it's
Pharmaceutical, whether it's retail, you name the field, a few
control it all.
With so much collusion between Regulators and the Industries
they regulate, the laws governing our daily lives are becoming
excessive, unnecessary, and often, downright nonsensical.” - in
“Freedom from Choice”, 2014.
Who Really Controls
"With $20 Trillion between them, Blackrock, Vanguard could own
almost everything by 2028.
Imagine a world in which 2 asset managers call the shots, in
which their wealth exceeds current U.S. GDP and where almost
every hedge fund, government and retiree is a customer." - in "Fiancial
Post", 4 December 2017.
State Street and Vanguard are arguably the most powerful cartel
in human history. They're the largest shareholders of nearly
every major public company (even of each other)." - in Markets
Insiders", 22 August 2023.
The Plan To Implant Microchips In Everyone
“[Asked about microchips] Certainly in the next 10 years, and at
first we will implant them in our clothes and then we imagine
that we could implant them in our brains or in our skin. And in
the end, maybe there will be a direct communication between our
brain and the digital world.
What we see is a kind of fusion of the physical, digital and
biological world.” - Klaus Schwab, CEO of the World Economic
Forum (WEF is a private registered company), Swiss TV Channel
RTS, 10 January 2016.
The FDA approved in November 2017.
The drug, Abilify MyCite, developed by Otsuka Pharmaceutical
Co., and Proteus Digital Health, has an ingestible sensor
tracking system first approved in 2012, that notifies the
Medical Trade so-called “doctors” when the Medical Trade
Pharmaceutical has been taken.
“It’s fascinating what’s happening in this field right now.
FDA approved the first electronic pill, if I can call it like
It is basically a biological chip that it is in the tablet and
once you take the tablet, it dissolves into your stomach, sends
a signal that you took the tablet.
So imagine the implications of that, the Compliance.” - Albert
Bourla, Pfizer CEO, at the World Economic Forum, 24 January
“The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation came to us and said,
‘Hey, we have a real problem, knowing who’s Vaccinated.
So our idea was to put the record on the person.
This way, later on, people can scan over the area to see what
Vaccines have been administered and give only the ones still
needed.” - Kevin McHugh, in “Quantum-dot Tattoos Hold
Vaccination Record”, Rice University, 18 December 2019.
A Government that Represents a Country
So long as there is class and mass distinction, there must be
turmoils and strife. But so long as the powers are held within
those whose purposes and ideals are that of: "I am my brother's
keeper", and not forcing self upon same. Being the brother's
keeper does not mean that: "I am to tell him what to do, or that
he is to do this or that irrespective", but rather that All are
free before the law, and before God.
Oppression and Self-indulgences
Because of the yoke of oppression, because of the
self-indulgences, extremes arise. Only when there is freedom of
speech, the right to worship according to the dictates of the
conscience, until these come about, still turmoils will be
within a country.
In all centres, or areas there must be more and more return to
the toil upon the land, and not so much of the makeshift of
labour in specific or definite fields. For unless this comes,
there must and will come disruption, turmoil and strife.
Labour and Profit
Unless there is the give and the take, and the considerations of
those that produce, so that they have as much of the use and the
division of the excess and profits of the labours, there must be
brought greater turmoil's in the land.
Exchange of Commodities
For there must come, first, a stabilization of the monetary
unit. There must come then the exchange of commodities or of
trade In a way and manner in which not merely sections, not
merely distinctions made of one portion of the land against one
another, but All are taken into consideration. Unless this is
done, turmoils and strifes will arise. And that which has made
and does make the people afraid, is the fear of servitude in Any
Real Troubles
For unless there is to be the consideration given to each
factor, then others will come in and devour the spoils. This are
the outcome of seed sown in the ages past, and from same man
can, as a whole, and Should take warning.
Upheavals and Wars
Those problems which may bring about the upheavals and the wars,
the distrust, the jealousy, the hate. These are the result of
man's forgetting God, and that which truly represents man's
sincere attempt to worship, honour and glorify a living God. For
this may only be done in the manner in which individuals,
states, nations, treat their fellow man. For, as ye do unto
others, ye do to thy Maker. And when those activities are such
as to dishonour thy fellow man, ye dishonour thy God, and it
brings all of those forms of disturbance that may exist in the
world. As for all the individuals, peace must begin within self
before there may be the activity or the application of self in
such a manner as to bring peace in thine own household, in thine
own heart, in thine own vicinity, in thine own state or nation.
