manner in which all heard in their various tongues the message
that was given by Peter in the one tongue. Acts 2:4 This was the
activity of the spirit, and what the spirit indeed meant and means
in the experiences of the individuals during that period. For one
that was of Cyrene heard a mixture of the Greek and Aryan tongue;
while, though Peter spoke in the Arabic, those that were of the
Hebrews heard in the Hebrew language; those in Greek heard in
God -
God is Spirit, and seeks such to worship Him in spirit and in
truth! God
is God of All; not just a chosen few who may appear to have more
intellectual or physical or mental abilities than others. For, as
He once gave, there were many righteous in the days of Elijah; yet
to one, an unbeliever, was the man of God sent. There were many
lepers in the days of Elisha, yet by the kindness, for the
appreciation of kindness shown, was Naaman healed. So, in
thine own experience, in the offices as a teacher, consider these, and be wise, in Him. For, the love of God as made manifest in
the souls of human beings in the earth, is as old as the earth
itself. For, God is not the respecter of persons, but of those who
seek to Do, to know, His will with man. For, as He hath
given, he that would be the greatest among you, he that would be
favoured by the mercy of a loving Father Will and does measure to
others that he seeks his God, his loving Father, to measure to
him. And indeed it becomes a law, in not only the material but the
mental and spiritual realms, "As ye sow, so shall ye
reap." In the Godhead there is found still the
three-dimensional concept: God the Father, God the Son, and God
the Holy Spirit. This conception of that which has been, which
is, these are still founded in that summed up in: "The Lord thy
God is One."
is thy God?:
thy ambitions only set in whether ye shall eat tomorrow, or as to
wherewithal ye shall be clothed? Ye of little faith, ye of little
hope, that allow such to become the paramount issues in thine own
consciousness! Know ye not that ye are His? For ye are of His
making! He hath willed that ye shall not perish, but hath left it
with thee as to whether ye become even aware of thy relationships
with Him or not. In
thine own house, in thine own body there are the means for the
approach, through the desire first to know Him; putting that
desire into activity by purging the body, the mind of those things
that ye know or even conceive of as being hindrances, not what
someone else says! It
isn't what you want someone else to give! As Moses gave of old, it
isn't who will descend from heaven to bring you a message, nor who
would come from over the seas, but Lo, ye find Him within thine
own heart, within thine own consciousness! If ye will Meditate,
open thy heart, thy mind! Let thy body and mind be channels that
Ye may Do the things ye ask God to do for you! Thus ye come to
know Him. What is truth? Law! What is Law? Love. What is love? God.
What is God? Law and love. These are as the cycle of truth
itself. And wherever ye are, in whatever clime, its ever the
same. For, as it is said of him, He is the same yesterday, today
and forever, unalterable!
God Speaks to Thee: Take Exodus 19:5. To be sure, it is interpreted by many here
that the Creative Forces or God are speaking to a peculiar people. You were one of
them. Why not, then, today? Although through the years your name
has been changed, the soul is the same. Hence this is, as it
were, spoken to thee.
Study then, also the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th of John as it
speaks to thee, and as to how ye may apply thyself in the
intuition, the walks with divine influences.
Then take the 30th of Deuteronomy, where there is the admonition
as to the source, that it's not from somewhere else, but it is
within thine own self. For that influence of the Creative Force
is so near, yea closer even than thy own hand!
And it is with what spirit ye entertain that ye measure that
kind of helpfulness to thy Maker. Do what thou doest
intuitionally, or as the spirit moves thee. The still small
voices of nature, as to those influences from the silences of
the night, as in the songs of the brook, as in the moonbeam's
rays upon the forest and hills, with the calls of nature,
whether of the wild or of the cricket or the activities of the
loon upon the lake - these are as Calls to an individual; that
in same the greater beauty of God's love is shown to man if he
will but take same as to be a portion of him and find that
quietness as within.
Relationship with God:
First there must be the finding of self, then; realizing there
cannot be one relation with thy fellow man and another with thy
Maker, not one expressed in words and another lived in the inner
life. But know, "Know O Israel the Lord thy God is One!"
These sounded, these kept within, ye may rise to those abilities
to give, to measure out, to become a channel through which many
may call thee blessed!
Study then to know thy relationship to thy Maker. But Know Who
is thy Lord, thy God!
Child of God:
The startling thing
to every soul is to awaken to the realization that it is indeed
a child of God! That is startling enough for any man, any woman,
any being, in this sin-sick world!
And yet it is the heritage of every soul to awake to that
consciousness that God indeed is mindful of the children of men,
and calls ever, "If ye will be my children, I will be thy God."
This is the message, then, that you shall carry; for there is a
loving Father that cares. That is thy message!
The Father
speaks with the sons of men: He too, may walk no longer in the shadow of doubt and fear but
know truly there is a rod in Jessie (Isaiah 11:1), the Father
would speak with the sons of men; and His Son has led the way so
oft in the earth over and above the teachers that have come into
the earth from generation to generation; He will walk with thee
and guide thy hand, if ye will but choose the Lord while He may
yet be found.
If the purposes and the aims are for an exalting of the powers
of the Creative Forces rather than of self in the present
experience; in application of the abilities and the
opportunities of those things that are to be the experiences of
the self during this experience or sojourn in the earth.
As to the purposes, then, for the soul's forces entering into
matter in the beginning: That there might be a comprehending of
how material forces acted upon spiritual, or Spirit, endeavour
of an entity, a soul. For, here we would give the variation
between the mental mind of an earth being and the spirit that
occupies its space in that man calls space. For, it must be learned or comprehended within thine
consciousness as a being, in a finite force of activity, that
time and space are one; and the divisions of these have been set
in human experience and human endeavour that there might be the
destruction of the physical forces that the spiritual might
catch here a line, there a line, here a precept, there a
precept, that there might be gained more and more that
consciousness that is sought by the inmost recesses of this
entity's desire, and again lived in the present in such a way
and manner that the fruits of the spirit may be in thine own
Self must become selfless: For, self must become selfless, and the spirit must become
magnified in the
relationships of the individual's activity in its meeting with
the fellow man; whether this is in relationship to seeking to
know how the response of spirit or spirituality in the
experience of another soul acts upon it in its environ, in its
surrounding, in its journey back to its Creator, or what not.
For, as given of old (and let these be not as platitudes in
thine own experience), as a man, as a heart, as an experience is
sown, so shall the harvest be, according to the application of
those things that make for growth in the realm of that sought. For, to say "Do good" unto thy neighbour and then stand aside
and see what will happen when others act in this or that way and
manner does not bring an experience to self; for only through
experience may the soul, the mind, the heart, the body, become
aware of the effect of any application of the law of continuity
of force, continuity of life, or of forces that make for growth
in the experience of a soul.
Then, know: As ye sow, so shall ye reap. And in the material
world there stands in the laws of the Creative Influences only
these: "Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, thine
mind and thine soul," and the second is likened unto it: With
the body and with the attributes of same, manifest to thine
brother that law of God, and see in him, in thine brother, in
the weakest among thine associates, in the weakest among thine
companions, that spirit of God which if magnified will make for
a growth of the Soul in thine brother, that it may be found in
the way that leads to life, to light, to immortality for that
soul. And he that saves a soul has experienced, and does experience,
that realm of joy, peace, solace, understanding, that may only
come to those who have experienced in saving, in directing, in
blessing, a soul. For, the soul of self, as the soul of thine
brother, is seeking its way, its journey, to its Maker.
The birthright of every soul, as given by its Creator is coming
into a material plane, is the same as for self; that it may
experience the fruits of the spirit that may be manifested in a
manifestation of life in a material or earth plane.
As to the development of the psychic forces, the spiritual
actuality in the experience of the entity in its sojourn from
its environs, that is experiences have brought in the earth
plane, this has been set before self, and, as has been seen, has
been kept well balanced in the experience of the soul self; so
that, as the seeking then comes into spiritual things, these as
is seen and as must be known, may not be put into the crucibles
of materiality. They may not be measured in or by the ways of the finite forces,
or the finite mind, but rather they are measured by the
consciousness of the spirit, of the way that was given and that
has been given and is the standard of excellency to this
material world, in the life and in the experience of Jesus, the
Christ, who thought it not robbery to make himself equal with
God, yet found himself of no estate; rather enjoying the
experiences of his brethren in every walk of life, and using
those experiences in such a way and manner that naught could be
said of the life of the man, and naught could be said in the
experiences of those that knew Him best, other than "He went
about doing good." So, in self, in self's experience, in self's application of the
spirituality of self, know that He gives His angels charge
concerning thee, and that they will bear thee up in the
experiences that ye have in a material plane, if ye will but
keep the heart, the mind, the soul, Singing the praises of a
Risen Lord.
For, "God of the fathers be with us yet, lest we forget" that He
is the God of the living and not of the dead!
In the application of self, then, as to the developments in the
present experiences and in keeping that balance in body, in
mind, in soul, in the activities of the self in this present
sojourn, first seek to know self as to what is the impelling
desire in thine inner self.
Take counsel with soul, and let this be as thy first experience
in thine psychic self; for psychic, as given, is but a name, yet
its metes and bounds take hold upon the mental, the material and
the spiritual things in the experience of every soul! But ask in
self: "What Is my purpose? What Is my desire? Is it an
experience that I may exalt my inner self? or that I may glorify
my Maker, my Redeemer, my Lord, my Master?" And get the answer
from the mental self!
Enter into meditation: Then enter into meditation, in the wee hours of the morning,
when the world at large is quiet, when the music of the spheres
and the morning stars sing for the glory of the coming day, and
ask the soul; and let the spirit of self answer. Audibly? Yea,
within thine own heart will come the answer Yea or Nay.
Then, when thou hast made thine own skirts clear, thine own soul
clean, until He answers within thee that thou, having chosen the
better part, may be given the application or the privilege of
using the talents thou hast developed in thine experiences. For, as indicated in that which has been meted or measured to
thee, the purposes are well, if the intents are kept just as
clean. For they would bring in the experience of thine brother,
and thy neighbour, the more abundant life, and the more
abundant understanding of the relationships of the creature to
the Creator, and the Way of the Creator with the creature.
The Father hath given such a leeway to the sons of men that no
force, no impelling force, unless sought or desired, and no
activities in the material world, in the mental world, might be
given. Then, if thine activities are such as to not belie that
spoken in the mind or by the word of mouth, He will be thy
guide, as thou wilt be His son. Not that thine experience in the field of activity may be
entirely different from that of thine next door neighbour, but
find not fault in thine friend nor in thine enemy; for, hath not
He, the Father, allowed the tares and the wheat to grow up
together? Be not as one that would tell the Father, the Creator,
as to who the tares are, or as to when such a tare should be
rooted up.
Be thou rather found in the way of Blooming, of bringing forth
fruit worthy of a son that has been endowed with the privileges
of manifesting the spirit that He has shed abroad in the earth
through the gift to the world of the Babe in Bethlehem, that
grew in stature, in body, in mind, and then manifested the love
of God in the way that He went about doing good to those that
sought; yea, those that asked in the Father's name! For, ever
were the blessings to the individuals in accordance to the
desire of the soul. Then, in applying self, my son, know that the Father liveth in
thee, and will rightly guide thee in thy seeking and in thine
steps day by day, if thou hast prepared His temple in thee for
the place that He may abide.
