“For many generations…they obeyed
the laws and loved the divine to which they were akin…they
reckoned that qualities of character were far more important
than their present prosperity. So they bore the burden of their
wealth and possessions lightly, and did not let their high
standard of living intoxicate them or make them lose their
self-control… But when the divine element in them became
weakened…and their human traits became predominant, they ceased
to be able to carry their prosperity with moderation. O Solon,
Solon, you Hellenes are but children. [...] There is no old
doctrine handed down among you by ancient tradition nor any
science which is hoary with age, and I will tell you the reason
behind this. There have been and will be again many destructions
of mankind arising out of many causes, the greatest having been
brought about by earth-fire and inundation. Whatever happened
either in your country or ours or in any other country of which
we are informed, any action which is noble and great or in any
other way remarkable which has taken place, all that has been
inscribed long ago in our temple records, whereas you and other
nations did not keep imperishable records. And then, after a
period of time, the usual inundation visits like a pestilence
and leaves only those of you who are destitute of letters and
education. And thus you have to begin over again as children and
know nothing of what happened in ancient times either among us
or among yourselves. As for those genealogies of yours which you
have related to us, they are no better than tales of children;
for in the first place, you remember one deluge only, whereas
there were a number of them. And in the next place there dwelt
in your land, which you do not know, the fairest and noblest
race of men that ever lived of which you are but a seed or
remnant. And this was not known to you because for many
generations the survivors of that destruction made no records.'
[Spoken by a priest of Egypt]” - Plato in "Timaeus"
A New Order, A New Civilization,
A New Way of Life
"It is generally
conceded by those who are students in the Christian faith, as
well, as in many other phases of spiritual evolution, that there
is the expectancy of:
A New Order, A New Civilization, A New Way of Life, of
Community, of Living, or a fulfilling of or a return to those
activities that may bring about the time for that redemption of
the world.
In a return, or in an acknowledgement, of that as the basis of
the individual instruction or direction.
The Order of the Good News in its useful purpose, has that which
is to be given to others, an insight as to what, and how there
was the physical, mental and spiritual attitude of the Essenes,
those who expected, thus prepared, as to how the Essenes so well
acted their part, and yet not becoming known in that presented.
The Order possesses the knowledge of the first foundations of
the prophets as established, or as understood from the school of
prophets by Elijah; and propagated and studied through the
things begun by Samuel. The Order of the Good News as an
organization shall serve to enable individuals, and groups to so
prepare themselves as to be channels through which the more
perfect way may be seen.
The individual preparation is the first purpose of the work of
the Order. The being sent out into the world is the secondary
purpose of the Order.
Social Cohesion is the Foundation of any Progressive Society.
The Fifth Civilization
The present
civilization constitutes the fourth civilization in this planet
Earth. It is the task, the Aim and the Purpose of the Order to
Establish the Foundations in which, by which The Fifth
Civilization shall be raised. For the same shall exist for one
thousand years. After which, it shall not be, and only, (once
again) its
megalithic stone constructions, will remain.
That which has
prevented and does prevent the whole of Civilization becoming a
turmoil is the attempt of those who have the ideals of the
Prince of Peace at Heart!
And as of old, the Prayers of 10 may save a City; the Prayers of
25 may save a Nation - as the prayers and activities of One may!
But in union there is strength.
Then if that purpose would be kept, then it must ever be kept in
mind that we Are our Brother's Keeper!
A New Model of Society &
This present
model of society will fall, in other words it has no future, or
better said its future is one of chaos, confusion, and
ultimately fail, fail in all aspects, not one rather all.
A new model based on a much older model, of which records are
scarce, never the less available and kept in the archives of the
Order will be, and shall be establish.
The Order Seeks To
Establish A New Civilization
A Civilization is
an Attempt of a People or Peoples to Raise Their Individual
Standards Toward An Ideal! That's true Civilization.
The establishing of the Civilization or the turning toward the
One God.
When the peoples were in the stage of high civilization, as
termed, or men and women with the ability to apply so many of
the laws of the universal forces.
To give counsel to others, and to express tolerance, those
things that make for the bigger developments, the finer
developments; or what may be truly called Civilization.
When there is the study of the activities of the Spirit upon the
minds of the young, in their formative years, as there has been
studied the variation in the triad and the sextette, it will
make the proper setting for a Universal as well as a real
individual advancement in civilization.
For the study of man is Man!
The study of the motivating force of Life itself, then, or the
spirit and soul, is to study same.
Not the effects, not that which has been the outcome, but what
has caused same.
To establish a new way and manner; where the activities of a
peoples in a commercial way and manner, in a spiritual way and
manner, may bring a high order of civilization.