And only one agreement: Worship God in a manner that is in
keeping with the dictates of thy conscience. Thus, nothing new,
nothing strange. These are thoughts and activities of men, but
are as the mind and the body in the individual. When there has
been rebellion in the body of sufficient of the cells to set up
resistance, illness begins. When there has been in the earth
those groups that have sufficiently desired and sought peace,
peace will begin. It must be within self. The same is true in
economic conditions. He that saith he loveth God and seeth his
neighbour in need of food or a coat, and saith: "Go in peace,
God be with thee", and does nothing about same, is a liar and a
thief, wherever he may be; is false to self and will one day
create those things that will bring discontent and disputations
in the earth.
Might does not make right
Rather will the principles of the Christian faith.
The General Principles of Governance
Since the application of those truths or tenets as indicated
becomes the basic needs of the peoples of every land in the
present, then, to apply same in their dealings with the
situations that exist respecting the political, the economic and
the general situations throughout the land. This at the first
glance may appear to be an impractical thing; yet these are the
conditions to be met: Every phase of human experience and human
relationship must be taken into consideration; just as indicated
from that given, that we Are our brother's keeper. Then if those
in position to give of their means, their wealth, their
education, their position, Do Not take these things into
consideration, there must be that leveling that will come. For
unless these are considered, there must eventually become a
revolution, and there will be a dividing of the sections as one
against another. For these are the leveling means and manners to
which men resort when there is the plenty in Some areas and a
lack of the sustenance in the life of others. These are the
manners in which such things as crime, riots and every nature of
disturbance arise, in that those who are in authority are not
considering every level, every phase of human activity and human
experience. Then those who are in power must know that they Are
their brother's keeper, and give expression to that which has
been indicated in: "Thou shalt love the Lord with all they heart
and mind and body, and thy neighbour as thyself." This rule must
be applied. All groups and races must have their representation
and their privileges, that they too may have the opportunity.
Unless we begin within our own selves and our own household, we
are false to ourselves and to the principles that we attempt to
declare. By setting classes or masses against other groups, this
is Not brotherly love.
Economic Standards
maintain a fair standard of living for the Citizens of the
Principality of the Good News, while helping to raise economic
standards in other parts of the world, not only Must it be
possible, it Must be Done! If there will be Any lasting peace!
But it must begin in the hearts and minds of individuals. For it
is as just given. As the vital cells of the body, when they have
rebelled, and caused sufficient others to do likewise,
destruction sets in.
Central Bank of the Order
of Creation of the Central Bank of the Order
the Carrying on and Managing of a Public Bank and act as the
Monetary Authority of the Sovereign Civil and Military
Hospitallers Order of the Good News.
Now know ye, That we being desirous to promote the public Good
and Benefit of our People, which in these Presents are chiefly
designed and intended, as well as the Profit and Advantage of
all such as have subscribed and contributed according to the
present Act, and our Commission thereupon issued, their lawful
Successors, and Assignees respectively, and in pursuance as well
of the Powers and Clauses for this Purpose, contained in the
present Act, as of our Promise and Declaration, made in or by
our said Commission, or Letters Patents, under the Great Seal of
Right Reverend Bishop David, Scribe to the Lord, Regent of the Hospitallers Order of
the Good News, whereby the Subscriptions and Contributions on
the present Act have been promoted or encouraged, and by Virtue
of our Prerogative Governmental, certain Knowledge, and meer
Motion, Have given, granted, made, ordained, constituted,
declared, appointed, and established, and by these Presents, for
Us, our lawful Successors, do give, grant, make, ordain,
constitute, declare, appoint and establish, that the said Right
Reverend Bishop David, Regent of the Hospitallers Order of the
Good News, and all and every other Person and Persons, Natives
and Foreigners, Bodies Politic or Corporate, who, over and above
the Person (s) before especially named, have at any Time or
Times before the making of these Presents, subscribed and
contributed any Sum or Sums of Money towards the General
Treasury of the Central Bank of the Order; and them by that
Name, one Body Politic and Corporate, in Deed and in Name, We
do, for Us, and our lawful Successors, make, create, erect,
establish, and confirm for ever, by these Presents, and by the
same Name, they and their Successors shall have perpetual
Succession, and shall and may have and use a Common Seal, for
the Use, Business, or Affairs of the said Body Politic and
Corporate, and their Successors, with Power to break, alter, and
to make anew their Seal from Time to Time, at their Pleasure,
and as they shall see Cause.That all the Mineral and Goods
Wealth shall be, and be called, accepted, esteemed, reputed and
taken as The Guarantee Capital and Principal Stock of the
Corporation hereby constituted, and any other foreign moneys
(coins and notes) shall be, and be called Common Capital and
extra Stock of the Corporation. Whereas the Central Bank of the
Order being the Monetary Authority of the Sovereign Civil and
Military Hospitallers Order of the Good News is Authorized to
issue all necessary coins and notes for the use of the people
and all public and private corporations. Whereas the Commission
in charge of establishing the Central Bank of the Order shall
issue the Constitution, Regulation and Financial Arrangements
including the Monetary Policy of the Central Bank of the Order.