If thou keepest the temple cluttered up with those things that
bespeak rather of the flesh, only the flesh can answer - but if
thou keepest the temple clean and decorated in the spirit of
love, and in the light of truth, then it will shed its light
abroad, even as He has given: "I will not leave thee comfortless
but will come and abide with thee, that ye may be my children
and I will be your god."
Then, in seeking those things that will make for the greater
understanding in thine present experience, let thy yeas be yea
in the Lord, thy nays be nay in the Lord, and thy days will be
long in the earth, and many will call thee blessed in His name;
for the way is set before thee, and it is not past finding out.
Doubt not, but seek. Seek in His name.
God speaks directly to men:
Know this that the highest possible psychic realization, is to
be aware that God, the Father, speaks directly to the sons of
men, even as He has promised.
Study same, then, with that same knowledge as was given of old,
that God the Father speaks to Himself through man and man's
activities in the earth. The spirit is of the Father, and all
force is of God.
For the smile of a baby, the fragrance of the rose, is but a
reflection of God's care for man. Would he but learn the lesson
of these little things! For it is the foolishness of man that is
the wisdom of God, and the wisdom of man that is the foolishness
of his Maker.
God Is impersonal; but as has just been given, so Very personal!
It is not that ye deal only with Impersonal, it is Within and
Without! It is In and Without, and only as God Quickeneth the
spirit within, by the use, by the application of the God-force
within to mete it out to others. Else How, Why, did that
material experience of a man hanging on a Cross bring, Bring,
redemption to a world? In this: Though ye know He had the power
within Himself to come down from the Cross, though He had the
power to heal, though He had power to rid the very taking Hold
upon death, it had no claims upon Him. Why? Quickened by the
Father because the life Lived among men, the dealings among Men,
brought Only hope, Only patience, Only love, Only longsuffering!
This then being the law of God made manifest, He Becomes the law
by manifesting same before man; and thus, as man, even as ye,
becomes as one with the Father. For until ye become in purpose,
in activity, a saviour, yea, a god, unto thy fellow man, ye do
not take hold upon that Personality, the Individuality of God,
that is the life, that is the being of life, eternity, hope and
love! These then become not only as impersonal but personal, in
that ye know thyself, even as He, thy brother in the flesh, made
manifest that ye are aware of thyself Being thyself, yet one
with Him; and thus able to enter into the joys, Wholly, that are
prepared since, yea, before, the very foundations of
materiality, for those that keep His ways.
God, The Father and His Manifestations in the Hearth:
That the manifestations in the earth that are good (and there
are some that call All good) are of God, and the variations in
the manifestations, and the ability to discern that which will
lead to the light or to God, and that away from the knowledge of
the Father.
God is an all-wise, all-inclusive, all-manifesting force in the
experience of man. The Father is that loving Influence in the
experience of those that seek Him. God is a fact. The Father:
those that seek may know. The manifestations: how and what they
God is One:
The Lord thy God is One! And the Christ, the Saviour, died for
all, Not for one! no sect, no schism, no ism, no cult. For, the
first to meet the Lord in peace was he that was also crucified.
That should, in each heart, make those who have named the Name,
and who claim God as the Father, Jesus Christ as the elder
brother, know that no sacrifice is too great in order that the
glory, the honour of the Lord may be demonstrated, manifested
among men.
- The entity's experiences have made for those activities in the
present both good and bad. For we meet ourselves constantly. For
the law of love, the law of mercy, the law of grace is that no
soul should perish but that All should Know the face of their
Maker! Hence there is given each soul an advocate with the
Father, in the Son. And He bears with thee! if thou dost hold to
Him as thy guide; not only believing but rather acting like you
do believe!
What is good?:
How is such defined in thy life, of awakening to all the
possibilities that exist in thy intake of life and its phases?
To do good is to think constructively, to think creatively. What
is creative, what is constructive, ye may ask? That which never
hinders, which never makes for the bringing of any harm to
For, know, good alone lives on!
That of a nature which causes resentments, distrust, animosity,
is already cut from that which is Creative. It is true that it
may have its place in the experience of others, but it is much
like the nail driven in the post. The nail, the hindrance, may
be removed, but the scar remaineth. It is weakened by the might
or force. The Creative Force, or God, is not in the tempest nor
in the storm, nor in the loud noise, nor even in the rumbles or
rumours. But that which is helpful, the more oft, is in the
Still Small Voice Within.
Gospel - What is gospel?: News, tidings, understandings; that which bespeaks the sounding
of warning, knowledge, awakening; if there will be the
considering in the mind of the hearer, Gospel, Glad tidings.
Government -
There must be the choosing of individuals who are to fulfil
certain stations or places in the distribution of the ideals
pertaining to preparation for better living and better
facilities. Grow in strength, in power, in ability to aid
others. The abilities lie in the direction of an organizer or
organizations, or as a go-between between the producer and the
distributor of those things as may be produced from the
facilities of those who have the creative ideas and ideals.
Then, as a leader or organizer the individual may find the
greater outlet for the abilities; yet there are principles that
need to be applied in the daily life in its relationships one to
another. There are the laws that are unchangeable, and that are
ever creative and constructive in their influence. For,
otherwise there are turmoils that overtake those who disregard
same, that are unseen and not easily found by material
reasoning. For, they are the results of thoughts. Know that
thoughts are things, and as their currents run they may become
crimes or miracles. Are thy thoughts always prompted by the
desire to be of help to others? or are they the more often
prompted by the desire to use Others as thy stepping-stones to
better things for thyself? This can only be answered in self,
according to what is thy ideal. Who is the author of thy ideal?
Then study to keep that as may find expression in the present in the
creative for spiritual attitudes, and not in the dictatorial
powers. It is never right to do that which is evil that good may
Grace -
For all, as has been given, are as one before the throne of
grace and mercy and peace and justice. For God is not the
respecter of persons or of places or positions. For to fulfil
that purpose for which an entity, a being, has manifested in
matter is the greater service that can possibly be rendered. Is
the oak the lord over the vine? Is the Jimson beset before the
tomato? Are the grassy roots ashamed of their flower beside the
rose? All those forces in nature are fulfilling rather those
purposes to which their Maker, their Creator, has called them
into being. Man, is in that position where he may gain the
greater lesson from nature, and the creatures in the natural
world; they each fulfilling their purpose, singing their song,
filling the air with their perfume, that they, too, may honour
and praise their Creator; though in their humble way in
comparison to some, they each in their Own humble way are
fulfilling that for which they were called into being,
reflecting, as each soul, as each man and each woman should do
in their particular sphere, Their concept of their Maker! Grace,
love, patience, kindness, longsuffering, yes, but know from
whence the power is drawn and know that all of the God ye may
know lies within thyself.
Gratifying, Satisfying Appetites, Self-indulgence -
For it, to do such, is the birthright of every soul; and they
that sell their birthright for the gratifying or satisfying of
appetites or self-indulgence, or self-glory do so to their own
There are
gratifyings in Venus as to appetites of body, of mind, of
purposes. For those pertaining to the mind (which is the builder
in spirit as well as in flesh, or the earth) must be applied in
correlation one with another.
Don't let thy knowledge be thy undoing, but do the first things
first. Know in Whom ye believe and in what ye believe,
spiritually. Know from whence ye came and whither ye go.
For if ye become as anxious about using thyself for the purpose
for which ye entered, ye will not be so anxious about where you
are going. For remember, it is only self ye are meeting that
causes anxieties or any character of trouble. For thou hast been
from the beginning. It is up to thee as to whether ye continue. The soul that sins shall be cut off, the soul that sins
purposefully, that doesn't use the opportunities given by
manifestations in life. And what is the law of the Lord? "Thou
shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy mind, thy body, thy
soul, and thy neighbour, thy brother, thy friend, thy foe, as
The whole law is in this. Ye can apply it to this or that
extent, but do apply it in the whole law if ye would be at peace
with self and know the peace which passeth understanding to a
materially-minded individual or world.
Growth -
For mind
being the builder, ever, is both human and divine. And as the
mind dwells, so does the application of that the teacher of
teachers gave become effective; not by merely taking thought may
one whit be added but by Applying in material experience the law
and the love of same - this makes for growth! For life and truth
and understanding, and happiness - in its greater sense, are but
a growth. For ye Grow in grace, in knowledge, in understanding.
And knowledge without wisdom is indeed a dangerous thing! Then
as ye have held, as ye have applied that ye have gained, so does
the ability come to be of that help, that aid to those who are
stumbling - some blindly, some gropingly, some discouraged, some
overanxious, some overzealous of their own peculiar twist or
turn; yet all seeking - seeking the light. But He is the light,
as ye have seen in thine experience - yea in thine experiences
through the earth ye, too, have seen the light and lost thy way.
And even as He put on flesh that He, too, might know the ways of
the flesh, of the desires, of the urges that have wrought in the
experiences of men that blindness of self-glory, self-indulgence
or self-aggrandizement that has led many astray, even with the
forces of Divine at times working through them. For the Spirit
Is willing, the flesh is weak. And the strength, the influence,
the force and power, is by that trust, that faith in Him - that
has been again and again manifested in thy experiences in the
Grumbling -
No use grumbling to everyone else because things are not just
like you wish them or because they are not just right for
yourself in any particular field of activity or service. Don't
impose upon others. For, "As ye would that men should do to you,
do ye even so to them" should be not merely a saying but a daily
practice in the entity's experience.
Guide - For,
know, they that have saved a soul from self-indulgence, from
self-destructive influence, and guided such a one towards the
light of the new hope in the promises from Him from above, have
covered a multitude of sin.
- What
change should one make, to ones habits?: That
is within the individual self. That necessary to make one's self
wholly in accord with that known by self to be the correct
attitude toward self, family, neighbour, associates, social and
business, and keep self unspotted from censure by the own
conscience. So, be mindful, as He warned Thomas, Philip, Andrew and
Peter, as well as showed to James and John, that these things
are oft hard to be understood by those who may only know that
which answers to the sensuousness-consciousness of an
individual. Not the senses as the higher realm, but sensuousness
that begets (and its children are!) lasciviousness and those
forces that engorge or indulge in those things that gratify
appetites, and those things that become a part of many who
become self-indulgent in habit forming, habit creating. For, the
animal man is a creature of habit. But learn rather from such
the lesson, and not become so much a part of same. For in nature
and in the animal instincts we find only the expressions of a
universal consciousness of hope, and never of fear, save created
by man in his indulging in the gratification of material
Happiness - Happiness is a state of
consciousness. It is found within self. Ye had not found
thyself, nor thy relationship to the Creative Forces as may
manifest in this material world. Happiness is love of something
outside of self! It may never be obtained, may never be known by
loving only things within self or self's own domain! Happiness
is abiding in the Infinite love. For Happiness is being busy
about the Lord's work; not in other peoples' business, not in
that of stirring up strife, but rather as He brought to the
world that of peace and Happiness in going about doing good.
Then let the mental attitude be kept in that way of expectancy,
in the ability to help others. Happiness is a state of mind
attained by giving same to others. For much of happiness is
before thee, if there is left Off grudges, hatreds, dislikes,
and the love of the divine directing thy ways. Know, realize,
that thy soul, thy life, thy joy, thy happiness, is as precious
in His sight (thy Maker) as any other soul in the world of
opportunity today. Thence, keep self unspotted from any
self-condemnation; and as ye do this, ye will find rest and
harmony in thy experience, through this material sojourn.