The present civilization cause us to not get enough sunshine
vitamin D as nature originally intended.
The tendency to have less sunshine activity, or less activity in
the sunshine, and the taking of more foods that are not close to
nature, thus affecting Health.
For, as is expressed, the love of God as it expresses itself in
the manner of mien of an individual towards his fellow man is
only a practical thing.
So does the earth and its associated activities advance.
So does civilization; so that called brotherly love.
And, as given of old, it is not as to who will ascend into the
heaven to bring him down, or who will go over the sea that we
might know His face or name, but: “Lo, ye will find Him in thine
own heart.”
In thine own mind and thine own expression to thy fellow man, in
doing as has been given: “As ye would that men should do to you,
do ye even so to them.”
The application of kindness. And only are those truly civilized
that have learned to be kind to those that do them good only?
But to those who would intentionally hurt them.
The acceptance of the closer Brotherhood of Man, the Love of the
Neighbour as Self.
“You may or not
be in a position of great power, never the less know that you
each have your part to do.” - The Lord Christ
Lord Lead Thou The Way
I Commit My Body, My Mind, To Be One With
That We May Make Manifest
the Love of God and Man
"And whatsoever
we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and
do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his
commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus
Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. And he
that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him.
And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he
hath given us." - 1 John 3:22-24
Further Develop and Establish a New Civilization by means of:
Establishment of Major Libraries, Establishment of High Learning
Centres, Establishment of a New Field of Science, developed based
on the advancement of Natural Health and the Scientific
understanding of Spiritual Phenomena. Bring an
understanding to the peoples of the application of the spiritual
truths in the affairs of individuals in the earth.
The presenting and the establishing of that as to how the tenets
and truths might be spread into other lands, as to how they
might be an aid to those that were seeking to find a truer
relationship with the Creative influences in the experiences of
Where the activities of a peoples in a commercial way and
manner, in a spiritual way and manner, bring a high order of
For their own development and for the maintaining of those
influences whereunto there might be given greater expression to
the manifestations of the relationships between man and man, and
between the Creative Influences, and how that the application of
a soul to its fellow man Made for manifestation of the spiritual
and soul forces in the earth.
The establishment of the temples, as to the orders, as to the
initiates that aid in establishing the law of Oneness of Christ
our Lord God.
The exemplification of the so-called virtues in man's
activities, there have been brought for the entity developments
mentally, spiritually, in its relationships for its own soul's
activity. For, only by aiding others may the soul within itself
advance for its development towards filling that purpose for
which it came into material experience in the earth. That there
might be manifest in the flesh those things in the mental and
soul body that have been gained throughout the sojourns in the
earth. For, only by
manifested acts that make for a closer relationship of the soul
to that source from which it sojourns, may there come the
consciousness of self, and in self, being at an at-onement
with the Creative Forces or God in the earth.
Yet the greater joy, the greater development may come in making
manifest those virtues that have been manifest in the earth by
the entity in tolerance, in a closer sojourn of the manifesting
of love and patience, and truth, and life, and light; for life
and light are the manifestations of God in the earth. That which has
prevented and does prevent the whole of Civilization, becoming a
turmoil is the attempt of those who have the ideals of the
Prince of Peace at Heart! And as of old, the prayers of 10 may
save a city; the prayers of 25 may save a nation, as the prayers
and activities of One may! but in union there is strength. Then
if that purpose would be kept, then it must ever be kept in mind
that we Are our brother's keeper!
The Establishing of a New Science
For, as long as
there remains those pure in body, in mind, in activity, to the
law of the One God, there is the continued resource for meeting
the needs, or for commanding the elements and their activities
in the supply of that necessary in such relations.

“The earthly
civilization possess a lost civilization. She was superior to
those who followed. The man of that time was "adaptable" to the
great earthly heat as to the great cold of origin. He was
electromagnetic, knew how to be governed by high mathematics and
astral sciences. Even this magnetic man dwells Pluto ice cream,
because as he said, he is "adaptable". - Benjamín Solari
Parravicini, 1960

"The young man of the new idea
arrives and will say = arrives bringing the sight of the blind
man in his hand". - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,

"Civilization, will be extinguished by the thrust of technology
and the reigning mediocrity of peoples.
Two extremes that shall
never find each other, because they didn't understand the
truth." - Benjamin Solari Parravicini,
To Maintain Civilization
Civilization can
only be maintained, if there is the acceptance of the closer
Brotherhood of Man, and the love of the Neighbour as Self.
One of the Order Aim Is To
Establish A Nation Based Upon Practical Christianity on Earth.