Whereas we do hereby, declare, direct and appoint, that the
Central Bank of the Order shall also be allowed to issue
Treasury Bonds on behalf of the Government of the Order.
Whereas all Officers of the Central Bank of the Order must
before taking the privilege of Office swear an OATH OF OFFICE as
"I, ..............., do solemnly swear that I will faithfully
and to the best of my judgement and ability perform the duties
that relate to any office or position in the Bank held by me. I
also solemnly swear that I will not communicate or allow to be
communicated, to any person not entitled to it, any confidential
information that relates to the business or affairs of the Bank
that I may learn in the course of performing those duties; use
any such information for any purpose other than to perform those
duties; or allow any person to inspect or have access to any
books and records that belong to or that are in the possession
of the Bank and that relate to the business or affairs of the
Bank, unless the person is legally entitled to inspect them or
to have access to them."
In Witness whereof, we have caused these our Letters to be made
Witness our selves at Essenia, Principality of the Good News,
the 8 day of June 2022.
By Our Own Hand,
The Council of State
The Order Gold currency Act of 2022
Right Reverend Bishop David, Scribe of the Lord, Regent of the Hospitallers Order of
the Good News, Governor of the Central Bank of the Order,
declare that in order for the Central Bank of the Order to fully
and properly function as the Central Bank of the Nation of
Israel, with its purpose of serving the Citizens of the Order:
give notice that after consultation with the Governing Court of
Directors, The Privy Council of the Central Bank of the Order,
and with the approval of the Council of State we hereby have
decide the following.
I. The need for a National Currency for the People, Nation,
State, Territory and Country of Israel is indicated.
II. That the Order Currency shall be in gold metal.
III. Whereas quantities for paper bills of credit are needed to
be created and issued in the Nation and territories of the
Order, by virtue of acts, orders, resolutions, or votes of
assembly, such bills of credit are henceforward to be legal
tender in payment of money.
IV. That from and after the 8th day of June 2022, no act, order,
resolution, or vote of assembly, in the Nation and territories
of the Order, shall be made, for creating or issuing any other
type of paper bills, or bills of credit of any kind or
denomination whatsoever. Such paper bills, scripts or bills of
credit shall not be legal tender in payment of any bargains,
contracts, debts, dues, or demands whatsoever; and every clause
or provision which shall hereafter be inserted in any act,
order, resolution, or vote of assembly, contrary to this act,
shall be null and void.
8th June 2022
Right Reverend Bishop David, Scribe of the Lord, Regent of the Hospitallers Order of
the Good News
Governor, Central Bank of the Order
Postal Authority of the Order
The Postal Authority of the Order shall have as its basic
function the obligation to provide postal services to bind the
Nation together through the personal, educational, literary, and
business correspondence of the people. It shall provide prompt,
reliable and efficient services to patrons in all areas and
shall render postal services to all communities.
Essenia, Principality of the Good News 8th June 2022.