It is well that each in the study of of Happiness as applied in
your personal experiences think, too, on the difference between
Pleasure and Happiness. It is like the spiritual and the
material. We oft see things beautiful, and they come out of that
which may be very murky, very bad-appearing yet that necessary
for the beauty.
Only when one has lost sight of self, in the
appreciation of the love, beauty and hope in the Creative Forces
and their activity, may one indeed know Happiness.
That which gratifies only the sensuous self, or as an
aggrandizement of physical pleasure, Rarely brings Happiness.
Out of the dregs of same may Grow Happiness, but in themselves
they are only passing.
To illustrate: The road to Gethsemane, to the minds of those who
look upon their own Gethsemane, was as a road of thorns; the
perspiration, the sweat of blood and all appear anything but
Happiness, yet the kind words spoken, even on the way to
Calvary, were indeed those that brought Happiness.
And as there were the words from the Cross, these, though filled
with all of the horrors of spite, fear, by the very activities
of others, were such as to bring Happiness into the hearts and
minds of those who seek to know His Way.
It is again as Infinite Love and Divine Love. Infinite Love is
the love of God, while Love Divine is that manifested by those
in their activities who are guided by love divine. These bring
Happiness and the experiences of joy; not mere pleasure, not
gratification of any of the material things. But differentiate,
or, as has been given, put the proper value upon the proper
phases of one's experience.
Because we see one smile, or with the outward appearance of
pleasures and the gratifying of the worldly seekings, does not
always indicate Happiness. The gratifying of the worldly
seekings may bring pleasures, but very rarely indeed do such
pleasures bring Happiness with them. For it is indeed as has
been said, there are ways oft that appear to be good but the end
thereof is death, separation, dissension, anger, all those
things that make for strife.
Happiness, then, is of love divine; manifesting in the
experiences as one gives a cup of water in His name, that may
bring much greater Happiness than to he that taketh a city, or
to he that ruleth even a nation. You each are endowed, to be
sure, with power only from one source, but to know Happiness,
then, is to do the biddings of the Father; or as He gave, "If ye
love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15) they are not
grievous." (I John 5:3) The basis of all healing, of all
happiness, is within; that spirit with which ye seek, with which
ye manifest in thy dealings one with another. For to find
happiness is to find that the Spirit of Truth is Directing thy
footsteps; yes, thy activities; yes, thy very thoughts day by
day. For He has given, "Take my yoke upon thee and learn of me,
for my yoke is easy, my burden is light", to those that have
found that grace in making themselves a channel of blessings to
Someone today.
Bring the joy and
happiness of the Lord in Jesus!: Then, as the suffering of the Master brought Happiness to Him
and to thee, so indeed out of thy disappointments, thy trials,
thy tribulations, do ye know Happiness.
Such then is that as given in the affirmation; and again is it
illustrated in that as you see it in and as you do it to your
fellow man, so may the measures of Happiness and joy be yours.
For, "As ye do it unto the least, ye do it unto me," ever has
been, ever is the relationship-conditional. And in the loss of
doing or being for self, but rather for the glory of God, does
the knowledge and the wisdom and Happines come. They that know
not what have been the measures given for the bringing of life
into existence know not the Happiness nor the joys therein. They
that have known not the sorrows, the disappointments for
Righteousness' sake, know not the joy and the Happiness in the
Lord. Hence as has been the warning to many: Look not upon the
things of the world and the pleasures of things therein as a
measure or standard as to the joy and the Happiness in the Lord. If you completely
surrender yourselves to God's will, and become a channel of
blessings to others, you then possess true Happiness. Study to
show thyself approved, not finding fault, even as thy Master did
not; making the proper evaluations in the experience of self and
in others. These keep and make for harmonies, if reasoned
together. Let the ways of mercy and justice, as ye meted it to
those in Galilee, to those in Bethsaida, to those in Bethany, as
ye gave counsel to those in the days when turmoils were arising
and those oppressions from the political forces made for
dissensions, be thy counsel in the present. And this has been
given in ways that, studied, meditated upon, will open new
vistas of possibilities to the self.
- Mental
attitude: Keep
ever that as of the constructive; that is, knowing there is much
for thee to do as a witness for the Creative Forces, for God, for
Christ. These ye manifest by thy relationships with thy fellow
man. Be happy: be in that attitude of ever being helpful to
others. These will bring that peace within that is the promise
from Him.
- For God has not
purposed or willed that any soul should perish, but purgeth
everyone by illness, by prosperity, by hardships, by those
things needed, in order to meet self.
Harmony - Study to show thyself approved unto God. Find harmony in self
and ye may bring it into the experience of others.
- Hence,
as was given: "He that hateth his brother has committed as
great a sin as he that slayeth a man," for the deed is as of
an accomplishment in the mental being, which is the builder for
every entity.
Healing - In what manner may souls, as one, find then expression in
bringing to those that are troubled in body, in mind?: They have their individual methods or manners of approach. To
one it is Innate and finds expression by the laying on of hands,
by holding within self the abilities for the replenishing, the
quickening of life itself in the very activity; by the Means of
subjugation of those influences in and about others.
To the other it is an activative force; one reaching or gaining
its access through its Spiritual development and spiritual
import, yet means not only by implication but by the applying of
that which may be termed as the use of energies in nature itself, that is the handmaid to every individual that not only
dedicates itself but that makes application within its
experience of the glories that the Lord hath poured into the
minds and hearts of the children of men, that they may know!
Then unifying these, let both in their own method, in their own
manner apply same; yet knowing deep within self that the Source
of power, the Source of might, the Source of grace, the Source
of mercy, the Source of life, the Source of health comes only
from the Living God! And each then becomes as a stay one for the
other; becoming as a prop, as a brace, as a helpmeet.
In these manners, through the effacing of self, these influences
may be wrought in such manners that many, Many will call them
blessed, Many will give the glory to God; not to them, not to
their efforts, but that they make themselves channels through
which the glory and the might and the power of the Lord may be
made manifest!
Not that turmoils, not that strifes oft, not that disappointment
in the activities of men and of individuals here and there will
not make for hardships. But Even Then, if their purposes are
only that they may, as one, effacing self, show forth the
glory of GOD, they may become, through such experiences, a
strengthening influence one to another.
Through that which has been given each in their experiences in
the earth is shown how they have had this or that in their
experiences which has created, has builded the present
conflicting influences. Meet Them! In what? He, thy King, thy
Lord; yea, thy Brother hath Shown thee the way! "I am the way; I
am the water of life." Drink ye Deep of same, that the healing
you each may administer to others may flow as His love through
thee! For love healeth the wounded; it binds up the
brokenhearted; it makes for understandings where differences
have arisen. For Good Is love.
And as He gave, as He allowed, as He purposed: The children of
men through their brother, Jesus, might Know the way; because He
comes to the hearts of those that seek, not those that are
indifferent, not to those that pass by; not to those that seek
for self, for self's glory, for self's gratification, but that
the love of God may be manifested! For: "I in the Father and thee
in me may Know the truth and the truth shall , and does make you
In these manners, in these ways, studying one another; not as to
finding differences but as to union of purposes, as to the
Glorifying of that Saviour of men, that makes for love that
binds the hearts of the children of men as in oneness of ways
and manners, that brings peace and happiness and joy, that maketh not afraid, that brings to those that seek those things
that make for peace and joy and harmony. And as such they are
the children of God.
Health - As has been so oft indicated to man, throughout his search for
God, take time to be holy. This may imply and does apply to the
general physical health as well as to the general physical,
mental and spiritual being. For, holiness is oneness of the
mental, spiritual and the material body. Hold fast; knowing that
thy life is an expression of the divine, thy health is an
expression of thy faith and thy hope in that divine power within
thine own self. Know that there must be the answer within self
for each purpose, for each desire; and the choice is within
self. Know that there is nothing that can hinder thee from
fulfilling that purpose for which ye entered this experience
save thine own self. For, as ye study nature, as ye study the
expression of life in the various planes of consciousness about
thee, ye do not find the rose, because of hindrances, attempting
to be a blade of grass. Ye do not find Any influence that is
brought to bear in nature deflecting from the attempt to fulfil
that purpose, that state of awareness which it has been given.
Then in thy own consciousness, ye are indeed a child of the
King. Thou Art a helpmeet in the creation of the earth, the
world, the thought of same. As a child of the living God, then,
quit thyself as such; knowing that upon His power, His love, His
promise ye can put thy trust. For His promise is: "Though ye may
be far afield, though ye may be discouraged, though ye may be
troubled, if ye call I will hear, and answer speedily." But keep
thy faith, the appreciation of beauty, the appreciation of body,
the appreciation of activities, the need for the perfect
Physical and mental body.
Heaven -
Hell -
From what may Anyone be saved? Only from themselves! That is,
their individual hell; they dig it with their own desires! For, nothing in heaven
or hell may separate thee from the love of God, as is manifested in
thy being, save thyself.
The sources of help and power
are of the divine that is within. For thy body is indeed the
temple of the living God. Use it, consider it, apply it as such.
Help Others: Do not
put off today that which will bring hope and help to the mind of
another. How did He say? "In a more convenient season I will
hear thee"? Those things that make for the putting off become
a joy never fulfilled. Use, then, the experiences from day to day
as the basis, and these will Grow Under Thine Very Effort;
surprising even to self as to the joy that comes from same, and
gradually taking shape to become a joy to self and blessings to
others. Then give of that which thou obtainest within self to
others, in aiding them who are sorrowful, aiding those who are
fearful, in assisting those that find the way of life hard. For
these that come are directed as an opportunity for thyself, for
He hath given, he that saves a soul hath covered a multitude of
errors in self. For: “As ye do it unto the least of these, my
brethren, ye do it unto me”, saith the Lord of hosts!
Helping others: In this, there are always those seeking that we may help, that
may help us; for as we help another does help come to us. Pray
for that friend, that the way through the shadows may be easier
for them. It becomes easier for you.
- Be
Helpful to thy fellow man: Just
because a person doesn't do particular harm to anyone, nor does he
abuse his own person, or lead others astray, doesn't mean that he
is accomplishing much in the earth. If the purpose is that the
individual should glorify God, having an ideal, merely living a
life that does not bring an incentive to someone else to glorify
God is sin, and just as vile in His eyes as one who in lack of
thought or of judgment would err. For this is purposefulness of
self-indulgence. This is not an abuse to the individual, rather as
a warning to make the experiences of the life not only good but
good for something. Keep in the way that is good, but good for
something. In being helpful to thy fellow man. "If
we would bring the best to self and others, we should give of our
best to others". "Speak gently, speak kindly to
those who falter. Ye know not their own temptation, nor the
littleness of their understanding".
day do a kind deed for those who are either shut-in, despondent,
or who have lost hope. Create within that environment for such
that which is the true spiritual attitude. Just being gentle,
patient, showing brotherly love, leaving off resentments, will
bring much bettered conditions to each individual. Just
being kind and patient with others. Don't find fault with others,
with yourself or with circumstances, and you will find that the
spirituality will bring the health and material things in more
active forces in the experience. Do that.
Radiating Help for
Others: Keep that up as ye taught then, and much in the
material things may be added unto thee. Use them wisely. For
whatever is thine in the earth, in any ability, whether of the
material things or of the mental, they are lent thee of the Lord
- that ye may use them for making the world better. Whether thy
abilities are applied in music or in art or in any direction,
let it be in that direction of making the world better because
of thy use of same. So, whether ye be a teacher, a minister, do
it in the Lord - and ye may add more harmony and peace in thy
life. Keep peace within thine own heart, not to the exclusion of
that prompted by thy conscience, but know that the Lord liveth
and that He requireth of thee the using wisely of that lent
thee, even as indicated in the parable of the talents. For many
are in thine hands and the Lord loveth a cheerful giver, not
merely of self, not merely to others. Help others to help
themselves, rather than giving that which makes them poor
Hinder -
Belittle not those things that hinder. These are a part of thy
cross, of that necessary; else He, according to His promise, would
not allow these to be a part of thy awareness.
For, know; as He hath given: "Lo, I am with thee always, even unto
the end." This is not a mere saying, but an awareness which one may
find through that attuning
through meditation, through prayer, through the opening of self for
direction by Him.
Holy Word - Minimize rather than magnify disagreements in every organized group
for the teaching of the holy word. For know that these in their true
spiritual meaning are unchangeable.
For God is one Lord, and the Christ is the same, yesterday, today
and forever.
There may be different channels of approach, yes. For not all
peoples walked in the field when the wheat was ripe. Neither did all
stand at the tomb when Lazarus was called forth. Neither were they
all present when He walked on the water, nor when He fed the 5,000,
nor when He hung on the Cross. Yet each experience answered, and
does answer to something within each individual soul-entity. For
each soul is a corpuscle in the body of God. And when differences
arise in a body, where corpuscles are at variance to a common
purpose for all, sin enters, and death by sin, to whatever may be
that group, that organization, that is stressing differences rather
than the coordinating channels through which all may come to the
knowledge of God.
Honest - Be honest with yourself if you're not with anyone else! Don't keep
fooling yourself.
Hope - Know
in Whom thou has believed, and know He is able to keep that
committed unto Him against any experience that may arise in thine
life. As the love, the counsel, then though trials, though
temptations, though those things that would beset arise, know that
all may be placed in His keeping; and Do Not belittle self nor
self's associations with that that enables self to gain the
greater control over self, individuals or circumstances as may
arise in thine own experience; for with those things that arise. He gave: "As ye overcome the little things are there
given the greater tasks to be done." Be kind, gentle,
affectionate, one toward another, in love preferring one another,
as He gave, and that peace that comes even from His own hand will
be thine own lot. In service for others His strength may
flow through thine own body, for others; for, as He gave thee
power unto others, so was it given unto thee that those whom thou
asketh, seeketh, aideth, may know that the Redeemer liveth, and
His power is manifest in thine own actions. Do those conditions,
even as of old, when being railed upon or spoken about, make for
those things that hurt or hinder, in Him these may be cast aside,
Not of self! Remembering there are many conditions to be met.
Keeping, then, in the light, is that way, that manner, that
greater spiritual, greater insight, greater knowledge, greater
patience, greater love, may be shown day by day. A life is
not builded in a moment. Neither is one act, one deed, the result
of a Moment's experience; rather the growth, as has been given,
is in that of a life spent in service one for another. Make thine
self Glad in Him, and that joy as comes from others: "Lord,
Others, May I lose myself in service for others. Even as Thou did
give thine own heart's blood that Others might know the Father's
face, so may I give mine own body, mine heart, that Others may
know Thee!" For God has not purposed or willed that any soul
should perish, but purgeth everyone by illness, by prosperity, by
hardships, by those things needed, in order to meet self.
Humble - Seek not then for glory of self.
Remain humble. Do the biddings for an ideal, if ye would gain and
have peace and harmony in thy experience.
I Am -
Know first and
foremost, as has been given, that the Lord thy God is One! Then
know, too, that thyself is one, thy ego, thy I Am. Thy
purposes, then; thy heart and thy life must be a Consistent
thing! For if thine eye be single (the I Am; that is, the
purposes, the desires, and ye work At It!), then thy Whole Body
is full of light.
But if ye are attempting to have thy physical body doing just as
it pleases, thy mental body controlled by "What will other
people say?" and thy spiritual body and mind shelved only for
good occasions and for the good impressions that you may make
occasionally, there Cannot be other than confusion!
These as given are not merely sayings; they answer to that which
has been and is thy turmoil in the present. Look Within! For if
there is trouble in thy mind, in thy body, in thy spirit, or
purpose, or mind; sin lieth at that door.
I Am
Presence: The I Am Presence, or the God-Presence within, that is
all-knowing within self, is as set forth by Him, in the 14th,
15th, 16th and 17th of John; that it, the I Am, must be
motivated BY the Father, God. Even as He gave, "I in thee, I in
the Father, that ye may be glorified, that ye may Know All that
has been, for ye were with me, From The Beginning." Hold to that
which the God-within directs, that is a manifestation even as
the water activity, it answers to that within that keeps,
creates that balance; that answers to the manifestations of that
His experience in the earth means to the whole of they that take
hold upon God to Do His will in the earth!
Ideal -
What, then, is this as an ideal?: Ought these things so to be, according to thy ideal.
Then, the more important, the most important experience of any
individual entity is to first know what Is the ideal,
spiritually. As concerning thy fellow man, He gave: "As ye would
that others do to you, do ye even so to them", take no thought,
worry not, be not overanxious about the body.
For He knoweth what ye
have need of. In the place thou art, in the consciousness in
which ye find yourself, is that which is Today, Now, needed for
thy greater, thy better, thy more wonderful unfoldment.
But today Heat His voice: "Come unto me, all that are weak or
that are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest from those
worries, peace from those anxieties." For the Lord
loveth those who put their trust Wholly in Him. This, then, is
that attitude of mind that puts away hates, malice, anxiety,
jealousy. And it creates in their stead, in that Mind is the
Builder, the fruits of the spirit, love, patience, mercy,
long-suffering, kindness, gentleness. And these, against such
there is no law. They break down barriers, they bring peace and harmony, they
bring the outlook upon life of not finding fault because someone
"forgot," someone's judgment was bad, someone was selfish today.
These ye can overlook, for so did He. In His own
experience with those that He had chosen out of the world, if He
had held disappointment in their leaving Him to the mercies of
an indignant high priest, a determined lawyer and an unjust
steward, what would have been Thy hope, thy promise today?
For He, though with the ability to destroy, thought not of such
but rather gave Himself; that the Creative Forces, God, might be
reconciled to that pronouncement, that judgment. And
thus mercy, through the shedding of blood, came into man's
Then, wherein does
the mind function?: To use that thou hast in hand!
What need is there for a better body, save to serve thy fellow
man the better? For he that is the greatest among you is the
servant of all. This is not only referring to those who teach,
to those who minister, to those who wait on this, that or the
other influence, but to each and every soul, and to every phase
of the soul's activity in a material world! Then, as to
body and to mind both, purify same, cleanse same in the light
of those things that He has given. for He is the way, He is the
light. Practice then in thy daily experience, and thy
associations with thy fellow man, charity to all, love to all;
finding fault with none; being patient with all, showing
brotherly love and brotherly kindness. Against these there Is no
law! And ye who have put on and as ye put on these, by the
application of them in thy dealings with thy fellow man, ye
become free of the laws that are of body or of mind; for ye are
then conscious of being one With the Creative Forces that bring
into the experience and consciousness of all the love of the
Father for the children of men. And it is only as ye deal
with thy fellowman that ye show forth His love. For as ye do it
unto the least of these, thy brethren, ye do it unto thy Maker.
Analyse self: Thus the injunction to analyse self, to
set down the ideals and ideas, to know what you believe and who
is the author. Hence the injunction to be mindful of
judgments and to be just as patient with others as you want
others to be with you. Be as forgiving to others as you want
others to Be forgiving to you. For unless you would forgive thy
brother, that you see and know in the flesh, how may ye expect
thy heavenly Father to forgive, whom you have never seen, or
may ever see, unless ye prepare the way here and now. Then, do
things not to be seen of men but to be seen and judged of God.
For His judgment and His justice is right. First, analyze self
in the light of those experiences thou hast had, that thou dost
have almost from day to day. In the light of that thou settest
as thine standard, as thine ideal, as thine measuring stick in
the spiritual things. For the spiritual life is the motivative
force in the experience of an entity, a soul, in its sojourn
through a given experience; and the same throughout whatever
sphere of activity in which the entity or soul may find its
conscious movement or activative force. It is what one does
about what it knows, not how Much it knows, but how well it
applies that it does know, in relation to its fellow man, that
makes for the bringing of peace and harmony and understanding
within the experience of self. For as ye mete to others, so must
it be meted to thee. For each soul must See its own self in that
it does to and for its fellow man. So if it sows those things
that make for the seed of righteousness, then development and
harmony and joy are the result, or the flower and the seed
thereof. If activities are sown that make for envy and strife,
these bring disappointments, hardships, misunderstandings in the
experience. For as ye sow, so shall ye reap. Study, then, to
show thyself approved unto that thou hast set, that thou dost
set, as thine ideal. Keep the self, in body, in mind, in intent,
in purpose, in accord with that thou would have others do to
thee; and do ye then so to them.
Analysing self
mentally and spiritually: First you should study well
the ideals and purposes of self as related to self as a whole;
that is, analysing each period of the entity's manifestation in
the earth and what the entity did as respecting the ideals which
were and are a part of the entity's activities in that period
and in the present. For, mental and spiritual guidance
should be related to what an individual entity chooses as its
ideal, and what it will or should do about that ideal, not ideas
but ideals. In choosing and in analysing self and the
ideal, do not merely carry these in mind but put them, as it
were, upon the paper in a manifested form. Write Physical. Draw
a line, write Mental. Draw a line, write Spiritual. Put
under each, beginning with the spiritual, (for all that is in
mind must first come from a spiritual concept) what is thy
spiritual concept of the ideal, whether it be Jesus, Buddha,
mind, material, God or whatever is the word which indicates to
self the ideals spiritual. Then under the Mental heading
write the ideal mental attitude, as may arise from concepts of
the spiritual, in relationship to self, to home, to friends, to
neighbours, to thy enemies, to things, to conditions.
Then write what is thy ideal spiritual, mental, material. What
is the ideal material, then? Not of conditions but what has
brought, what does bring into manifestation the spiritual and
mental ideals. What relationships does such bring to things, to
individual, to situations? Thus an individual entity
analyses itself. Then set about to apply the knowledge ye have
attained, for ye will get ideas and that ideal. Ye may change
them from period to period, as ye study them over.
For as ye apply them they become thy ideals. To be just as
theories they do not belong to thee, they are still theories so
far as thy personal being is concerned. It's the application of
same that counts. What do they bring into thine experience?
These are well if ye will apply them.
If you study it: Hence the great injunction to find in self first the ideals,
spiritual, mental, material; and not just hearsay. Put them down
in black and white. Put them down in the three columns, and
you'll rub them out daily, if you study it, and replace them;
and then find that they all will be in one column. For the Lord,
thy God is one. But put them down. Put names to them. For in
names we give limitations, to set metes and bounds. And as ye
grow, these limitations must be expanded.