Right Reverend Bishop David, Scribe of the Lord, Regent of the Hospitallers Order of
the Good News
Governor of the Central Bank of the Order
of the Order

Emmanuel or God among men
The Prince of Peace, The Lord Christ, He Is God
The Sovereign, The Master of
All Humanity, The Light of the World
the Son of Man Himself has not come to be served but to serve,
to give His life to set many others free.” - Mark 10:45
The Priestly Blessing
The following verses are spoken
to the officers of the Order upon being invested.
"Ye shall bless the children of
Israel, saying unto them;
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto
The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee
peace." - Numbers 6:24-26

Bruno Gröning
(Ananias of Damascus)
people had listened to the message 2000 years ago, I would not
have had to come." - Bruno Gröning (Ananias of Damascus)
Administration of the Order
“Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges
of the earth.
Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.” - Psalm
Those in a position of service in the Order must be
Humble and Faithful to God. The running of the Order is based in the cooperation between
Spiritual & Physical Worlds. And while it stays in Truth it
shall rule and exist. It shall rule for one thousand years has
an opportunity for soul development of many. This period will
create and allow for those conditions in which the soul of man
can find its place in the creation and its relationship between
the creator and the created. The Position of Grand Master of the
Order is by The Grace of God. For know, here and now, the
position which each soul occupies in the affairs of a community,
a state, a nation or an international influence, is by the
grace, the mercy of a living God, and is a part of His way with
man. Realize that often. Then known, that the Officers of the
Order have not been exalted or raised, to any particular
position other than of being of greater service to thy fellow
man. Remember that: "He that would be the greatest among you
will be the servant of all."
He that will humble himself shall
be exalted. He that remains true shall be lifted up, even as He
gave: "And I, If I be lifted up will draw All Men unto me."
Know, then, that there is being shed some of that glory that was
in Him, and that is given thee in this carnal body, this
weakened flesh, through the insight of the glories that await
man if he will remain true to those lessons that are set before
him; that self is being lifted up with the greater abilities,
the greater opportunity to reach the more. He that is called to
service must indeed obey. Know also that it is true in thy
experience as it was in His experience: "Though He were the Son,
yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered." Do
not become self-important, nor self-exalting. Be rather
selfless, that there may come to all who come under the sound of
thy voice, to all that come in thy presence, as they look upon thine countenance, the knowledge and feeling that, indeed this
man has been in the presence of his Maker.
look for the power as may bring self effacement, but to use same
in such a manner as that the lowliest, yea those in authority,
yea thy fellow man that ye meet day by day will call thee

Master David, OGN, Regent, Grand Master Head of State, Field
Marshall, Lord Protector of the Faith, Scribe to the Lord.
"The Lord has spoken to men, and I have listened!
We all are born in this life, with a mission,
and in general, that mission is to help others." - David, Prince
Regent of the Good News
"The Purpose of Human Life is to Serve
and to Show Compassion and the
will to Help Others" - Albert Schweitzer

The Function of the Grand Master
is to Serve
The Grand Master, is the Grand Master of
the Order, he us such: in the capacity of Administrative,
Executive functions and Responsibilities, he is the servant of
all. All Grand Masters of
the Order serve as Guides, a Helper in Directing the Members of
the Order to the Light of Christ, He the Saviour, Who Is God.
Preparing the Way
All Officers of the Order, partake in the great work, of making
the way passable for Him.
Hon., OGN, Regent,
Grand Master
Head of State,
Field Marshall, Lord Protector of the Faith

Rt. Hon. Ingrid Betancourt,
OGN, Regent,
Grand Master
Head of State,
Field Marshall, Lord Protector of the Faith
Governing Council of State
1. Secretary of State for Evangelization
2. Grand Hospitaller, Health, Welfare,
Justice Grand Prior
Grand Treasurer, Wealth and Economy
Secretary of State for Agriculture
Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs & Trade
7. Secretary of State for Internal Affairs, Social Work
8. Secretary of State for Culture, Sports and
9. Secretary of State for Defence and Security
Secretary of State for Education, Civilization and Technology
Secretary of State for Work, Building and Industry
12. Secretary of State for Logistic, Transportation
For there has been the continued
battle with those forces, as Michael fought With over the body
of Moses. He that leads, or Would direct, is continually beset
by the forces that Would undermine. He that endureth to the end
shall wear the Crown. He that aideth in upbuilding shall be
entitled to that that he Builds in his experience. He that
faltereth, or would hinder, shall be received in the manner as
he hinders.