Know first that there must be that chosen Ideal: As in the mental there are the ideal activities of the mental
body, as is demonstrated in the daily experience of the entity
in watching and in seeing the minds of individuals open to that
which is an ideal manner of expression. So in the
physical-mental self as there are ideals so there must be in the
mental and spiritual self ideals.
For know first, the image must be in the spiritual ideal before
it may become a factor in the mental self for material
Hence the purposes for which the entity enters this present
experience in the earth, that it may show forth in its dealings
with its fellow man the Ideal manner of meeting not only the
material things that have to do with the body-associations but
also with the mental and the spiritual.
And as has been indicated, and as is known by the body in its
experience, it is not what one knows in an abstract manner but
what one does about its knowledge, its understanding, in a
mental, in a spiritual way and manner, that is to become a
portion of the entity's activity, is that which makes for the
constructive forces in the experience of this entity, in the
experience of every soul.
For a pattern has been given, as the pattern of the Holy One, as
the pattern in a more abstract yet material manifestations of
same in the wilderness. That the body, self, is then indeed the
temple of the living God, that is ideal.
For He, the Maker, the Creator, came into a body, flesh and
blood, that it might be shown man, yea, might be shown the
entity, as to what is the ideal manner to meet every
experience. For as has been given, He was tempted in all points
like as we are, yet without error. Yet He bore in the body the sufferings of the body; want,
loneliness, forsaken; and all that play upon the emotions of
the bodily functions; knowing within self the abilities of self
to by the mere word, by the speaking to the influences,
eradicate these entirely. For it is only meeting self. To apply
self to overcome same, set thine standard. The choice may be in
Him, who has offered, who has given a way for all; that in Him
ye may Know life, may Have life, may have life more abundantly;
more joy, more harmony, more peace.
Is that thy ideal?: If not, why not?
First, know thy ideals: Physical, Mental and Spiritual. And know
the physical result is first conceived in spirit, acted upon by
mind, and then manifested in the material, with what spirit ye
Study to show thyself approved unto that ideal, condemning none,
not even self; but keeping self unspotted from the condemnation
of others.
Do not that in secret that would be questioned in the open. Then the ideal or the
purpose must to the entity become the law. Remember, law is
love, love is law, love is God, love is manifested in material
things, in personal things, in individual things. These must be
accomplished in self; by rule, yes, but know that mercy and
truth and justice and love are the gift of the divine. And you
may only attain the knowledge of such by Being such, manifesting
such, in thy daily walks of life, in thy associations one with
another. Choosing ideal, yes, spiritually, mentally, materially
it must be founded in spirit, to have in same the ability to be
creative or a growing, living thing in thy experience. Remember
ever as the basis of that which thou may choose as thine ideal,
it must be of a spiritual import. For unless those activities
that find themselves manifested in materiality, or even matter,
are of a spiritual import that is constructive in its essence,
the End is confusion. For the mind of a body is both material
and spiritual, and it Is the builder. If the patterns or
outlines are founded in truth and spirituality, the hardships,
fears, doubts and confusions will be taken away, even as the
mist before the noonday sun. Each soul must find its Own
impulse, its Own ideal. As thou hast seen, as thou may apply in
this present experience, when that ideal is set in Him one may
experience that as He gave: "Seek ye the Lord while He may be
found, and All These Things shall be added unto thee". Then,
specifically, make in his material realms those insurances for
the opportunities that the mental life may be strengthened and
broadened by its contacts with the material things that make a
necessity for the preparations of activities in a material
world, but know that all of these must be founded upon the
spiritual side that the life, the experience of thy son, of any
individual, may not weigh heavy upon the body, the mind, the
whole purpose of experience. In the material, then, make for
those assurities, and in the mental and spiritual that the
surroundings in this preparation are founded in truth and in
In the spiritual pattern then for self, as for all, what would
Jesus do?: Under every environ, under every
circumstance, what has been His message to thee?These ye have held fast to, but ye have stood in much the same
position as the young ruler that asked: "Master, what good thing, what Good thing can I do that I may inherit eternal life?"
"Thou knowest the law." "These have I kept from my youth." "One
thing thou lackest yet, sell all thou hast, give to the poor,
and follow me."
Then in thine own self there are the needs to humble thyself
before thy fellow man; not as one ashamed. Because the Master
was humble before the throng, the mockery, the rulers, the
riffraff, and wore the purple robe and the crown of thorns, was
He ashamed of His position?
Then humbleness is not being ashamed but rather as He, Knowing
in self that it is that necessary for God's will to be the
better, the more perfectly, the more truly manifested in thine
own experience! For He hath not willed that any soul should perish, but hath
given even His son as the Pattern, yea, thy brother, Jesus, the
Christ, that ye may know what is the way, what is the manner.
For He is the way, He is the vine, and He abideth in the Father
and ye as the branches abide in Him, as ye Do His biddings.
If thy friend or thy foe smites thee on the one cheek, do ye
revile him because his power and his might is greater than thine?
because through the experiences of life the positions are such
that he is in the more favorable for some material success?
Do ye say, "Lord, Thy Will be done In me, Through me, that I may
be the better channel for the expression of Thy Love in the
earth, And as I forgive them, Father, that would do me harm,
that would humble me, that would make for the experiences to
belittle me, as I forgive them, forgive Thou me of my
Know that even as the Christ, even as the Jesus, had He
withered the hands of those that smote Him because it was in His
power, He could Not be, He would Not be, thy Christ, thy
Saviour, thy Lord! Then as He gave, "Do thou likewise."
These are not in thy experience fables or just trite sayings.
That ye sow, that must ye also reap. Because ye have sown good
deeds and still find that those who would do thee harm
apparently succeed, do ye falter?
Yea, how was His experience when the ten stood afar and cried,
"Lord have mercy upon us, for we are unclean" and He cried, "Go,
show thyself to the priest and ye shall be clean," and in the
going they became clean; yet only 1 of the 10 returned to say
"Thank you, Lord"?
Did He bring the leprosy again upon those for their activity, or
for their forgetfulness? No; rather did He give, "Love those
that despitefully use thee", if ye would know the Lord and His
ways with the children of men.
That thy Lord through thy expression of thy faith in the Divine
has made thee an instrument of teaching and ministering to
others in their search for the way of living, in their search
for the manner of expressions in the material world in a seeking
of knowledge and understanding, then temper that ye give with
the love of the Father in the ways that the Master gave as to
why this or that is done in the relationships with thy fellow
man. And then ye will find not only does the way of life become
rather as He gave,
"Take my yoke upon thee and learn of me, for my yoke is easy and
my burden is light," but if ye by the power of thy own might and
in thy own knowledge and in thy own wisdom force upon those of
thy associations this or that activity, ye have left the power
of God out of thyself and thy purposes become as naught!
For might and power are of the Lord. For no man, no entity, no
purpose in the experience of any soul is existent save by the
grace of God that the earth might become His footstool, and the
dwelling place of Who? Those that are righteous within their own
selves? No; they that have humbled themselves and are faithful
to the trust and
purposes that have been put into their ways, into their
opportunities for being that channel of blessings to someone day
by day. These shall indeed inherit the earth. For they that love
the Lord shall inherit the earth. That ye love, that ye bow to.
For where the treasure is, there the purpose and desires of the
heart are also.
Through thine undertakings, through thine experiences ye have
been and are endowed with an intuition that becomes what ye term
psychic force in thy abilities, in thy powers. If thy soul's
abilities are being expended for the gratifying of a material
desire, they come to naught.
If they are expressed and manifested in such ways and manners as
to be to the glory of the Father, to the understanding of thy
brethren that they may know the love the Father beareth the
children of men, then indeed shall they grow and bring forth
sixty, yea an hundred fold, in what?
"My peace I leave with you - not as the world giveth peace, but
my peace I give unto you", you that Use, you that Apply that
power of God in thyself through thy intuition, yea through thy
soul force, that thy visions, thy dreams, yea thy powers make
thee walk with God! Yet if ye do these for that of lauding or
lording thy knowledge, thy abilities over the humblest, yea the
greatest, yea the vilest of thy acquaintances, ye do so to thine
own confusion, thine own undoing. "When ye call on the
Lord He will answer thee right quickly." Hast thou purged
thyself; thy purposes; thy desires? Are they one with the Lord?
Consider First the Ideal: consider that first which is the ideal, upon which every soul
should rely for the strength, for the understanding as to what
associations, problems, disturbing forces have meant and must
mean - even in one's Own experiences. Consider the
experience of He that in the flesh came as an exemplification of
man's relationship to the Creative Forces, or God, and those
disappointments, those activities that were about that entity,
that soul! how even He was forsaken by those that were so oft in
His presence, that were in the presence of that influence which
shone into the lives, into the hearts and the minds of those who
were aided, who were materially and mentally benefited.
But in all of those confusions, all of those disappointments
that came by the very attempts to fulfil His purpose, He never
faltered. And then we see in the last moments there came
into His own experience that great trial, and He said, "Can ye
not watch one hour? But sleep on, take thy rest, for the day
dawns, and the Son of man must go forth to meet All that Is
disappointment in the hearts of not an individual alone but each
and every soul!" Thus we begin to see what purpose,
desire, Has meant, Must mean, in the hearts of those that have
determined within themselves that, "Others may do as they may,
but for me and my house, we will serve a living God!"
Then the self should take all of these into consideration. Not
that there is not to be considered also that failures have
jeopardized the abilities of self or associates to meet the
immediate needs of the material man, have jeopardized much that
appeared to be those channels through which help might be
expected, and the Rights within self even come to naught. But did He fail thee in that hour in the garden? Did He fail in
that hour of trial? Will ye fail those boys, yea those souls,
thy brethren, now? For as He hath given, and as ye may
experience, "As ye do it to the least of thy brethren, ye do it
to thy Maker," who hath given thee abilities in opportunities.
And because of discouragements and because of failures, and
because of heartaches, and because of those things that make men
afraid, will ye turn thy back upon the opportunity before thee,
Then what is the real problem?
Hold fast to that as ye purpose in thy heart, that there Will be
the opportunity for those that are through their own
shortcomings losing, or have lost, sight of their relationships.
Then put on rather the whole armor. Look within self, first.
Clear that doubt of thy association, thy connection with that
divine source, that With which ye may conquer All; and Without
which even all the fame, all the fortune of the age would not
bring that ye have purposed to do into the experience of even
One soul, the relationship of the soul to its Maker and the
Maker's relationship to that created! Hence the necessity for
each entity choosing, or analysing self in such a way and manner
as to know what is the ideal relationship of a soul-entity to
the Creative Forces we call God, as well as an ideal attitude
and activity of a mental being that would serve or fulfil that
purpose; and, lastly, there should be the ideal manner of
expression of those phases of the ideals in relationships with
the fellow man.
Thus, as we find the application of self, first, study to know
what is the ideal, not as to what others would be to you, but
what ye would also be to them. What is the ideal relationship of
the Maker to the creature? Is it not expressed in the Son?
What is the ideal relationships of a ruler to his people?
whether he be king or president? There Is evidently an ideal, and it is not founded other than in
the spiritual approach. For that alone that is ideal is
enduring, and only good, as God is enduring.
In that influence, then, may the ideal and truth be set. Hold
fast to that!
Ideal in Human
Relationships: For there is only the one ideal in Human relationships, and that
is as that given by Him who Is the Way, the Truth, the Light:
"Love thy neighbour as thyself." The relationships to the
Creative Forces are as the first portion: "Thou shalt love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart, thy mind, thy body; thy
neighbour as thyself."
This is in keeping with that which was the last commendation to
those who were to be as ministers and emissaries, for those
purposes for which each and every soul was called into material
activity, and that search for which it seeks expression in its
inner self: "A new commandment give I unto you," saith He, "that
ye love one another, even as I have loved you." So long as these are the ideals, so long as these are the
purposes, so long as these are the desires, to give this
understanding, so long will there be growth in soul development.
For we grow in grace by applying grace and mercy, and in
understanding as we try to understand. For it is the try, the
attempt, that is the righteousness of man. Not by any deed or
act, but "by the fruits ye shall know them."
Illness -
For there is the law
of the material, there is the law of the mental, there is the
law of the spiritual. That brought into materiality is first
conceived in spirit. Hence all illness is sin; not necessarily
of the moment, as man counts time, but as a part of the whole
experience. For God has not purposed or willed that any soul
should perish, but purgeth everyone by illness, by prosperity,
by hardships, by those things needed, in order to meet self,
but in Him, by faith and works, are ye made every whit whole.
Increase -
Use that thou hast in hand, knowing that the Increase, whether
of mental, whether of material, is in the hands of the Giver of
all good and perfect gifts, and is not of thine own self; for
God gives the increase; for that law of compensation is but
another expression of that same force: "As ye sow, so shall ye
reap"; knowing that the seed as is sown is as but the activities
of the life itself, and the Results, when they have conceived
and brought into being that which must propagate, as the forces
in nature, or in spirit, or in mind, are those of the Spirit of
the Life itself. Hit, struggle, aim, not against that that would
crush or bind thee; rather accepting same as a Necessary
understanding to come Within thine own experience, that thou
mayest Know the face of the Redeemer better. Hate not thine self
for passing under the rod. Knowest not thou hast merited that
that is builded within thine experience, else thou wouldst Not
be within that confine? for it is Not the will that Any should
suffer, but that all may know the glory Of the Father, even as
all souls had in their beginning. Take, then, that thou hast in
hand. Use that, leaving the Increase in His hands. Then do with
thy might what thy hands find to do, leaving the results and the
increase in the hands of Him who Must give the increase. What
may self do, lest thou be in accord with Him? for as given, if
ye be With God and His righteousness, Who can be against thee?
But if ye go about to present thine own self, how can God be
with thee? Love righteousness, eschew evil. Look upon every
experience as a necessary element in thine Own development,
knowing He will guide thee; for He clotheth the fowls of the
air, the lilies of the field; He is mindful Especially of those
that love His ways. Study, then, to show thyself approved, Each
Day! Do What thou Knowest to do, to be aright! Then Leave It
Alone! God giveth the increase! Thy worry, thy anxiety, only
will produce disorder in thine Own mind! For the application in
self, the Try, the effort, the energy expended in the proper
direction, is all that is required of Thee. God giveth the
increase. Man should learn it is God that giveth the increase.
Man as he labours, as has been given of old, is worthy of his
hire. To take advantage, then, of an employee because of
circumstance, because of surroundings, or for the employee to
take advantage of the employer because of any condition that
arises, must be met in the experience of them all. For it is the
law; and the law shall not pass away until it is fulfilled to
every whit and every tittle in the experiences of each
individual! Hence the warnings given, that there be the building
within self of that as would be not merely an axiom but as a
living experience. For the Lord thy God is a living God. Man's
soul, man's activity, is a living experience. Begin to build
constructively in the beginning, if you would have the success
in all phases of the endeavour.
Individual -
interest in morality, religion, good living, personality. These
should all be approached, to be sure, from individuality; and
the basis of the individuality of an entity must come from its
ideal spiritually. For all is born first in spirit, then in
mind, then it may become manifested in the material plane. For
God moved and the heavens and the earth came into being. God is
spirit. Man with his soul, that may be a companion to the
Creative Forces, is of that same source. Thus to grow in grace
and knowledge, one applies, one has, one uses one's spiritual
self. And with what spirit we apply, we grow also in mind and in
- For as is the hope, the expectancy of an entity, it will be a
conscious entity through eternity. Then it has been a conscious
entity from the beginning, but not aware of those experiences
save as the entity may attune its spiritual abilities and
spiritual activities to the infinite. For an entity finds itself
a body, a mind and a soul, or a body-mind adapted to the
environs of a physical experience in the material earth with
urges latent and manifested, and these urges magnified or
minimized according to the activities of the entity in
relationships to such urges.
But there is no urge from an experience in the earth, or factors
or activities in this material experience, surpassing the will
of an entity. For that will is the birthright of an entity,
making of that entity an individual or its expressed
The individuality is the sum total of what the entity has done
about those things that are creative or ideal in its varied
experiences in the earth.
Just as what an entity may do with its abilities in the present
experience will depend upon what an entity does about that which
it chooses as its ideal in this present experience, and what it
does about such an ideal in dealing with the problems that
concern things, conditions, and individuals.
For each phase of the entity, as the physical body, has
attributes. The mind has physical and spiritual attributes that
may be as one. For the mind is as the Way, the way in which one
uses, the way in which one approaches affinity or purely
materiality according to that the entity does about or uses as
its pattern for its ideal.
The entity has its ideals physically, it has its ideals
mentally, it has its ideals spiritually. Are those ideals
creative? Are they of the divine? These may be best
answered within the entity itself. For what it does about those
ideals, and how sincere it is in such activity, governs what the
future will be.
Influence - If you are in that
position of being an influence: Then know the source
of thy power, thy might. And let the guiding influence in
spirit, in truth, be in the individual activities that may bring
those powers that are as manifestations in Him who is the way,
the truth, the light. Then, let that as may be indicated
here as to the abilities be ever tempered with the spirit of
Christian love, Christian fortitude, Christian faith. Know in
whom ye believe, and the source of the might, the power as may
control or direct those influences. And when the storms
of life come, when doubts and fears and disappointments arise,
know to Whom ye may turn, in Whom thou hast put thy faith, thy
understanding. And know that He is able to keep that which has
been committed unto Him. While ye may not walk
alone, He will walk with thee. Then with those abilities, those
influences, let thy thought and thy purpose ever be as unto the
glorifying of that love he, thy Master, manifested in the
earth. Do thou likewise. For as He gave: "they that give a
kind word, that may become as a cup of water to a thirsty soul,
shall in no wise lose their reward". Gentleness, kindness,
patience: as ye have had to learn, are not hard in Him, only
when ye lose thy hold on His promises! For, as has so oft
been indicated through the promises, the proclamations, the
pronouncements of the saints of old, it has ever been given that
God hath not willed that any soul should perish, but hath with
every temptation prepared a way, a manner of escape. In
the applying of self day by day in every way, that thou Knowest,
that makes a personal application of that thou knowest to do,
without questioning of the morrow; for the Morrow has Its evils
and its goods, sufficient unto self. Today is! Use that
thou hast in hand. So does the awakening come. Even as called by
God to lead a peoples, as was Moses, a shepherd and the flocks
in Moab. Use that thou hast in hand, for the Ground whereon
thou standest is holy! Aid those who may seek to know
how God in his mercies makes known to the seekers of His grace.
Do good to those that even persecute you, that even would laugh
thee to scorn. Give Them at least the opportunity to reject.
For, so did they to His prophets, to His angels, everywhere.
Study first to present self holy and acceptable unto Him. Then
may thy good be not evil-spoken of. Make known thine Own
relations with Him through such understandings as Thou hast
received. As thou seekest, as thou asketh, as thou in
earnest desire to make known thy cause unto those forces, those
influences that may be thine, First convince self; then pass
to others that which has been helpful to thee.
Israel -
See Page
Joyous -
All! For, All have fallen short of the grace of God. And all
need to learn: "As ye do it today to the least of thy brethren,
ye are doing to thy Maker." For in what manner ye measure, it
must be measured to thee again. For ye are His, bought with the
price. But as He, ye must pay every whit, every farthing! For as
He has given, ye must give account for every Idle word. Not that
ye are not to be joyous. For if ye lose that ability to laugh,
ye lose that ability to be joyous. And the religion, the
principle of the Christ-life is joyous!
For, remember, He laughed even on the way to Calvary; not as
pictured so oft, but laughed even at those that tormented Him.
This is what angered them the most. Let thy heart be glad and Joyous
that thou art counted Worthy to be a bearer of truth and life to
thy fellow man. For as ye seek to make manifest that thou hast
gained in thine search, Strength and Understanding goes with
thee. Bear ye one Another's burdens. Make thy life an Open light
to those that would seek to know the truth. For the truth will
indeed make thee free, if ye will follow in the way the Lord
hath opened. For a light must shine Out to the seeking world,
and Thou may light the way. Hold Fast to the faith that has
been, and is, thy safeguard. For the Lord loveth whom He
chasteneth, and shall preserve every one that is faithful unto
the end. Love ye the Lord. Glory in that faith in thy Lord, thy
Master. For He hath set His mark on those that approach Him. And
thou art Indeed under the law of grace and mercy. As ye are
joyous in thine activity, look not upon the trials nor the
temptations as hardships nor as service, but rather as an act of
love that ye may know that glory more and more. Let thy yeas be
yea, and thy nays be nay. Be ye stable in thine seeking and in
thine Application of that ye would show forth as Thy activity,
as a channel of blessing to thy neighbour. Let the light of His
countenance abide with thee.
Let thy prayer be: “Lord, Have Thy Way With Me. Let My Going In,
My Coming Out In Every Experience With My Fellow Man, Be Such
That I May Glorify Thee The More. And May My Walks Before Men,
May My Activities And My Speech Be Such That Others May Know
Thou Hast Walked With Me!”
Be not overcome with the trials and temptations that arise. For
the Lord is in His holy temple. Thou art - thy body is - His
temple. Doth He abide in thee? Keep thy ways before men, not as
in one of long face, not as though the sins of the world were
upon thee! For thy Lord bore these in His body for thee. Then,
bless ye the Lord. And know that His ways are not past finding
out to those that diligently seek to know Him. Be in prayer oft.
Be ye joyous in the walks before men. For the Lord loveth cheer.
See the beauty in the earth, in thy friend, in thy neighbour;
yea, even in those that would speak evil of thee. For as the
spirit of truth moveth through thy words, through thy acts
before men, it Is the spirit of God. Do thy bit, even as the
Lord Giveth thee the opportunity day by day. Let the light of
the Lord in thy daily conversation be more and more in the Joy
of the Lord. Count it not as a cross. For He has borne His
Cross, and He has told thee that His Cross is light and his
burden is easy. Have ye put on the Christ? Let the joy of
service, the joy of opportunity, be as being at-one With Him.