Members of the Governing Council of State
Hence hold fast to that thou hast gained. Thy prayers are heard.
Thou art a chosen vessel, thou knowest the way. As to attempt to
guide or as to how, hold Fast to that which is good. Hold Fast
to that faith, that blessing He hath given. Even as thou hast
seen thy Lord, may His blessings ever be as these: “They that
love me, they that keep my commandments - they are not grievous
to bear, for they bring Rest not to body but to thy soul.” And
what are the cares of a day to eternity? What are the thoughts
of tomorrow to the joy of His presence, ever? Then, let thy yeas
be yea in Him; thy nays be nay in Him. Give the hope where hope
is best. Give the counsel where counsel is best. Do not condemn
in any, for with the measure ye mete it is measured to thee
An Act of Government in Declaring and Constituting the People of
United under the Auspices Civil and Military Hospitallers Order
of the Good News
and to the Glory of God, to be a Commonwealth & Free-State
it Declared and Enacted by this present Council of State, and by
the Authority of the same, That the People of Israel, and of all
the Territories thereunto belonging, are and shall be, and are
hereby Constituted, Made, Established, and Confirmed to be a
Commonwealth and Free-State: And shall from henceforth be
Governed as a Commonwealth and Free-State, by the Supreme
Authority of this Nation, The Representatives of its Citizens in
the Council of State, and by such as they shall appoint and
constitute as Officers and Ministers under them for the good of
its Citizens.
Who is Israel?
Israel is the seeker after truth.
Those who put and hold trust in the fact that they, as
individuals, are children of the Universal Consciousness of God!
And the greater meaning of the word Israel is: "Those called of
God for a service before the fellow man".
For those who seek are indeed Israel, and Israel indeed is All
who seek; meaning not those as of the children of Abraham alone,
but of every nation, every tribe, every tongue, Israel of the
Lord! That is the full meaning of Israel. The nation of Israel
shall not cease for ever.
The Order has been formed, and has been sent, to a peculiar
people has it been sent; as one.
One, that may aid many to come to a better understanding of
their relationships to the Creator, and their relationships to
their fellow man.
The Choosing of Individuals who are to Serve in the
Government of the Order
“There must be the choosing of individuals who are to fulfil
certain stations or places in the distribution of the ideals
pertaining to preparation for better living and better
facilities. Grow in strength, in power, in ability to aid
others. The abilities lie in the direction of an organizer or
organizations, or as a go-between between the producer and the
distributor of those things as may be produced from the
facilities of those who have the creative ideas and ideals.
Then, as a leader or organizer the individual may find the
greater outlet for the abilities; yet there are principles that
need to be applied in the daily life in its relationships one to
another. There are the laws that are unchangeable, and that are
ever creative and constructive in their influence. For,
otherwise there are turmoils that overtake those who disregard
same, that are unseen and not easily found by material
reasoning. For, they are the results of thoughts. Know that
thoughts are things, and as their currents run they may become
crimes or miracles. Are thy thoughts always prompted by the
desire to be of help to others? or are they the more often
prompted by the desire to use Others as thy stepping-stones to
better things for thyself? This can only be answered in self,
according to what is thy ideal. Who is the author of thy ideal?
Then study to keep that as may find expression in the present in
the creative for spiritual attitudes, and not in the dictatorial
For, as He has given, consider those in authority; for the
powers that be are ordained from on High.
Instrument of Government
The Instrument of Government splits the Government of the Order
across 3 elements.
I. Executive power was held by the 3 Sovereign Princes of the
Order, who are Lords Protectors of the Christian Faith. The post
is elective, not hereditary, and appointments are held for life.
The minimum age to be elected to office is 50 years of age.
II. Legislation of the Order is raised in the Council of State.
III. The Council of State has 12 members to provide advice, the
minimum age to be elected to the Council of State is 50 years of
age. The actions taken by the Lord Protectors require the
consent of a majority of the members of the Council of State;
such as the use of the Defence Forces of the Order. The Council
of State nominates Ministers, and elects the Lord Protectors
upon the death of the previous one.