For the Lord loveth him that giveth of his substance, whether of
body, of mind or of purse, freely. Not of thy superabundance,
but of Thy Self! Keep the faith thou hast known. Open thou the
gate for those that seek. For the way is dark to many; the
storms of life are heavy to those that are fearful. Ye may
arouse many to look to the light that saves, In the Christ. Let
the love of God constrain thee. Let thy life be patterned after
that Thou Knowest to do. For the Lord Is, and thou may know His
ways. Will ye seek His light? Hide not from those that
need the light that thou knowest. Thy Lord was not ashamed to
die, even the death of the Cross. Be not Thou ashamed of thy
Lord. The love of the Lord constraineth many. Let His peace be
very nigh unto thee. Let His love keep thee in the way thou
shouldst go. The Lord bless thee; the Lord keep thee and cause
His face to shine upon thee and bring thee peace. The Lord love
thee, even as thou showest forth His light unto thy fellow man.
Love ye one another. The beauty of the Lord is the crowning of
thy service to those that seek His ways. Let His love, His joy,
be Thy joy. For it brings to thee peace and harmony. Let that
thou hast gained in the insight of thine inner self be heralded
as that message of love to those that are seeking, seeking,
seeking! For the Lord Is nigh unto thee, in thy service to thy
fellow man. Keep His ways. Let thy biddings be: “Love ye the
Lord, keep His ways.” As ye approach thine meditation, open
thyself to the consciousness of the I Am Presence, that the Lord
may speak with thee. The Lord love thee! Unto him that hath
shall be given. Keep, then, the faith that ye may be
Strengthened in the Lord. For He Is the way, the truth, the
light. Let those things that would hinder be as naught. For the
Lord knoweth what ye have need of. Live in the light of that
thou knowest. Let the light of His countenance abide with thee.
Let His peace preserve thee. Live ye at peace first with
thyself, with thy neighbour, with thy God.
Judaism and
Christianity - Hast thou not tried both?
Hast thou not found that the Essence, the truth, the Real truth is
One? Mercy and justice; peace and harmony. For without Moses and
his leader Joshua (that was bodily Jesus) there Is no Christ.
Christ is not a man! Jesus was the man; Christ the
messenger; Christ in all ages, Jesus in one, Joshua in another,
Melchizedek in another; These be those that led Judaism! These be
they that came as that child of promise, as to the children of
promise; and the promise is in thee, that ye lead as He has given
thee: "Feed my sheep."
Leader Joshua: The patient Joshua, the one who followed
closely in the way that would give to the individual (who would
study) the life and interpretation of the Son of man. These in the
earth activity were much alike (Joshua and Jesus) not as
combative, as in the warrings, but in spirit and in purpose, in
ideals, these were one. Thus may ye use the Son of man,
Jesus, the Master, as the ideal in the present, and find a new
meaning, if there is the studying and the paralleling of the life
of Jesus and of Joshua. Then study to show thyself
approved unto thy ideal, a workman not ashamed rightly dividing
the words of truth, and keeping self from condemnation, of others
or of self.
Judge -
to any individual, who is to judge his brother? As given of old:
"Judge not lest ye be judged." Who are ye to judge what the
other would do? Hast thou been in the same position, in the same
place? Are thine own purposes and desires pure? Then, do not
judge your brother!
"Judge not if ye would be not judged; for with what measure ye
mete it shall be measured to you again."
within thine own self judge ye not of others, lest ye be also
judged likewise. Rather keep thine own skirts clean, knowing that
in Him ye live and move and have thy being; as does each soul as
it manifests in the earth. Who is to judge his brother? Keep
thy humour. Keep the thinking well of self, but as well of thy
neighbour. Study to show thyself approved unto thy ideal. Learn
and know what is thy ideal, spiritually, mentally, materially.
Know in Whom ye have believed, as well as in what ye believe. Know the author of thy tenets, of thy faiths, of thy
hopes, yea, of thy fears; studying to show thyself approved unto
same, condemning none. Who, then, is thy Lord? Know Him as thy
Personal Saviour, if ye would find thyself. Judge not that
ye be not judged, and remember the law that is so similar, "As
ye sow ye reap", not only materially but mentally and
In judgment, as in
mental self, it must be exacting, but no more exacting of others
than of self, and no more exacting of self than of others. For,
know, with what measure ye mete to others ye are measuring to
thy Maker, God. Know that all the creative force ye may become
aware of is within thine own self. For, as thy body is indeed
the temple of the living God, there He has promised to meet
Temper all of thy judgments with mercy: Judge only as ye
would be judged. For, remember the prayer is ever; "Lord,
forgive, even as I forgive others." For, without that tempering,
there is little conviction as to the need of patience. For that
which we hope for with patience we wait on the Lord. Be still,
oft, if one would see His glory. Find thy self, and know thy
ideal may be set in Him who has said that there is no death to
those who believe in Him as the resurrection.
What is judgment?:
With what judgment shall ye be judged? Law is love; Love is law.
Judgment is weighing love, law, according to the intent, the
purpose of the activity in its relationships to thyself and to
the force that impelled same. A weighing of evidence in an
activity; as Law is that through which, by which, in which all
are judged.
For what was the
judgement, what Is judgement, what will ever be the judgement?:
They that deny that He hath come in the flesh are not worthy of
acceptation. They that give thee that which is not helpful,
hopeful, and patient and humble, and not condemning any, are not
worthy! This is thy judgement.
Dogmatic law or
judgement: Judge not that ye be not judged, and remember the law that is so
similar: "As ye sow ye reap", not only materially but mentally
and spiritually. For, as one does to
others is the measure of greatness or goodness towards the
Creative Forces. Remember, the judgments of man are ever very
uncertain. The sureness in the judgments of the Father are in
helpfulness to others, to self.
Judgements: But in the judgements
keep those rather as to make for that which is from a
purposefulness that is constructive in the experience of each
soul. For remember, it should be not Thy judgements but the
Lord's! For who hath made thee a judge? Yet thy experiences
having made thee one, keep same in directing and in a helpful
way and manner. "And He took a little child and sat it in the
midst of them and said, 'Lest ye become as a little child, ye
shall in no wise enter in." He that the Lord hath blessed shall
never lose his hold upon that strength that His might gives to
those who seek to know His way! Bring ever in the experience of
each soul, the awareness that He, thy Lord, is in His holy
temple, and ye may meet Him there!
Karma - We
must experience the same things we have done to other people. This
which we call Karma, can happen either during the present life
time, or during future incarnations. This law, this truth is
applied to all.
Keeper -
Keeper of His Own Vineyard: Each individual must be, and is, the keeper of his own vineyard.
For there is, as from the beginning, in each entity that, of
the Father, or the First Cause, that enables one to make
manifest even in the material world through the attributes OF
the First Cause, that makes for the manifestation OF that power,
or force, in a material world. As to what one does With same is
an action of the will that entity himself, or herself.
Kingdom of Heaven -
See page
Knowledge -
It is not the knowledge,
then, but what one does with one's abilities, one's
opportunities in relationships to others, that makes for the
development or retardment of that individual.
For life in its manifestations through which the soul of an
entity or body may manifest Is purposeful, and that the
individual, the soul may find its way through the vicissitudes
of experience in materiality, that it may know its God.
For He manifested in flesh that the evil forces, as manifest in
the relationships of individuals as one to another, may be
eradicated from the experiences of man. For know, all
that the entity may know of law, of God, of relationships,
already exists in the consciousness for the entity to be made
aware of same. Then, for this information to become knowledge or
understanding there must be the application of self to those
sources of material knowledge but with the faith and trust in
universal knowledge. For as indicated by the lawgiver (Moses),
think not who will descend from heaven that ye may hear or know;
think not who will come from over the sea that a message may be
brought; for lo, it is within thine own self. For the mind and
soul is from the beginning. Thus there is to come within the
entity's own consciousness the awareness of how the application
is to be made.
Knowledge is power if there is the wisdom to apply it in the
direction that brings the fruit of the spirit or the seed
thereof. For, what the individual sows, that must it also reap.
Then, let that mind ever be in thee as ye have manifested oft in
thy experiences in the earth. There will come the experiences to each (who seeks, in
truth), during the study as in the preparation of the lesson,
unusual experiences; to each according to your own attunement.
To each has been given, ponder these well within thine own heart
before giving expression even of same to others. Meet with thy
Master as respecting same. He has promised to guide, to guard,
to direct thee in thine uprisings, in thine downsittings. For to
each many experiences will come. In the study of data as
respecting Knowledge, this question in the present, presents a
threefold manner: secular knowledge; worldly knowledge;
individual application, the interpretation of self of the
knowledge of the body, the knowledge of the mind, the knowledge
of the spiritual forces. May to each it come, then, as was given
by him who would reason, would help, would direct you through
these experiences; not instead of thy Master, the Christ, but as
the beloved of Him in the earth; that ye may be one in mind, in
purpose, that the day of the Lord may draw nigh unto each, and
that ye may have the greater love, the greater patience one with
the other. For His mercy, His patience, endureth forever, and ye
would be like Him if ye would know Him, if ye would be His. As I
gave, then, that we have received, that we give, God is a God of
Knowledge. For He judgeth man by his activities. He Is light,
and in Him is no darkness at all. Dwell ye then in the light as
ye study to show thyselves, each, approved unto God; a workman
not ashamed of those things that bespeak thy sincerity, thy
earnestness, in the study of the knowledge of thy God.
Remembering this; The first Don't was: "Thou shalt not eat of
the tree of the knowledge concerning good and evil, for in the
day thou eatest thereof thou shalt Surely die."
In this beginning, then, must we undertake to give that concept
that man has so long, it seems, appeared to make become as
ridiculous in the eyes of the Maker; flaunting his knowledge of
things that be, that always have been. Yet man in his greed, in
his own selfishness, has set himself so oft at naught by the
very foolishness of his own wisdom. For the soul had
understanding before he partook of the flesh in which the choice
was to be made. (Genesis 11:4) The choice, or the road, or the
path, once taken, then the end thereof was (and is) tribulation,
toil, misunderstanding. And this expression came into such
measures that there arose the periods when man came as One and
said: "We will Build, we will go to now and make those
conditions that will prevent any such confusion again among
And then came the diversity of tongues and confusion arose. For
the very selfishness of man had brought this confusion, this
defiance to a God of love, of mercy, of patience, in such a
measure that He gave that expression: "There is nothing beyond
the scope of man's ability unless he misinterpret his brother's
words." Then come ye now, beloved of Him, and know that, as
before ye entered into materiality, ye were at-one with Him; but
ye have made thy choice, ye Are aware of those experiences
brought about in the confusions of thy dealings with thy fellow
man. Know that true knowledge is God, and as ye judge thy fellow
man, as ye judge thy brother, ye are Assuming the offices of the
Lord Himself. Did thy Master (and mine) judge any man? Rather
did He give: "Peace be with thee, peace I give unto thee."