Purpose of the Order
Is to make manifest the love of God and man; man's relation to
man; man's relation to God. To help raise the awareness of the
Christ Consciousness within all those who sincerely seek. These
activities to be carried out in decency, and order with love,
and cooperation to help usher in a new age of brotherhood and
love. Through a personal commitment we should, as members of an
organization that has its ideals in of a service to its fellow
man through the grace of God which is given to all that would
seek through such a way to be a channel of blessing cast not
this opportunity aside as it comes day by day; but may I, as one
of His children, so live that others may glorify Him now. Such a
physical organization, first the ideals, the ideas, the purposes
and the aims, should be tried, tested, manifested in the lives
of each individual that has so signified that they themselves
subscribe to such an organization, that each individual that
contacts that one so subscribing may know that a purpose, an aim
has been set. This, should be the first and foremost: the
determined purpose of the Order to have wholehearted
cooperation, in a one-minded purpose, and that purpose to make
manifest the love of God and man; man's relation to man; man's
relation to God.
The Order is an enlightening organization; that the activities
of same in every direction will be consistent with, and in
keeping with, those things that are first sacred, those that are
true, those that are helpful, and yet being tolerant to all and
keeping in the way of presenting only that which has been
The directions in which the Order functions, the material sense,
the mental or philosophical, the spiritual awakening, should be
so balanced in presentation that no one phase becomes paramount.
The Ideals of the Order
Know there is only one ideal: The Universal Christ
In the bodily functioning, each phase of the work present how
not only mentally, but spiritually there is grounding in truth,
as is set forth in the Christ Consciousness as exemplified by
Jesus, as has been proclaimed by many of the saints of old. And
then ye may be very sure that all of those influences from the
spiritual realm are as one. For whether it be as ye have seen at
times, the Lord of the Way or the Christ Himself as Jesus, or
others be sent as an aid, depends upon whether ye hold that
ideal that is One with the Universal Truth for and to man.
Ideals of the Order Spiritual: The Universal Christ
Ideals of the Order Mental: The fruits of the spirit.
Ideals of the Order Physical: Being of service to our
fellow man.
The New
World Order
Orthodox Communism in practice is obsolete because of its
inequities. Socialism, while having some merit, can lead to the
bureaucracy and oppressiveness of a centralized, authoritarian,
top-heavy government. Myopic Capitalism is going blind,
apparently cannot read the handwriting on the wall. In the
World, in the political forces, we see a re-stabilization of the
powers of the peoples in their own hands, a breaking up of the
rings, the cliques in many places. Remember that those
principles inculcated in the Declaration of Independence are
eternal, and in them lies the hope of the world. All men must
recognize them if they are to remain together as Brethren; in
that they all need not be of one mind, but they must all be of
one purpose, one hope. When in the Course of human events, it
becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands
which have connected them with another, and to assume among the
powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the
Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent
respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should
declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty
and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed,
will dictate that Governments long established should not be
changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all
experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer,
while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by
abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a
long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute
Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off
such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future
security.” - in “Declaration of Independence”, 4 July 1776.
The principle of the Brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of
God will eventually prevail, and all are to work in unison for
the good of all, in a Cooperative, Coordinating society. The
universal thought that is expressed and manifested in the
brotherhood of man, as in the Sovereign Civil and Military
Hospitallers Order of the Good News, will be the eventual rule
in the settlement of affairs of the world. Not that the world is
to become a member of the Order, but the principles that are
embraced in same will be the basis upon which the new order of
peace is to be established. As the Spirit of God once moved to
bring peace and harmony out of chaos in the creation, so must
the Spirit move over the earth and magnify Itself in the hearts,
minds and souls of men to bring peace, harmony, and
understanding, that they may dwell together in a way that will
bring that peace, that harmony that can only come with all
having the one Ideal. This is the whole law, love, this is the
whole answer to the world, to each and every soul. That is the
answer to the world conditions as they exist today. Know that
right, justice, mercy, patience is the basis upon which the new
world order Must eventually be established before there is
peace. Then, innately, mentally and manifestly in self prepare
self for cooperative measures in all phases of human relations.