Even when His brethren sought that He might condemn the
activities of those that gathered not with His group, what said
He? As given by the prophets even of old: "Who hath taught the
Lord judgment?" With whom did He counsel? Yea, as is written
there, as I gave to you: "Without Him there was nothing made
that was made. The Word Was Knowledge, and the Word was made
flesh, and the Word dwelt among men" , that they, too, might
know that in the Humbleness, in the Humbling, in the Subduing of
self they (ye) might know their (thy) God. For God Is Knowledge,
and as He gave: "Judge them not", for they that be for us are
above those with their own Wordly wisdom. They Shall excel for
the moment, but dost thou grudge their excellence even for
naming the name? Dost thou make to thyself such a condemning
that ye become rather worse than they? These, then, be the
Spirit, be the manner, be the purposes within thy heart, thy
mind, beloved. Empty thy minds, Empty thy hearts of all that
thou hast held that is of a secular nature, if ye would know the
True Knowledge of thy God. For as ye hold to those things, to
those conditions, to those experiences, yea to those ideas that
have formed concepts that ye should not do this, ye Should do
that, ye should make this, ye should lend that, these are but
barriers if ye would know the true knowledge of Why, of How thy
Brother, thy Lord, thy Master, came into the earth; and what He
would have thee do with that which may be poured out to thee in
thy seeking. For as has been said of old, if the Lord be with
One, He shall put ten Thousand to flight. What, then, will Ye
do? Ye Are as lights unto many. What is Thy choice? The tree
that is of knowledge is before thee. Thy choice in the heart of
each is to be made. Remembering His mercy, remembering His
prayer as He gave: "Yea, Father, that they may be one, even as I
and Thou art one, that the world may know that Thou didst Send
me." - John 17:21
Wilt thou choose then, wilt thou not come as He has chosen each
of you, to be a light to those that sit in darkness? Thus He may
through thy feeble efforts (as they appear to thee, though in
the power of His might they may) move mountains of doubt and
fear in the hearts of those that are crying, crying that they
may know the Lord, that they may understand the knowledge of
God. For the way is open, even to thee, my beloved. Faint not
for doubts that arise. For He, thy Saviour, is thy strength, is
thy power, yea Thy Knowledge, if ye will but Empty thyselves of
those secular forces that have made and do make for differences
between ye even in thine own meetings. Let the love that He has
shown, that He would pour out to thee, be sufficient unto thee.
Not in the trust of self, not in the awareness that thou art
naked before thy God, but rather in the promises that He hath
given: Love the Lord; Eschew evil; be kind to thy fellow man.
Not some great deed! For art thou able to stand the
disappointments even of thy secular life without doubting thy
brother, thy loved one, thy neighbour? Let the strength of His
might make thee strong in purpose, in desire; that the knowledge
of the Father in the Christ, thy Brother, may be known to thee,
to thy neighbour, to thy brethren Everywhere! Keep the faith
that sustains thee in the love of God.
Knowledge without the practical ability to apply same may become
sin. For, it is knowledge misapplied that was the fall, or the
confusion, in Eve. The manner to make same practical; that
knowledge ye have gained in not only watching but aiding in the
unfoldment of their minds. Do not put off questions asked too
long to be answered. And have an answer when the question is
Knowledge of the Father:
Has the choice been made within self that ye have as an
individual emptied self of those petty malices, those set ideas
as to this or that, and are ready to open thy mind, thy heart,
to the true Knowledge? For Knowledge is power; and all force,
all power, emanates from the one source. Has thy mind been able,
then, to be empty and ready for that which may be given each?
Thus ye as individuals may be awakened to the influence of the
love of the Master that Cleanses, that makes pure, that brings
within thine own experience the Knowledge of the Father as thy
God, thy stay, in whom ye may indeed trust. For His promises are
sure, and the Knowledge of these promises being thine, not
someone else's, may indeed be experienced. Not that thou art the
judge of thy brother, of thy neighbour, of any purpose; but that
ye as true sons and daughters of the Father are willing, are
ready to receive Him as thy guide, thy understanding.
For thou art His:
Hath He not said: “Are not two sparrows sold for a
farthing?” Doth He not give to those that ask? And yet ye in
thine little understanding, in the weakness of thy Knowledge of
man, of thy brother, of the worldly conditions about thee, trust
rather in circumstance, in favours, in this or that in thine
experience rather than in the Knowledge that: "I am Thine, and
Thy Son's promise has been that, what I ask in His name, that
will be done in my experience; that experience necessary that I
be one with Him".
This then is True Knowledge:
Not that the understanding of what the world terms Knowledge
is that cause and effect exist, that there is this or that law
in effect, this or that experience that comes into the affairs
of individuals that brings this or that effect into the
experiences of others. Are not the interpretations of these laws
in essence a comprehending of the true Knowledge of the Love the
Father hath for His children? Those that accredit same to other
forces, or of nature, or of this or that influence in the
experiences of man and say that these are natural because they
follow as the day follows the night, and that these have existed
from time immemorial and consequently remain, are becoming much
as he whom the Master gave as an example, that he was the simple
one, the fool, for: "This night thy soul will be required of
thee." What then cometh of thy barns, of thy store of riches, of
thy power, of thy money, of thy position, of thy exalted place;
yea, even of thy good name, lest it be that having been in the
true Knowledge thou hast been indeed a channel that hath opened
the eyes of those that had been dimmed by the vicissitudes of
life that brought fear and distrust; lest thou hast brought to
others a Knowledge, an understanding in thy daily life, in thy
daily dealings with thy fellow man, that: "First seek the Lord
while He may be found, and all these things will be added unto
thee in their order, in Their place, in Their time." Because of
the worldly knowledge, then, many have become faint, many have
fallen away. What saith He to you who have emptied yourselves of
traditions, who have emptied yourselves of malice, who have
emptied yourselves of hate? Encourage those that are weak,
strengthen the fainthearted; in These be the true knowledge; in
these be the perfect understanding that His ways, thy God's ways
are not past finding out, if ye will but seek him while He may
be found. In the knowledge of the mental life, that this or that
experience through thy association or activity has come to thee,
does this bring thee peace, or confusion? Doth this bring
harmony, or does it bring strife?
By its fruit ye shall know whether it be the true Knowledge of
God or not:
For ye gather not figs from thistles; neither doth there
spring living waters from those that are dried or dead within
themselves to the true Knowledge of the living water. These be
the influences that true Knowledge is that those correct
interpretations of experiences, other than thine own, are what
hath it wrought in the experience of those that apply same in
their dealings with their fellow man day by day. Not whether it
has brought riches or fame, or those things that are even
well-spoken of by those of the world, but has it made in the
experience of the individual a better neighbour, a kindlier
friend, a more long suffering one with those that would hinder?
Doth it bring patience? Doth it bring love in any manifested
form? This shows as to whether the true Knowledge is manifested
in the experience of any individual. So in applying this in
self, if that ye have heard, that ye have seen, that ye have
experienced, that ye have pondered in thine heart makes of thee
a better father, a better mother, a better friend, a better
neighbour, more gentle with those that are cross, more loving to
those that are dishonest, more patient with those that storm
here or there, then ye are experiencing the true Knowledge of
the Father. If it has brought not this, if it brings not in
thine own experience the fruits of the Spirit, then it is not of
God; neither is it countenanced by thy Brother, thy Saviour, who
prayed that He might, that ye might, that all men everywhere
might be of the one mind In God! What was the confusion? That
there was the misinterpreting, the selfish motive, the lack of
understanding. These brought confusion, but the true Knowledge
is: "not of myself but the Father that worketh in me and through
me." It is the knowledge that maketh alive, that maketh not
afraid, that meeteth each day with the love of the greater
opportunities, that maketh for the meeting of each ache, each
pain within thine own body with that fortitude that makes for
the removal of same through the Knowledge that He is God of the
weak, of the great, of the lowly, of those that are in power, of
those that are oppressed. And He heareth the voice of those that
cry unto Him. What art thou doing about removing the
oppressions, about giving an understanding to those that are in
power as to the source from whence they obtained same? and as to
what is in store for those that forsake His ways day by day?
This is Knowledge, that ye show Thyself approved unto that
which is set in Him that hath shown thee the pattern, that hath
made the way straight; that those who seek Him may not be
confused therein, that they who love His coming will just act as
those that are in close communion with Him from day to day.
Love one another:
This is Knowledge, that ye love one another, that ye show
forth in thy dealings with thy fellow man day by day that thou
carest, thou understandest, thou art willing to take a portion
of the burden of those that are so heavily burdened with the
cares of life, the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of
riches; that thou art willing to aid those in distress, thou art
willing to feed those that are hungry, not just materially. For
the world is crying for that Knowledge. It is opened to thee
that have made the choice that ye will empty thyselves of those
little differences that breed hate, contempt; and those things
that Hurt and Hurt in thy dealings with thy fellow man. Forgive,
if ye would be forgiven. That is Knowledge. Be friendly, if ye
would have friends. That is Knowledge. Be lovely, if ye would
have the love even of thy Father; for He is love. This indeed be
this: "Though
the body-desires may be many, and the impartial life is as that
which must meet the needs of the material body, their Inception,
my children, must be in the Spirit; else they turn to clay in thy
characteristics one needs to improve to help one live more fully
each day?: The
little niceties of self, as ye like to see in others. Practice all
you preach. Never ask anyone to do that you don't do yourself. Do
the things that bespeak of thy body, of thy mind, being a channel
to the glory of God ever. Thinking of thy words, thinking of thy
activities, thinking of thy thoughts about others as being
messengers, as being channels, as being those things (which if
crystallized into things) would be blessings to someone. Thus thy life will
grow more beautiful; you will become more necessary. It is when
one realizes one's need, and the need in others, that self is able, through the grace of God, to supply; through becoming the more
humble and selfless. Thus may the light of the
Christ-Consciousness shine through. Then one becomes great
indeed. For even as thou in the pattern before this mourned; while
as a pattern, He mourned with those who wept and rejoiced with
those who rejoiced. Do thou likewise, for His sake.
Know Thyself -
That even as was
given of Him, the teacher: Know Thyself and thy relationships to
thy fellow man and thy Creative Forces that are within and
without, as These may be applied in the relationships of
individuals in Every walk of life day by day! For what
preserves the equanimity of the earth today? The same as did in
that illustration recorded in how Abram or Abraham pled for the
cities; if there be found forty just men; lo, if there be found
even thirty, or ten, those have held, these do hold,
opportunities open for others. In the associations of
individuals as may be combined for the carrying on of commerce,
trade, a union of power, of capital for that to prepare and to
make for the better conveniences for man's indwelling, take hold
rather ever on those things that pertain not to self-indulgences
or self-aggrandizements in such groups, but build in those
activities with the associations of groups those things that
preserve, that have indeed been pointed out to be the fruits of
the Spirit; namely, peace, harmony, brotherly love, longsuffering,
patience. These are those things that make for more and more of
that which is indeed the whole law; to love God, eschew evil, and
think of thy neighbour as thyself. And when these are kept
in the experiences as the basic influences in the activities of
any group or association, or state or any nation, God giveth the
increase; God prospereth those that love His ways. For
the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, "the silver
and the gold is mine, saith the Lord, and the cattle on a thousand
hills." Yea, and if ye will but make thyself as a channel
that in the experience of man maketh for the Knowledge that these
are the basic influences, saith the Lord, "I will open even
the windows of heaven to pour a blessing upon such." These
be the promises, these be the experiences of those that so live,
that so construct in the associations of others that each man,
each group, each nation is considered as a part of the whole and
has been and must be given the ability, the opportunity, to
manifest his or its abilities, functions in same. For in
the heart of man is written, by his application in the experiences
with his fellow man, that which he hath done about the knowledge
of the Lord. The Condemnation then comes within self. The
Lord hath not willed that any soul should perish, that any should
want, that any soul should worry.